The body of each person is subject to the negative effects of viruses. These pathogenic microorganisms cause a surge in various diseases, the peak of which occurs in the spring and autumn periods. And this is not surprising. After all, at this time the body is subject to restructuring due to changes in temperature. If a person has strong immunity, then with a timely and adequate course of treatment, no ailment will pose any particular danger to him. However, often after suffering ARVI, a complication occurs, expressed by bronchitis. And this disease in its course and the course of therapy necessary to eliminate it is quite complicated. Whether bronchitis can be treated at home in adults and children using the recommendations of alternative medicine, we will consider in this article.
General information
What is bronchitis? This is a disease accompaniedthe occurrence of foci of inflammation on the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree, which lines it from the inside. The occurrence of this phenomenon is facilitated by pathogenic viruses and bacteria that penetrate the body. They destroy cells and gradually penetrate deeper and deeper into the tissues of the mucosa. The result of such activity is an increase in the amount of secretion in the bronchi. This substance thickens the walls. At the same time, the lumen of the bronchi narrows.

Sometimes such an inflammatory disease is not at all due to pathogenic microorganisms. It is caused by some irritating factors. They can be chemicals and allergens.
Bronchitis can take many forms:
- Spicy. With this type of disease, the mucous membrane of the bronchi is covered by a sharp and intense inflammation, sometimes passing to the vocal cords and trachea. The patient develops a cough. It is quite frequent and is accompanied by sputum production. In acute bronchitis, the doctor diagnoses swelling of the mucosa. Sometimes there is a violation of the patency of the bronchi and their blockage. The manifestation of symptoms of the disease sometimes resembles its obstructive form.
- Chronic. With this form of bronchitis, its exacerbations are often observed. Periodically they are replaced by remissions. Chronic pathology can be attributed to the complications of the acute form that occurs when it is not completely cured. With such an ailment, the bronchi themselves, as well as the secretory systems, undergo structural changes. In this case, the airways gradually begin to lose their functions. They become incapablecleanse the bronchi and protect them.
- Obstructive. With this form of bronchitis, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, due to which blockage of the airways develops.
Use of folk remedies
Can bronchitis be treated at home in adults and children? Yes, and for this it is worth resorting to the help of folk remedies, of which there are a huge number for this disease.

Plantain is often used for bronchitis. Nature endowed this plant with excellent expectorants. A tincture is prepared from plantain leaves, taking them in the amount of 4 tablespoons and pouring 0.5 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for four hours, filtered and drunk little by little throughout the day.
Eucalyptus and cumin, thyme and St. John's wort, pine buds and fennel are used to treat bronchitis. These medicinal herbs have a remarkable expectorant effect. They are used to make tinctures and solutions for inhalation.
Decoctions of coltsfoot, yarrow, violet flowers and marshmallow root have a qualitative effect on the bronchi.
One of the directions of alternative treatment of bronchitis in adults and children is to improve the state of immunity. To this end, it is necessary to take a syrup made from licorice root, as well as natural mummy and echinacea tincture.

With a tormenting night cough, rubbing the chest with goose fat will alleviate the patient's condition. To consolidate the effect of such a procedurea person needs to put on a warm thing (preferably woolen) and drink a glass of milk, in which honey or raspberries are added.
Effective disposal of bronchitis is possible with the use of mustard plasters. They are placed on the area located in the upper chest close to the throat, and on the calf muscles. The duration of the procedure is until a burning sensation occurs. Mustard plasters can be replaced with a mixture of castor oil and turpentine (20:1). Sometimes these two methods alternate.
Effective treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies is possible with the use of horseradish. Its root is rubbed, and the resulting mass is moistened with a piece of cloth, which is squeezed out and applied to the chest.
Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies at home can also be done with the help of inhalations, which use sea s alt. This component is taken in a volume of 1 kg and heated by pouring it into a container with water. It is recommended to add medicinal plants to such a solution (black elderberry, strawberry leaves, coltsfoot, thyme and forest mallow).
Aloe products
What recipes are best used in the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies? The most effective of them will be discussed below.

