How much should a baby sleep at 11 months? This question is asked by all caring parents. Any adult will be able to understand whether he got enough sleep or not, as well as determine the duration of the “night wakefulness”. In addition, it is not difficult for him to determine at what time he should go to bed in order to feel cheerful in the morning. But what about young children, because they still do not understand much due to their still very young age?
The importance of sleep
Sleep is an important part of any child's daily routine. For the active development of babies, it is equally important that they fully rest. Every child at the age of 11 months spends most of the time in the kingdom of Morpheus. This is mainly due to the fact that intensive changes occur at the physiological level in a small organism.

At 11 months, during the waking period, babies begin to make new discoveries and acquire many useful skills. This whole cognitive process requires a certain amount of energy, and then it must be replenished. And what is the best way to do it? That's right, it's a dream.
How much should an 11 month old baby sleep during the day? The importance of rest lies in the fact that the child's knowledge of the world around him brings pleasure, and does not turn into a tedious process. To do this, children at this age should sleep not only at night, but also during the day, and several times.
Parents should always remember that he althy sleep of the required duration is important not only for creating a good mood in the child. In addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system, improve physical and mental abilities, and contribute to the harmonious development of the body.
Custom Parameters
Each person on planet Earth differs in purely individual physiological parameters. It is when people gather in a crowd that they can be similar in terms of behavior, while creating a single organism. However, individually, each of us is not like the other person. Moreover, individualism develops from the first birthday, or even even in the womb.
Children's body is already able to independently build their own routine. How much a child sleeps at 11 months during the day is up to him to decide. For parents to force their baby to go to bed at strictly defined hours (which is usually considered the norm) is extremelyuseless, if not cruel step towards your child.

Nevertheless, experts have managed to calculate the optimal number of hours that a child should spend with benefit for himself. In real conditions, the discrepancy with the statistical data is ± 1 hour.
Daytime nap
Any loving mother will always be interested in the question of exactly how much sleep her child should have during the daytime. Newborns can nap up to 20 hours a day and feel great. This is due to the fact that their body spends most of the energy on internal physiological processes, and the baby quickly gets tired. However, as he grows older, he grows stronger, and the child's routine changes.
How many times does an 11 month old baby sleep during the day? Almost by the age of one year, children already have 2.5-3 hours. Moreover, this duration should be divided in half - that is, 90 minutes each. In other words, the child should now sleep at least 2 times a day, but no more than that. Such a regimen should be introduced to the child gradually, to ensure the maximum comfort zone.
It is best to organize a child's sleep in the fresh air. A gassed atmosphere, of course, is not suitable. For such walks, it is recommended to choose quiet and peaceful places surrounded by trees. Such a regimen will only benefit the child, enriching his body with oxygen. In addition, it also has a positive effect on his emotional state.
If for some reason it is impossible to organize a baby's sleep on the street, a loggia will do. Only in this case, close supervision is necessary, even while the child is immersed in the realm of Morpheus.
Sleep at night
With the daily routine, everything is more and less clear, but what about the night mode? How much sleep should children 10-11 months old? This time of day is the most important component for the full development of the baby and a charge of vivacity for the next day. At night, the child usually sleeps up to 12 hours. And this time is enough for a good rest.

Most 11 month olds sleep very soundly and may skip the night feed. Many parents even feel sorry for waking up their child, because he sleeps so sweetly that it is even scary to disturb him inadvertently. However, it is undesirable to skip night feedings, since there is a high probability that the child will wake up very early (at 4-5 in the morning) and require food. As a result, this threatens to exhaust the strength of not only the baby, but also his mother. In this connection, it is not recommended to skip the night feeding procedure in any case.
Besides this, in order for the baby to have a good rest at night, his sleep during the daytime should not be too long.
Signs of sleep deprivation in a baby
Before reaching 6 months, children can usually fall asleep quickly when feeding, during walks, in a word, at any place and time convenient for sleep. Understanding how much a child sleeps at 11 months, it is also important to consider that after six months, some characteristic signs may also be. But now they will testify that the baby is clearly not getting enough sleep.
Such symptoms are:
- The child falls asleep in the car or stroller, immediately after the start of the movement. Such a dream is the result of overwork, and it cannot be called he althy. After stopping the movement, the baby usually wakes up.
- In the morning, the baby wakes up later than 7.30. The biological rhythm of children is arranged in such a way that the best time to wake up is the interval between 6 and 7.30. Only in this case they will be well-rested and in good spirits.
- Waking up too early (before 6:00) also does not bode well, as this is also a sign of sleep problems and overwork. At the same time, children should not be sent to bed late so that they wake up a little later.
- If a child constantly falls asleep and wakes up with tears, this is a clear indication that the parents are not treating the child properly, contrary to his internal biological clock.
The importance of getting enough sleep at 11 months should not be underestimated.

