How to treat cervical erosion? Methods of treatment and consequences

How to treat cervical erosion? Methods of treatment and consequences
How to treat cervical erosion? Methods of treatment and consequences

Many women sooner or later face various diseases in the female part, which include cervical erosion. Moreover, the disease is not subject to either age or social status. And the consequences are not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, many women are interested in how to treat erosion, and preferably at home.

In this article, we will analyze several effective techniques. But it’s worth clarifying right away that some of them can be performed at home, while others are best done in a hospital. So let's get started.

Need for treatment

But first, one simple truth should be clarified - almost any disease must be treated, and erosion is no exception. Unfortunately, there is a generally accepted opinion that this disease does not deserve close attention and you can do withouttreatment.

cervical erosion
cervical erosion

This approach is fundamentally wrong, and if no action is taken, inflammatory processes of the reproductive organ may begin, leading to infertility or even malignant neoplasms. And in order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to begin to eliminate the pathology, and immediately.

Varieties of pathology

It is not only necessary to know how to treat uterine erosion, it is important to remember that this pathology can occur in different forms:

  1. Congenital.
  2. True.
  3. Pseudo-erosion.

As a rule, congenital pathology does not have obvious symptoms of the course. The disease can be detected during the diagnosis at an early age, and in some cases even during adolescence. Fortunately, the reproductive functionality of the body is not lost, and malignant neoplasms do not appear. In this regard, this form of the disease is often not treatable.

With true erosion, purulent discharge from the vagina often appears, but in addition to this, there may be irreversible consequences. The duration of this stage is no more than 2 weeks, but it can be treated without problems. At the same time, the affected area is distinguished by a bright red tint and a slightly rounded shape, and when touched, it begins to bleed.

Pseudo-erosion occurs due to the development of the true form of the disease. This pathology poses a serious threat and is difficult to treat. Over time, it can transform into a cancerous tumor. Question: "Whether to treat cervical erosionuterus?" should not occur, since this form of pathology is characterized by the extensive nature of the inflammatory process. Purulent discharge is usually accompanied by sharp, dull pain and is localized in the lower abdomen and is given to the lower back or thighs.


Unfortunately, the symptoms of erosion are very weak, and for this reason it is problematic to make an accurate diagnosis at an early stage of the disease.

However, there are major symptoms that include:

  1. High temperature, fever, palpitations, indicating suppuration of the process.
  2. The presence of bloody discharge after intercourse against the background of an unpleasant odor.
  3. The menstrual cycle is disturbed.
  4. Monthly discharge accompanied by pain.
  5. Problems with urination.
  6. Intercourse is painful, causing significant discomfort.

In some cases, the pathology occurs with a minimum number of symptoms or with their complete absence. In this regard, women may not be aware of their painful situation. In the future, this negatively affects not only conception, but also pregnancy itself.

How to treat cervical erosion or possible consequences

Now we should talk about possible complications. If the infected area becomes quite extensive, this is a real expanse for the full development of pathogenic microorganisms, which, in fact, causes inflammatory processes and diseases of an infectious nature. Often the maincausative agents are chlamydia (chlamydia), trichomonas (trichomoniasis, trichomoniasis) and a number of other microorganisms that freely enter the cavity of the genital organ and appendages.

All these factors negatively affect the fertilization of the egg. But the worst thing is that erosion from a benign neoplasm can degenerate into malignant oncology. And, as you know, cervical cancer is a dangerous and fairly common disease in women who have reached childbearing age. Such a terrible diagnosis can be made if the fight against pathology was not brought to an end or even was completely absent.

For clarity, below is a photo of how to treat cervical erosion. From it you can see that it is better to prevent the neglect of the disease.

Features of treatment
Features of treatment

It is for this reason and for a number of others that every woman, without exception, needs to visit a gynecologist every six months and undergo all recommended examinations. And if erosion is detected, the doctor will select the right course of treatment.

Treatment Methods

Currently, there are many ways to heal erosion. In each case, the attending physician will select the most effective and gentle treatment for the woman, taking into account the individual characteristics of her body. It is important to take into account the causes of the pathology, how it proceeds and how badly the cervix is \u200b\u200baffected.

consultation with a doctor
consultation with a doctor

It is worth noting that there is no ideal method for treating erosion. But it is nota reason to completely ignore the presence of the disease and let everything take its course. Either way, treatment is necessary. Of course, you can also use traditional medicine, but it is best to consult a doctor, because self-medication is not permissible! Below we list several operational ways to treat cervical erosion. And then we will touch on traditional medicine.