Including products, the main component of which is aloe.
- Leaves of a medicinal plant (4 pieces) are poured into 0.5 liters of wine. The resulting mixture is infused for four days. Tincture is used orally for 1 des. spoon three times a day.
- Aloe leaves are finely chopped until they fill one glass. ATolive oil is taken in the same volume. The ingredients of the medicinal drug for bronchitis are also linden honey (130 g), linden blossom (50 g). Birch buds (150 g) are also added to the mixture. Honey is melted. Aloe is added to the resulting mass. A mixture of these two ingredients is steamed. After that, they take lime blossom along with birch buds. They are brewed in 2 tbsp. water, and then boil for another 2 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and poured into a chilled mixture of aloe and honey. Everything is mixed and poured into two bottles with the addition of equal amounts of olive oil. Take the drug 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. Shake the bottle before using the medicine, which should be stored in the refrigerator.
- Aloe juice is mixed with pre-melted honey and butter (1:1:1). Drink the drug before meals, 2 teaspoons four times a day. The course of therapy lasts 5 days.
- Treatment of bronchitis at home with folk remedies, including aloe, can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. With a dry cough, this plant is mixed with honey in equal amounts and the resulting mixture is taken one tbsp. l. three times a day. The drug is kept in the refrigerator, placed in a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.
- Another prescription can be used as a treatment for bronchitis in adults. In addition to aloe and honey, Cahors is added to its composition. All components are mixed together. For this, aloe juice (300 g), honey (500 g), and wine (0.5 l) are taken. The resulting mixture is stored in a refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container. drinkhealing tincture 3 times a day in the amount of one tablespoon.
Medicinal lozenges
What other folk remedies can be used to treat bronchitis? The most effective of them contain honey. In order to save a person from a strong and painful cough, cakes are prepared from this bee product. One of several of the more popular recipes can be used for this.
To prepare the drug, take 20 g of flour, the same amount of honey and sunflower oil. All ingredients are well mixed. The cake thus obtained is placed in a piece of cloth, applied to the sternum and closed with a bag or cotton. The compress is kept for 3 hours. The used cake is removed, and the skin is wiped with a damp cloth or towel.
According to the following recipe, the ingredients of a natural remedy for bronchitis are honey and sunflower oil, flour and mustard. Each of these components is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. After thorough mixing, the resulting mass is rolled out to give it the shape of a cake. It is applied to the chest or to the back in the area between the shoulder blades.
Get rid of cough
How to effectively treat bronchitis with home remedies? To do this, it is recommended to use honey, adding it to a decoction of elecampane. To prepare the drug, you need to take dry chopped roots of a medicinal plant in the amount of two tbsp. l., filling them with water (0.5 l). All this is boiled, keeping the container with the mixture for 20-30 minutes on low heat. The broth is insisted from 1 to 2 hours, carefully filtered and water is added to it until it reaches 0.5l, and, in addition, honey to taste. Take warm three times a day for ½ cup.
In the list of the most effective in the treatment of bronchitis is a turnip. Chopped root crop (two tablespoons) is poured with a glass of water (previously boiled). All this is put on fire for 15 minutes. After the broth is infused for 0, 5 or 1 hour and topped up with water to a volume of 200 ml. Used tincture of ¼ tbsp. equal portions four times a day. You can use it all at once and be sure to night.
Ginger Recipes
This medicinal root is also very popular for treating bronchitis at home. Consider ginger recipes that help get rid of a cough.
For the treatment of acute bronchitis in adults and children, you need to take a healing root and grate it. In 1 teaspoon of juice squeezed from crushed ginger, add the same amount of honey and lemon juice. The mixture is infused for half an hour. Next, the tincture is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and covered with a lid. Use the drug every half hour for 1 teaspoon.
Folk treatment of bronchitis in adults and children involves the use of a great alternative to pharmacy syrup. An effective remedy for cough relief is ginger jam. To obtain it, you will need to prepare sugar (in the amount of 0.5 cups), ginger juice (1 tablespoon is enough), plain water (1 cup), as well as a pinch of saffron and nutmeg. How is healing jam prepared? Sugar is dissolved in water with the addition of ginger juice, and then boiled until a thick mass is obtained. into heradd nutmeg and saffron. The jam is ready to serve.
Propolis recipes
Treatment of bronchitis with this bee product is recommended not only by folk, but also by traditional medicine. Propolis tincture, which is diluted in milk or water, is taken as a drink to eliminate coughs. A significant effect of such drugs becomes noticeable in infectious bronchitis. Those unique properties that propolis possesses allow you to relieve a cough attack, as well as soften the tissues of the bronchi and remove phlegm.
In the treatment of acute bronchitis in children, a tincture made from a bee product must be added to warm milk. What is the dosage of the drug in this case? Treatment of bronchitis in children at home will require adding 10 drops of propolis tincture to ½ cup of milk if the small patient is under the age of 6 years. For older children and adults, the dosage is tripled.
The same amount of tincture is recommended to be taken throughout the day when added to water. In order to enhance the desired effect and improve the taste of the drink, put a teaspoon of honey in it.

