Hypothyroidism is a disease caused by problems with the thyroid gland, more precisely, a decrease in its functions. According to doctors, today it is the most common problem in the field of endocrinology. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary hypothyroidism. Consider each form in more detail.

Possible causes
Primary hypothyroidism is a disease that occurs due to reduced production of thyroid hormones. In most cases, the development of the disease occurs against the background of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, that is, inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by problems with the immune system. Often there are also such reasons as a congenital increase or decrease in this organ, an unsuccessful operation, a lack of iodine in the body, the influence of certain antibiotics, as well as tumors and all kinds of infections (tuberculosis, abscess, actinomycosis). Secondary hypothyroidism indicates a problem with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland and may be due to inflammation or bleeding.
How to understand that you are developing this disease? Hypothyroidism is characterized by many different symptoms. They depend mainlyon the age of the patient. As a rule, in many patients the so-called "signs-masks" predominate. Doctors refer here to a yellowish skin, a blurred look, and a retarded facial expression.

In addition, patients often complain of falling hair, dry, flaky skin. You should also pay attention to signs such as slow speech, fatigue, lethargy, depression. In women, there may be a delay in menstruation, in men - a sharp decrease in potency. So, hypothyroidism is a very serious disease. Therefore, you should not hope that it will pass by itself - it is better to immediately see an endocrinologist.
In order to make sure the diagnosis is correct, the doctor must obtain evidence that the thyroid function is indeed reduced. Checking if this is so is very simple - you just need to do a few tests and determine the level of T4 and TSH. This is especially important for those who are at risk, that is, people with diabetes, goiter, and pre-existing thyroid problems.

Autoimmune hypothyroidism responds well to treatment. Therapy options can be very different. They depend on factors such as height, weight, age of the patient. It should be emphasized that all drugs can be used only as prescribed by a specialist. This is especially true for hormonal drugs - their improper use can lead to the so-called "hypothyroid coma".
Sohypothyroidism is a disease that requires serious, long-term treatment. In order to prevent its development, watch your diet. Include as many iodine-rich foods as possible. It could be seafood. Replace table s alt with sea s alt. If you experience any of the above symptoms, see your doctor.