The symptoms of sleep deprivation in young children and adolescents are similar. They develop irritability, signs of aggression, frequent whims. Also, chronic fatigue cannot be ruled out, when a child can, for no reason, fall asleep during the day and oversleep until the next morning.
Good sleeping position
Many parents are also interested in this question: what is the best sleeping position for their child? Some mothers and fathers try to give their children the best possiblepoint of view of body position. They think that it will be more comfortable for him to sleep that way. This may actually work for newborns, by the age of 11 months the baby will already be able to roll over without assistance.
For this reason, all attempts to somehow correct the position of the baby can be left in the past with a clear conscience. The child will fall asleep in exactly the position that is most suitable for him to ensure comfort. This proves once again that the question of how many times a child sleeps at 11 months and how exactly is his prerogative.
Besides this, there is no need to put a pillow under your head. The baby can sleep peacefully without it. In addition, there is an opinion that sleeping on a pillow only harms. And not only for children, but also for adults. But this is not the subject of our article.
Conditions for good sleep
Some children cannot sleep, and if they do, they usually have a restless night. And the baby can wake up several times. Ultimately, this negatively affects the restoration of strength that was spent throughout the day.

On top of everything else, because of the restless sleep of the child, the rest of his parents is also disturbed. Therefore, adults need to create favorable conditions for their baby so that he falls asleep peacefully.
Peace and Peace
First of all, it is necessary to establish silence in the room where the child spends time in a dream. Of course, it is simply not possible to completely remove all extraneous sounds. But if this can still be done, then efforts canhave the opposite result.
It is important not only how much a baby sleeps at 10-11 months, but also in what conditions. Silence should not be overdone. Even if you constantly move silently around the apartment when the baby is fast asleep, in the end, he can wake up even from the slightest rustle, which will become his habit. Therefore, one should not achieve absolute silence, because it is physically simply impossible. The child must get used to the sounds around him. Of course, it is simply necessary to remove loud extraneous noise, but quiet and pleasant music will be an excellent soporific background.
Temperature conditions
In the children's room, the required temperature should be set. The optimum temperature is 22°C. Probably, for many adults, such conditions will not seem entirely favorable, and the temperature will be low. In reality, it is just the opposite.
In a child's body, physiological processes proceed in a rather intensive mode, and this temperature will be the most comfortable for a night's rest. There is no need to wrap the baby in a warm blanket. You can just wear pajamas on him. Only it should be made of hypoallergenic material (cotton as an option).
Expert Tips
Many experts are well aware of how much a baby should sleep at 11 months.

They also share the common opinion that it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the baby. A number of useful recommendations can help with this:
- Parents need rest too -exhausted by lack of sleep, mothers and fathers are not able to properly help their child. Sound sleep is necessary for both the baby and his parents!
- The crib with the baby should be in sight of adults. If necessary, mom will quickly be there.
- Everything needs a measure - lack of sleep, as we know, does not bode well. At the same time, too much sleep is also not good.
- Energy - The child needs to be active during waking hours. Thus, his energy is spent properly. It will replenish overnight.
- Comfortable conditions - it is important not only to ensure the necessary silence, but also to dim the lights when the child falls asleep.
- Feeding - It's a good idea to give your baby 30 minutes to satisfy their hunger before going to bed.
By adhering to these simple tips, parents will provide their child with a comfortable environment for falling asleep. However, if even in this case the baby does not sleep well, it makes sense to be alert and think about the state of his he alth. It is likely that there are some disorders in his body.
It is undesirable to self-medicate, as it will bring nothing but harm. It is necessary to consult with a specialist. Only he is able to understand the reasons and give the necessary recommendations.
Summing up
As we now know, all children are arranged differently, and how many times a child sleeps at 11 months, only his young body decides. And despite the fact that there are generally accepted norms and standards of rest, parents should not rely on them completely - these datagiven for orientation. Adults should watch their child, because after his birth, all the most interesting for them is just beginning, and it is they who are given the main role for the successful development of the child.

Observing the baby will allow moms and dads to decide and form a general sleep and wakefulness regimen. Some children need more sleep, others less. The main task of parents is not to mindlessly monitor the baby, it is extremely important to avoid overworking him.
For this, regular observations of your child are needed, which allow you to assess his physical condition and emotional background.