Bee products are the main components for the preparation of absorbable and warming ointments. Using a similar composition for bronchitis, you can alleviate the symptoms of coughing, eliminate pain, and also alleviate the course of the disease. It is not difficult to prepare a healing ointment. At the same time, it can be used in the treatment of bronchitis in children and adults at home, as well asother pathologies of the respiratory system. The resulting composition is completely safe due to its natural ingredients.
How to prepare such an ointment? To do this, propolis is finely chopped and mixed with pork fat in a ratio of 1:5. Butter may be used instead of an animal product. The resulting mixture is set on fire and melted in a water bath. It also adds 1 tbsp. l. natural honey. The composition is brought to a boil while stirring and removed from heat. Then the mass is cooled and stored for a long time in the refrigerator.
In the treatment of bronchitis, the ointment is used at night. You can also apply it before your day off. Ointment with propolis is very effective in the treatment of bronchitis in children at home. For babies, it is rubbed into the skin of the upper back or into the chest area. During the application of the product, it is useful to give a small patient a light massage. Judging by the reviews of parents, this remedy has no side effects.
Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults and children also includes the use of inhalations. They are carried out using an alcohol tincture or an aqueous solution of propolis. Such inhalations perfectly reduce throat irritation and soften cough. Preparation for them begins with the preparation of a solution for inhalation. For him, take 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture, adding it to a glass of boiling water. Next, the patient needs to inhale the healing vapors. A similar effect on the body allows you to get a dry powder of a bee product (3 g), which is added to boiling water. Inhalations last from 15 to20 min.
During bronchitis, the tissues of the larynx and throat are irritated. This is due to the impact of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. To soften the pain and disinfect the throat with bronchitis, a solution prepared on the basis of propolis for rinsing will help. His recipe is simple: 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture should be added to a glass filled with warm water. Gargle with this remedy five times a day for 3 or 5 minutes.
Recipes with onions
The beneficial properties of this vegetable have been known for a very long time. Onions were used by our ancestors, who did not have antibiotics, antiseptics and other drugs in their arsenal. This gift of nature is also used today in the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies in adults and children.
Real helpers in the fight against numerous diseases are many herbs, tree leaves, fruits and vegetables. However, onions have always been considered the real king among natural healing agents. For bronchitis, it is still used today because of its ability to effectively and easily eliminate all the manifestations and symptoms of a cold. This effect is manifested due to the phytoncides that are part of the onion, of which there are a large number in the vegetable. These substances are excellent at eliminating many pathogenic bacteria and are excellent at fighting infections.
When confirming the diagnosis of "bronchitis", the doctor must prescribe drugs, the focus of which depends on the type of cough - wet or dry. As for onions, this vegetable is used in any case. After all, it affects everything.types of cough. With timely treatment with the use of onions, quite serious consequences can be avoided. At the same time, immunity will be stimulated, inflammation in the respiratory tract will be reduced and expectoration of sputum will be increased.
There are a lot of recipes for treating bronchitis at home that use onions. But the most popular and effective of them is the one in which this vegetable is mixed with honey.
To prepare a medicinal mixture, take a pound of onion, peel it and cut it finely. Natural honey (4 tablespoons) and the same amount of sugar are added to the vegetable prepared in this way. The mixture is mixed with the addition of a liter of boiled water to it, and then it is tightly closed and infused for about an hour. The drug is used as a disinfectant, expectorant and immunostimulant in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. for one day.
The second version of this recipe involves chopping onions with the addition of honey (1:1). The mixture is well mixed until smooth and applied per day for 3 or 4 tbsp. l. With its help, you can not only get rid of cough, but also improve immunity. This cheap but effective drug can be used by both adults and children. For younger patients, it is recommended to sweeten the mixture by adding a little more honey.
Recipes with radish
How to treat bronchitis using folk remedies? Black radish will be a wonderful assistant in this matter. It effectively fights cough, making it productive due to its effect on sputum, which, afteruse of the product begins to depart much faster.
Significantly enhance the beneficial properties of radish allows honey. In addition, the bee product will have an anti-inflammatory effect and will actively fight viral infections.