This method of treatment of erosion refers to surgical intervention. During its implementation, the ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen acts on the affected area, due to which it “freezes out” to a he althy zone of flesh. The temperature is -150 °C, and the efficiency of the method is 97%. The undoubted pluses are:

  1. No scarring.
  2. Relevant for all women: those who have already given birth and those for whom this is only ahead.
  3. In place of the destroyed layer of tissue, a new he althy layer of the epithelium is formed.
  4. Recovery period is short.
  5. The whole procedure takes place in the absence of blood and pain.

Besides, with regard to duration, such an operation does not take much time, unlike other methods. It takes a few minutes, after which the woman can go home. Fully tissue heal within a month. At the same time, at the end of the operation, edema forms on the neck, and the discharge becomes abundant and lasts for two weeks.

How to treat cervical erosion
How to treat cervical erosion

This seems to be the most effective method for treating uterine erosion. But at the same time, cryodestruction has onea disadvantage, which is the risk of getting a narrowing or shortening of the cervix of the uterus. For this reason, this method is not very popular. In addition, with extensive damage to the mucosa, its effectiveness is very low.

Radio wave therapy

The whole point is a special wave effect on the affected area at the physical level by means of radio waves. As a rule, a specific apparatus "Surgiton" is used. During this procedure, the tissues diverge, and the vessels are soldered and sterilized, which avoids unnecessary bleeding. There are no scars or burns in the part that was exposed to radio waves, which can be considered an undoubted advantage.

The radio wave incision is made in a special way, in which there is no manual and physical impact or tissue crushing. Everything is carried out at the thermal level: the affected cellular structure is heated, which leads to its evaporation, and the tissue diverges in different directions. This method, how to treat erosion, also has its pros and cons. Clear benefits include:

  1. No side effects.
  2. No unpleasant painful sensations either.
  3. This operation does not require anesthesia and can be performed under laboratory conditions.
  4. Optimal treatment for women who have not given birth yet.
  5. After the procedure, the shape and structure of the uterus does not change.
  6. Short recovery period.

Before the operation, a woman is biopsied and soft tissue cytology is taken for the presence ofmalignant formations. The method is quite simple and therefore performed using local anesthesia.

Apparatus "Surgiton"
Apparatus "Surgiton"

Moxibustion is done only once, but after that, the woman must fulfill certain requirements:

  1. Abstain from intercourse for one month.
  2. Swimming in a pool or pond is prohibited.
  3. Avoid strenuous exercise and avoid heavy lifting.
  4. Hot baths are also banned.

During the first days after surgery, a woman may feel uterine cramps and observe spotting. But you should not be afraid of this. Rapid healing occurs only in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system.

How to treat erosion with laser coagulation?

The essence of this method is to cauterize erosion by means of a laser. Recently, this technique is becoming more widespread, due to the high degree of efficiency and safety. The specialist controls not only the depth of laser penetration into the epithelium, but also its power. In this case, the beam is directed strictly to the affected area, avoiding contact with he althy tissues. The damaged cell structure under the influence of the laser simply evaporates and, as a result, no scarring remains in the tissues.

Gynecological table
Gynecological table

The procedure is performed at the end of the menstrual cycle. The complete healing of the epithelium of the cervix takes from 3 to 4 weeks. The rehabilitation period usually passes without complications. Sometimes they may appearspotting and this should not be scary, because it is the norm. And until the epithelial tissue is completely healed, a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse.

To avoid infection, the doctor prescribes the use of vaginal suppositories. After 1.5 months, a woman needs to be examined to assess the positive effect of laser coagulation. A couple can plan their next pregnancy only three months after the procedure, not earlier!

Medication use

In addition to surgical methods, erosion can be controlled with a number of medications.

Medications that have been widely used include:

  • "Depantol";
  • "Solkovagin";
  • "Vagotil";
  • Terzhinan.

"Depantol" is a suppository that treats erosion, and in addition to the fact that the agent has an antimicrobial effect, the cervical mucosa is also being restored. These vaginal suppositories are inserted into the vagina twice a day, and the course of treatment is 10 days.

candles depantol
candles depantol

When applying a solution of "Solkovagin" on the affected area, the damaged cells die off, and their place is taken by he althy tissue. Only in this case, the treatment takes place not at home, but in the gynecological office. The specialist independently applies the solution to the affected area using a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

"Vagotil" is also available in the form of a solution that contributes to the death of damaged tissue of the mucous membrane of the cervix, after which it is replacedhe althy cells. In addition, the tool has an antimicrobial effect. It also requires a visit to the gynecologist to use it.

