Acne is a real concern at any age. After all, this is an external sign of manifestation of most often internal problems.
Causes of acne in children
The most common cause of acne in a child is the lack of basic hygiene. Rare water procedures lead to blockage of pores and sebaceous glands. This is especially true during the hot season. Therefore, you should not immediately look for all kinds of vitamins for acne on the face and body. But it is not necessary to bring the condition of the child's skin to the scale of a catastrophe by inaction. From an early age, teach your child to keep cleanliness. Let the habit of washing hands after each visit to public places become an unconditional rule for him. Another cause of acne in children is hormonal changes in the body. Most often this is adolescence, when puberty occurs. In this case, you should not argue with nature, interfere with the hormonal background and zealously look for vitamins for facial skin. Only the time required for the hormones in the growing body to return to normal will save you from acne. In each case, this is an individual period, but if, on yourlook, it dragged on, then you should consult a doctor. After all, only a parent knows his child like no other. Be as attentive as possible to your children so as not to miss the first signs of a possible disease.

Causes of acne in adults
Adult acne is a different story. Their appearance is very rarely associated with ignoring hygiene. The abuse of fatty foods will definitely affect the skin in the form of acne rashes. And none of the best vitamins for acne on the face and body will help. The culprit of characteristic rashes can also be hormonal disorders in the female body. Troubles associated with diseases of the reproductive system, outwardly appear in the form of acne. In addition, it is worth avoiding problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so as not to ask the question: “What vitamins to drink?” From acne on the face and body, vitamin complexes alone will not help if the problem lies inside the body. Therefore, a visit to the doctor and the results of certain tests can show an accurate picture of the ongoing violations. An experienced doctor will not disregard a seemingly banal sign.

Characteristic places of accumulation
It is hardly possible for an ordinary person to make a diagnosis on their own. But there are several places on the face and body of a person where the appearance of acne informs about problems in certain body systems. So, in the appearance of acne in a teenager on the face and back, sexualmaturation. The T-zone is most affected in this case. With diseases of the genitourinary system in women, even at a middle age, rashes appear in the chin area. At this moment, the woman begins to look for vitamins from acne on her face in pharmacies, unaware of the nature of the latter. But there are situations when the whole body is covered with hated acne. They may not cause inconvenience, except for visual rejection. But they can also be extremely painful. In this case, vitamins against acne on the face and body can be not only useless, but also dangerous. Our perception of this pharmaceutical product is wrong to say the least.

To treat any kind of disease, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence or change the favorable environment in which it develops. This also applies to acne. They can be treated externally. This includes daily hygiene procedures. It is important to use gentle products suitable for your skin type. Cosmetic masks containing antibacterial components will also help. Vitamins for acne on the face can be introduced into the masks, after grinding them, and evaluate the result. Do not allow the presence of abrasive particles in the mask, because scrubs and peels will only aggravate the situation. It is better to use face vitamins for acne in tablets, or rather, capsules containing a liquid composition. As for the internal intake of various medicines, experiments are unacceptable here. All that is possible in this case is to establish proper nutrition, but it is better to switch tohe althy lifestyle. Of course, in one day it is impossible to change eating habits, and even more so to introduce daily physical activity. But nutrition and lifestyle are the root cause of our skin condition. And even if you have found a panacea - trendy vitamins against acne on the face - the reviews of most people will disappoint you, because they come down to one thing: there is no magic pill. An integrated approach will be the solution to this problem.

Products causing acne
Three whales of malnutrition - the basis of acne: fatty, sweet and starchy foods. Refining food is the main enemy that needs and can be fought. Naturally, fat, sugar and carbohydrates must be in the diet. The only question is their quality and moderation of consumption. Fat, for example, fish only has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Products from wholemeal flour and durum wheat normalize bowel function, which means they counteract the appearance of rashes. Fruits and vegetables naturally contain vitamins for acne on the face, reviews of true vegans and people who adhere to vegetarianism are a direct confirmation of this.
Products - healers of acne rashes
Foods that are not cooked or processed in a gentle way will be the main helpers in the fight against acne. Flour? Better than coarse grinding with maximum fiber content. Meat? Then it is better to take low-fat - rabbit, chicken (breast), turkey. Vegetables and fruits are seasonal, eaten by a worm. Beautiful, waxy, be sure to clean. Steam food, without or with minimal use of oil. Choose unrefined oil. But enriched with vitamins - leave it on the shelf in the store, because it definitely does not contain vitamins for acne on the face. No matter what the manufacturers claim. In the pursuit of profit, marketers make fabulous promises and go to any tricks. Why raw foods? The fiber they contain is extremely important to our body. It, like a brush, cleanses the intestines of toxins and other harmful substances, preventing them from spreading in the body as a whole and in the various layers of the skin in particular. Refined foods, on the other hand, make the bowel work sluggish. If the excretory system fails, then acne cannot be avoided.

Folk remedies
Bactericidal properties of herbs are the basis of therapy for getting rid of acne. Fortunately, the Russian land is rich in such plants. This, for example, chamomile, calendula, yarrow. Washing with a weak solution of these herbs will bring a positive effect. You can use infusions inside, but there are many features and contraindications. It is worth recalling that herbal preparations are shown to children from 12 years old, and not from 3 years old, as was thought for a long time. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to measure the content of beneficial and toxic substances in herbs. Allergic reactions that occur in a child's body can be irreversible. Therefore, do not neglect the advice of a doctor. The same applies to bee products,famous for its antibacterial properties. The deliberate and prudent use of folk remedies will facilitate the fight against acne, because this has been repeatedly proven.

Clay mask recipes
Cosmetic clay has always been considered an effective tool in the fight against acne on the face and body. You can take any as a basis: blue, pink or white. For a better application of the mask, add a liquid component - warm milk, a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula) or boiled water. And then you should introduce an antibacterial component - tea tree oil or diluted lemon juice. It is the additional components that contain the necessary vitamins for facial skin from acne. The consistency should be soft and tender. 10-15 minutes of relaxation - and the mask can be washed off with warm water.
Danger of vitamin complexes
Bad ecology, low immunity, constant stress - these are the realities of today's life. In pursuit of he alth, we are increasingly looking for magic pills. Vitamins are often referred to as such. But are they magical and safe? Vitamin supplements are everywhere - in baby food and juices, in cereals and canned food, in sweets and marmalade. The variety of vitamin complexes and various schemes for their intake are introduced into a stupor. And it would seem that we are protected as never before, but the current generation is not getting he althier. Why? Synthetic vitamins are a product of pharmacology, i.e. a chemical product. It turned out that uncontrolled and even preventive use of vitamins provokes cancer. They needuse only as directed by a doctor and in critical situations - severe illness, postoperative periods, when the body is severely weakened and cannot synthesize the necessary elements on its own. Therefore, choosing the next sweet and beautiful, like sweets, vitamins for a child, think about whether they are as harmless as their design, and whether they are as useful as the competent marketing text on the package informs.

Self-treatment is not an option
The excess of information does not allow us to adequately assess the situation even in matters of getting rid of acne. Numerous recipes and tips in social networks and online communities can be a solution or help to solve a problem in exceptional cases. After all, an elementary typo in the text of a “verified” recipe can have an unpredictable effect. And the information on the Internet can be of dubious quality. Meanwhile, he alth does not tolerate experiments. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!