The use of black radish with honey will certainly give an excellent result with a cough characteristic of any type of bronchitis. But this is not all the positive qualities of the remedy proposed by folk doctors. Radish with honey not only fights bronchitis. It strengthens the body as a whole. A strong immune system begins to heal the body itself.
There are many recipes that call for radishes and honey. Let's get acquainted with some of them:
- In the washed vegetable, a recess is made into which a small amount of honey is poured. After some time, the root crop will begin to release juice. It is mixed with another portion of honey and used to fight the disease.
- The radish is peeled and grated. The resulting gruel is used to obtain juice, to which honey is added 1 to 1.
- Peeled root cut into cubes. They are placed in a container, poured with honey (1 to 1).
- 150 g of radish juice is mixed with sugar and honey, taken in 30 g each. It is suggested to drink the resulting medicine in small sips at a time. The procedure is repeated throughout the week.
- Juice squeezed from one root is mixed with 100 ml of milk and 30 g of honey. The drink is drunk at night. The course of treatment should be 1-2weeks.
Recipes with pine buds
The use of this herbal product is very helpful in getting rid of bronchitis. A decoction of pine buds helps to activate the epithelium lining the respiratory tract from the inside. It also reduces the viscosity of sputum, which makes it easier to cough up.

Adults and children with bronchitis are very useful inhalations with a decoction of pine buds, over which you should breathe, wrapped in a towel, for 10 minutes. If the patient is a small child, then this process will need to be carefully monitored. This will help avoid accidents. In this case, it is better to purchase special inhalers designed for home use. In the same way, traditional medicine recommends stopping coughing fits that occur with chronic bronchitis.
Treatment of the disease is carried out with the use of pine syrup. This product will appeal to both adults and children. The tool is used for 1 tbsp. l. during the day. Use syrup alone or with tea.
To treat a cough with pine buds, it is not necessary to harvest them in the nearest forest. You can buy them at a pharmacy. To prepare the drug, it is taken in the amount of a tablespoon and poured into a glass of water. The resulting mixture is thoroughly boiled and infused for several hours. The cooled broth is considered ready for use after straining. Dosage - one spoon no more than 4 times a day. Storage of funds in time - within 48 hours when placed indark place.
Pine cone recipes
This vegetable raw material also effectively eliminates cough in bronchitis. This is made possible by the antimicrobial and disinfectant properties of pine cones.
If the cough is excruciating, then folk healers recommend alleviating the patient's condition with a remedy that presupposes the use of ten cones, one liter of milk, and one spoonful of honey. How is the healing potion prepared? Cones are poured with milk, which is brought to a boil, and then languishes on fire for 20 minutes. The healing solution obtained in this way is consumed warm. Drink for the day. The course of treatment with the remedy is one week.
It is recommended to steam your feet in a decoction of cones. It will also help you get rid of the cough. How to prepare a healing decoction? To do this, you need to take ten cones and 1.5 liters of plain water, putting them on fire. The mixture is only brought to a boil, and then boiled for 10 minutes. The medicinal decoction thus obtained is poured into a wide basin, mixing it with cold water to a state comfortable for a person. Feet must be soared until the solution cools. The effectiveness of the described method lies not only in the warming effect, but also in those aromas that exude cones. After all, they are very useful for humans.