Did your doctor diagnose bronchitis? Remedies for the treatment of bronchitis, along with folk methods, will help to quickly overcome the disease

Did your doctor diagnose bronchitis? Remedies for the treatment of bronchitis, along with folk methods, will help to quickly overcome the disease
Did your doctor diagnose bronchitis? Remedies for the treatment of bronchitis, along with folk methods, will help to quickly overcome the disease

Most often, in the off-season, the human respiratory system is most susceptible to viral and infectious attacks, which are characterized by inflammatory processes in the bronchi, trachea, and nasopharynx. As a rule, such a disease begins acutely with a sore throat and a slight runny nose, and after a day or two, a dry, tiring cough appears, provoking chest pain. This is what the inflammation in the upper respiratory tract looks like, which is called bronchitis. Treatments for bronchitis vary depending on the source of the infection, but one thing remains the same: the use of mucolytic drugs to help expel mucus.

bronchitis bronchitis treatment
bronchitis bronchitis treatment

Bronchitis treatment regimen

It is worth remembering that the treatment of such a disease is a rather long process that requires special attention and patience. However, it is simply necessary to follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of a doctor, since pathological changes can affect not only the bronchi, but also the lungs and nearby vessels. Therefore, the methods of treating bronchitis are as follows:

  • Applicationbronchodilators to dilate the bronchi themselves and prevent bronchospasm.
  • Antibacterial therapy is mandatory, or, more simply, the use of antibiotics.
  • Must use mucolytics to enhance the expectorant effect.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Immunotherapy.


At the same time, it is necessary to start treating bronchitis as early as possible. Means for the treatment of bronchitis, of course, should be prescribed only by a doctor. And the attached list of commonly used drugs is for guidance only.

Of the bronchodilators, the drugs "Eufillin" and "Erespal" are recognized as the most effective. Moreover, the latter can be used even for babies, since it consists of fenspiride (active substance) and additives of honey solution and licorice root extract.

Mucolytics include the well-known Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine and its numerous derivatives. Of course, to help a child beat bronchitis, bronchitis treatments should only be used in an acceptable form, i.e. in the form of syrups.

Antibacterial therapy can be represented by antimicrobial antibiotics such as Amoxicillin or Cefuroxime, and for children - Amoxiclav suspension.

bronchitis treatment methods
bronchitis treatment methods

In addition to eliminating the exacerbation of bronchitis, treatment should be comprehensive and also include herbal medicine and inhalations. For inhalation, it is best to use a safe nebulizer device, especially when it comes toIt's about treating the child. Moreover, for these procedures, you can use special medications "Atrovent", "Berodual", "Berotek", "Ventolin", "Rotokan" or herbal decoctions with eucalyptus, nettle, linden, sage, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort.

exacerbation of bronchitis treatment
exacerbation of bronchitis treatment

Traditional medicine

Our ancestors quite successfully treated many diseases with herbs, and bronchitis is no exception. The means of treating bronchitis, which traditional medicine offers, are aimed at increasing the amount of sputum and its speedy discharge, and besides, they are quite safe and can be used even in children. As a warm drink, herbal teas from licorice root, marshmallow, elecampane, ivy leaves, thyme, oregano, chamomile, linden, sage, coltsfoot and St. John's wort are recommended. Moreover, all herbs can be used both for a single-component decoction and for mixed ones.

Instead of warming modern ointments, the old recommendations offer bear, badger or goat fat, which are even more effective than their today's counterparts. You need to rub the back, feet and chest, excluding the heart zone.
