Do they take to the army with braces? How to brush your teeth with braces

Do they take to the army with braces? How to brush your teeth with braces
Do they take to the army with braces? How to brush your teeth with braces

In recent years, young people are increasingly diagnosed with diseases of the dentition, provoked by abnormal bite, the arrangement of units in a row. Therefore, today the question is very relevant: “Do they take into the army with braces?”

Young people of military age should be aware of what features orthodontic treatment with fixed structures will bring to their lives, whether they have the right to deferment from military service. We will also talk about oral care while wearing the systems.

Braces Care
Braces Care

When are braces put on?

All medical manipulations in dentistry are carried out according to indications. Orthodontic treatment with braces is recommended for various malocclusion. According to statistics, 40% of people have bite problems, but not all of them are clearly expressed. Therefore, most often people with significant visual defects and those who understand that malocclusion negatively affects the general condition of the body turn to orthodontists for help. Consider the indications for the installation of braces.

  • Abnormal bite.
  • Crowded teeth.
  • Disproportionate development of the jaw arches.
  • Dystopia.
  • Gap between teeth.

All these pathologies not only spoil the aesthetic appearance. Many of them significantly worsen the quality of human life, provoke various complications (disturbance of chewing food, the formation of wounds in the mouth, diseases of the digestive system and even the musculoskeletal system).

how to brush teeth with braces
how to brush teeth with braces

Do they take braces into the army?

Many young men of military age, having installed orthodontic constructions, hope for a reprieve from military duty. However, there is no definite answer to the question, if there are braces, whether they take them into the army or not.

Of course, orthodontic treatment brings many changes to a person's life. In addition, it costs the patient a decent amount. Therefore, I would not want the wearing of braces to be unsuccessful.

Being in a military unit or on field exercises, a person is deprived of the opportunity to properly care for the structure and the oral cavity. Accordingly, this will affect the effectiveness of treatment and the condition of the teeth.

Despite all this, there is no article in Russian legislation that exempts a person from military service due to wearing orthodontic structures. Then how do some conscripts manage to delay their "return of the debt to the Motherland"? We will talk about this in the next section of the article.

Note to recruit

Thinking about whether they take into the army with braces, you need to understand that the decision of the commission depends on the reasons whystructure installed. If the very fact of having a system in the mouth does not give the right to get rid of the cause, then it is worth studying the list of diseases for which this can be done.

Brackets and deferment from the army are interconnected only in two cases. Article 56 of the "List of Diseases" states that with an anomaly of severity 2 with reduced chewing activity (up to 55%), you can count on a delay. In this case, the separation parameters fluctuate within 5-10 mm. Also, an abnormal bite of 2, 3 degrees of severity is considered an unacceptable case, provided that the separation is more than 1 cm.

It is worth noting that non-conscriptive forms of pathologies are visible to the naked eye. Therefore, during the passage of the commission, the dentist will have to send the young man for an additional examination. And only after confirmation of the diagnosis and its severity will the category or delay for the duration of treatment be approved. After solving the problem, the commissariat will again hand over the summons to the conscript.

how to brush teeth with braces
how to brush teeth with braces

Brace care

So, we figured out that the treatment aimed at correcting cosmetic defects is not a reason not to join the army. Only in some cases, members of the commission can provide time for the completion of therapy to the conscript. But this is not due to legislation, but only to the personal opinion of specialists.

Therefore, if a young man with braces still has to go to serve, he must decide whether to keep the construction or whether it would be better to take it off. The fact is that it requires special care. Besidestreatment involves frequent visits to the doctor to correct the system. And, if there is a dentist in the army, then there is definitely no orthodontist.

Now let's look at what devices provide quality care for braces.

  • Orthodontic brush (V-notch).
  • Special brushes for cleaning hard-to-reach places.
  • Mono-bundle brush (indispensable for crowded teeth).
  • Flosses.
  • Mouth rinses.

All these devices and products provide quality dental care and construction. Experts recommend that they be used to prevent the development of caries and other dental diseases.

braces brush
braces brush

How to brush your teeth properly

If you do not get rid of the plaque that accumulates under the structure in a timely manner, this leads to the development of infection, caries. Therefore, it is important to know how to brush your teeth with braces.

  • First, all surfaces are cleaned with a V-shaped brush in a circular motion. It should then slide left and right.
  • Be sure to walk between braces and gums.
  • Thoroughly clean the arc, locks and other hard-to-reach places with a monobrush.
  • In the end, plaque is removed from the tongue, inner sides of the cheeks, lips. The reverse side of the brush is suitable for this, or you can purchase a special scraper.
  • For 2 minutes, rinse the mouth with an antiseptic, anti-caries remedy.

It is worth noting that the hygiene proceduremust be done carefully. Excessive pressure can damage or dislodge the structure. It is especially vulnerable in the first days after installation.

if there are braces, do they take to the army
if there are braces, do they take to the army


Before starting orthodontic treatment, it is advisable to find out whether they take braces in the army in each case. If a delay is not allowed, then it is better to postpone the installation of the structure. After all, the correction of dentoalveolar pathologies is a lengthy procedure that requires special care from the patient and control of the correction process by the doctor. If a guy with braces is still drafted into the army, he must understand that the result may be far from the planned and expected outcome.