During the formation of the jaw in children, various anomalies of bite and speech apparatus may occur. Timely elimination of these defects will help to avoid problems of the dentoalveolar system in the future. The causes of bite and speech anomalies can be not only birth defects, but also addictions that develop in infancy.

What to do?
Effective treatment methods are vestibular plates with a bead or with a flap for the tongue, which have been practiced in orthodontics for over 30 years. This simple yet effective device will help you fix problems like:
- Many speech defects, some of which are dysarthria and rhinoalia.
- The consequences of bad habits such as thumb sucking and pacifier abuse.
- Anomalies of bite and development of the dentition.

Vestibular plates with a bead for speech defects
At the age of 3-9 years, children develop the habit of a certain articulation when speaking. One of the developmental defects may be dysfunction of the soft tissues that are directly involved in articulation. Vestibular plates with a bead for dysarthria help to fix the tongue in the correct position. Thanks to the muscle memory of a small patient and stimulation of the lingual muscle with a bead, the problem of articulation will soon be solved.
Another common anomaly of the speech apparatus is rhinoalia. This gives speech a characteristic nasality, which is due to the insufficient rise of the upper palate during phonation. The reason for this is weak articulation, which will also help to establish vestibular plates with a bead. This device can be used when practicing with a speech therapist during the correction of hissing sounds and the sound "p".
One of the most common indications for making a vestibular plate is congenital rhinoalia. After the operation to eliminate the cleft palate, children are prescribed to wear a plate to restore oral sensitivity. This method helps to improve tissue tone and train muscles in the oral cavity. Records with a bead are also effective in the treatment of stuttering. Massage of the lingual muscle with a bead has a relaxing effect and relieves spasms of the speech apparatus.

Vestibular plate with wire flap for the tongue in case of malocclusion
For correction of malocclusion oftena vestibular plate with a flap for the tongue is prescribed. It helps to correct problems that are innate or caused by a number of bad habits. This type of orthodontic plate allows you to control the position of the tongue in the oral cavity when pronouncing certain sounds. The inability to pronounce an interdental sound may be due to an open bite. The vestibular plate with a damper will help to correct the open bite in the shortest possible time. The device is held in the mouth with a lip closure reflex, which is established within 2 hours of wearing the plate per day.

Sizes and types
Vestibular plates used in speech therapy in children are made in two standard sizes. The first type of plate has a radius of 22.5 mm and a red ring - this is a distinctive feature of the plates for the correction of milk bite. For older children with problems of mixed dentition, plates with a radius of 30 mm and a blue ring are made.
MUPPY Orthodontic Vestibular Plates
One of the gentlest ways to treat dentoalveolar anomalies in children are MUPPY orthodontic vestibular plates. High-quality materials do not cause allergies in the oral cavity in children. The MUPPY vestibular plate with a bead is one of the most frequent choices of parents who care about dental he alth and future beautiful and competent speech of their kids. German manufacturer Dr. Hinz Dental manufactures the best instruments forpainless prevention of deformation of the dentition.

Bad habits leading to dental anomalies
When noticing a malocclusion or speech problem in a child, parents should first try to understand the cause of the pathology. Most often, the cause of deformation of the dentition is bad habits, such as the abuse of a pacifier. A vestibular plate with a bead will also help here, reviews of which are almost always positive. The fact is that with prolonged use of the nipple, the reverse type of swallowing is preserved, when the tongue rests against the front incisors. The pressure on the teeth during the formation of the jaw can cause protrusion - the protrusion of the lower jaw forward. Therefore, it is recommended that the child be weaned off the pacifier before the age of 3 years.
Another common bad habit parents of toddlers can observe is thumb sucking. This reflex should be given special attention after giving up the pacifier. This habit can lead to the development of an asymmetrical bite. With such a defect, the upper incisors noticeably protrude forward. The MUPPY beaded vestibular plate, which has received only positive feedback from many patients, will help correct these defects.

Problems that can be solved with the MUPPY vestibular plate
- Mouth breathing is one of the problems that can also be treated with orthodonticplate. With reflex closing of the lips while wearing the plate, uniform nasal breathing is normalized. Contraindications to this method may be sinusitis and chronic rhinitis.
- Normal development of the lower jaw is not always possible without the help of orthodontic methods. Wearing a vestibular plate normalizes the development of the jaw and contributes to the formation of a beautiful and even bite.
- Orthodontic vestibular plate will gently correct speech defects in less than 3 months.
- Infantile swallowing is one of the most common causes of open bite. The plate will help to normalize the position of the tongue and avoid the development of protrusion.
- When wearing an orthodontic plate, the processes of natural self-regulation are established, which can be inhibited for various reasons.
When using MUPPY plates, you can easily and without coercion get rid of bad habits. This method can be an indispensable tool in the process of giving up a pacifier. At this difficult moment for the baby, the plate will relieve discomfort and stress. One of the problems of treatment with a plate is the schedule of its wearing. Children may experience some discomfort, which, when worn at night, can cause a vestibular plate with a bead. In St. Petersburg, many orthodontists recommend starting treatment gently, with the help of a game. The time of wearing the MUPPY plate increases gradually, which does not cause stress and rejection in the baby.
Types of MUPPY vestibular plates
For each patient, a specific vestibularbead plate. Instructions for its use are issued by a doctor and are attached to the kit. Manufacturer Dr. Hinz Dental offers the following types of plates to help solve individual problems of dentoalveolar and speech anomalies:
- MUPPY-S - to restore nasal breathing, eliminate the habit of thumb sucking.
- MUPPY-OS - to eliminate protrusion and retrusion.
- MUPPY-G - to eliminate dysfunction of swallowing and speech.
- MUPPY-P - for tongue massage.
As practice shows, it is the vestibular plate with a bead that helps to solve many problems quite easily and safely at an early age. Instructions for each of them must be included in the kit and will help everyone understand the basic principles of its use.