"Terzhinan" is already available in the form of tablets and is a complex remedy with antifungal and antibacterial action. The drug helps to relieve inflammation and maintains a constant pH of the vagina, including the integrity of its membrane. How to treat erosion with it? Just like the aforementioned suppository, this tablet is inserted into the vagina, and deeply, at bedtime and in the supine position. Just before that, you should hold it in warm water for 20-30 seconds.

Features of home treatment

Even in our modern time, when tangible breakthroughs have occurred in various fields of medicine, folk methods of healing do not lose their relevance. Moreover, their effectiveness is in no way inferior to many traditional analogues. As for the treatment of erosion, it is most effective when the size of the affected area is small. Otherwise, you cannot do without specialist advice.

In addition, many doctors even advise sometimes resorting to the use of certain plants, which are no worse when compared with pharmaceutical preparations, but there is a certain danger. In this regard, if there is a need to resolve the issue: “How to treat erosion with folk remedies?”, You should definitely consult a doctor.

Proven folk recipes

It's worth it to go to the list of the most effective folk remedies in the fight against erosion. These include:

  1. Calendula. A pharmacy collection or flowers collected by hand personally will do. Pour 20 grams of raw materials with half a glass of vodka and set aside in a dark place to infuse for a month. After that, you need to make a working solution: 1 tsp. tinctures for 1 tbsp. water - it is needed for douching. You can also take 2 tsp. tinctures for 1.5 cups of water. The course of treatment is 21 days, starting from the second day after menstruation. But by no means during them! At this time, the cervix opens a little and ethyl alcohol can get on it, which threatens with irreparable consequences.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. How to treat uterine erosion at home with it? Here it is worth using tampons that you can make yourself. To do this, put a piece of cotton wool in a bandage and tie it in a knot. After that, a homemade tampon is wetted in oil and inserted into the vagina, but so that the tail remains outside. There he must remain all night, and in order not to stain the bed or underwear, it is worth using pads. Treatment course - 12 days.
  3. Propolis and honey. For treatment, an ointment is used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently, and a tampon is also useful. For a home remedy, you need to take 100 or 200 grams of butter and 10 grams of crushed propolis. Stir, heat in a water bath, then strain and cool. To lubricate the tampon, 1 tsp is taken. funds.
  4. Bow. We treat cervical erosion at home with an easily accessible vegetable! It has a good healing effect. An ordinary onion head is taken and rubbed ongrater. You can add honey at the rate of 1:1. After that, the grated onion (or honey-onion mixture) is wrapped in a tampon and also left in the vagina all night. The treatment course is two weeks.
  5. Aloe. More precisely, we are talking about his juice. You need to cut the leaves and put them in the refrigerator for two weeks. After that, the skin with thorns should be cut off from them, and the bare bar is wrapped in a bandage. Used as a tampon. You can alternate tampons - one night for aloe, the other for honey.
Benefits of sea buckthorn oil
Benefits of sea buckthorn oil

Only before using the above funds, you should consult your doctor for possible contraindications.

But in no case should you make independent decisions in this regard!

Effectiveness of home treatment

Above were listed some of the most popular ways to treat erosion at home. In terms of efficiency, they are no worse than traditional methods. But at the same time, certain conditions must be observed. And above all, every woman should know that it is highly recommended not to experiment on yourself! Like a number of other drugs, some herbs also have their own side effects, including contraindications. And only a doctor can approve the treatment using this or that plant.

But if everything is decided with the first one and the use of traditional medicine is approved by the doctor, it is worth taking into account that the course of treatment is quite long. Moreover, for complete healing, you will need to go through it more than once, or even not twice.

The rehabilitation period after the course of treatment
The rehabilitation period after the course of treatment

And in order to increase efficiency, it is advisable to combine several folk methods. For example, after the douching procedure, introduce a swab with a medicinal extract. Or, in addition to tampons, take herbal decoctions.

The effectiveness of folk remedies in relation to how to treat erosion (photo can be found in the text) has been proven by time, as evidenced by the abundance of recipes. And if you put them all together, you can write a whole multi-ton novel. And therefore, women should not despair if, for various reasons, it is impossible to resort to modern methods of treatment. In this case, it is worth visiting a doctor who will tell you what experience of herbalists can be useful.

In closing

Finally, it remains to wish all women to stay he althy as long as possible. But if necessary, do not be afraid to visit the hospital, since the he alth of each of you depends on it. After all, every lady sooner or later wants to experience all the delights of motherhood.

It is necessary to treat cervical erosion or not - this is the prerogative of every potential mother. But it is worth remembering that ignoring the disease often leads to infertility. Therefore, it is worth drawing the right conclusions from this material.
