The subject of developmental psychology is The subject, tasks and problems of developmental psychology

The subject of developmental psychology is The subject, tasks and problems of developmental psychology
The subject of developmental psychology is The subject, tasks and problems of developmental psychology

In the course of a lifetime, each person overcomes a significant path of his formation, the formation of a mature personality. And this path is individual for everyone, because a person is not only a mirror reflection of the reality in which he is, but also the bearer of certain spiritual components of previous generations.

A little about the formation of personality

Before you understand what is the subject of developmental psychology, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of a person as a person. It turns out that a person is a kind of unity of two diametrically opposed realities. A person absorbs the experience of previous generations from mythology, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, scientific, historical or artistic works. Natural roots, coupled with a modern worldview and an inner understanding of one's essence, create something unique that is in a person. That is all anddrives the development of the spiritual realm. Even in childhood, a child already understands the meaning of such postulates of life as good and evil, sympathy and indifference, understanding and lack of interest, etc. From childhood, a person strives for identification, self-determination, awareness of the essence of his uniqueness.

Knowing yourself and the world around you


Knowing oneself begins with a sense of the line between good and evil, sublime and base. While still a child, a little man draws from adults images of moral behavior, models of perception of reality, applies them to himself, thereby drawing a line between himself and the people around him. This is the key to identifying yourself. The child, crossing the line of the unlawful, as if trying on a variety of social roles and psychological images.

In adolescence, a person continues to "search for himself", namely, self-determination regarding his personality, as well as his place in this world. A teenager positions himself, on the one hand, as a full-fledged member of the team, and on the other hand, as a unique phenomenon. It is this ambivalence that is the direct path to human self-determination.

Youth is a great time…

Youth is a great time
Youth is a great time

No wonder they say that youth is the most beautiful time. The psychological pillar has been formed, the rules of the outside world have long been known. It is enough to completely liberate yourself and be open to something new. At this stage, a person is able to assess the history of the development of the world, to feel all its complexity.and the degree of unexplored. A young man or girl tries to function independently organically in the realities of social life, a society with rights and obligations.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that in each period of life a person continues this endless path of self-determination, self-knowledge. Childhood, adolescence, youth… The laws of age development always function. Are regularities the subject of developmental psychology? After all, one has only to think about the fact that a lot is facing a person in the process of self-determination: the discovery of the outside world, acquaintance with its history, objective and natural realities, the laws of the functioning of social space, with the laws and rights of human life in general.

Check what is the subject of study of developmental psychology in your opinion.

About the mental development of the child

The problem of the child's mental development has always occupied an important place in the development of psychological thought, but as a science it was formed only at the end of the 19th century. Most likely, this layer of psychological knowledge would be more correctly called not a separate science, but a branch of comparative psychology. What is child psychology today? Representing a branch of knowledge of a scientific nature, it includes two powerful branches of knowledge.

What is the subject of developmental psychology? The answer is very simple - the laws of the development of the human psyche in the process of life.

Classification of child psychology

Child psychology
Child psychology

Age psychology is the field of scientificknowledge that combines the main psychological issues of the development of children of all ages. Accordingly, it is divided into sections:

  • child psychology;
  • psychology of adolescence;
  • human psychology during adolescence;
  • psychology of maturity;
  • psychology of old age, or gerontopsychology.
Age stratification
Age stratification

Developmental psychology is a field of knowledge that accumulates information about the laws of transformation of the psyche of people with age. Developmental psychology studies various changes in people's behavior throughout life, highlights the patterns of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the age stage.

What is the difference between developmental psychology and developmental psychology?

Child psychologist
Child psychologist

The main difference between developmental psychology and developmental psychology is that the first seeks to answer the question: "Why is it happening this way and not otherwise?", That is, it is more determined. Developmental psychology is more descriptive in nature, namely, it deals with the explanation of the main age-related psychological characteristics of a person. Thus, we can conclude that the main difference between these areas of scientific knowledge is in their subject. So, the subject of developmental psychology is the key moments in the development of the child's psyche in the process of transition from one age group to another, including the versatile specifics of the psyche of children of different ages.

Some specifics: what issubject of developmental psychology and developmental psychology

In general, the separation of developmental psychology “aside” and its presentation as an independent field of scientific knowledge was due to the requirements of practice in the issue of raising and educating children. The introduction of the basic postulates of the theory of child psychology urgently required their transposition into the field of practice. Like a pediatrician who monitors the development of a child's physical condition, a child psychologist monitors the degree of development and functioning of the child's psyche. The implementation of a multiple screen is possible on the basis of deep theoretical preparation. This is where theory and practice merge, like the powerful flows of two full-flowing rivers. Developmental psychology and developmental psychology are two areas of knowledge that flow into a huge "ocean of psychology". The difference between them is only in the subjects of consideration, the range of interests.

About the subject matter

Thus, the subject of developmental psychology is the dynamics of the human psyche in accordance with his age. The subject of developmental psychology is the patterns of human development in society as a link in the social structure, the features of the functioning of his psyche and consciousness. Thus, in the field of developmental psychology, the sources themselves, the leading directions of mental development, are studied, that is, the subject of this field is more concretized. Are tests the subject of developmental psychology? Age psychology focuses its attention on relatively slow, but qualitatively important processes in the human psyche, which are clearly visible whenrestructuring of age groups. As a rule, these processes take from several months to several years of a person's life.

In what literature should we look for an answer to what is the subject of developmental psychology?

stack of books
stack of books

In textbooks on psychology, scientific papers and articles, this topic is presented in sufficient detail and in an accessible way. The study of such literature helps in understanding the behavioral characteristics of children, adults or the elderly. Remember that the answers to all questions are contained in psychology.
