Kidney pills are the best for your first aid kit. What pills to drink for pain in the kidneys, inflammation, stones?

Kidney pills are the best for your first aid kit. What pills to drink for pain in the kidneys, inflammation, stones?
Kidney pills are the best for your first aid kit. What pills to drink for pain in the kidneys, inflammation, stones?

If you know that you have kidney problems, then, most likely, in your first aid kit you can find various remedies for their treatment and prevention of exacerbations. But if you feel unwell, pain in the lumbar region and do not know what it can be and how to be treated, then the following information will come in handy.

How problems manifest

kidney pills
kidney pills

Most often, kidney disease can be detected by characteristic pains localized in the lumbar region. You can also suspect something was wrong with the appearance of painful sensations during urination. Another symptom that you may need pills for the kidneys is general weakness, fever, a significant decrease in performance. Often, blood pressure rises - this is also one of the symptoms of problems.

Determining the diagnosis

Given that a similar clinical picture can be in different diseases, even with minor problems, it is better to go to the doctor, and not look for kidney pills. Even if it seems to you that the problem is not serious, diagnose yourselfnot worth it on its own. First, you should be examined by a specialized doctor. He will prescribe urine, blood, ultrasound of the kidneys, and only after that he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Of course, if you can’t get to the doctor, and you have already encountered similar problems, then you can recall the treatment regimens previously prescribed to you. After all, the doctor selects drugs based on what kind of kidney problems you have.


Inflammation of the kidneys treatment pills
Inflammation of the kidneys treatment pills

If you have kidney stones, then know that their appearance was preceded by a number of other problems. So, they can form due to metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes, insufficient fluid intake. Often this disease is accompanied by intense discomfort. Taking pills for pain in the kidneys in such a situation is fully justified. The necessary medicines in such a situation include antispasmodic and diuretic drugs. So, you can drink the familiar No-shpa remedy, but with severe pain it is unlikely to help. In this case, it is better to inject the drug "Baralgin", it must be administered very slowly. And diuretics, which can help in such a situation and speed up the withdrawal of stones, include such drugs as Nolitsin, Furagin. True, they will be able to get out if the inflammation does not start.

Dissolving stones

If you have deposits in the kidneys, then you need to deal with their nature. In some situations, they can be dissolved without even having to drink other pills.from the kidneys. So, if they consist of uric acid s alts (such formations are not visible on an x-ray), then they can be de alt with. For this, citrate mixtures are suitable. But if the stones are visible on the X-ray and they are large enough, then they are not subject to dissolution.

kidney pain pills
kidney pain pills

But if the studies did not find deposits more than 0.5 cm in diameter, then washing them is sometimes recommended. For this, both herbal kidney pills and various synthetic preparations are used. Herbal medicines include Canephron N, Cyston. Used in such situations, the synthetic drug "Allopurinol" promotes the dissolution of deposits and has a preventive effect. Blemaren tablets are also used in the treatment of urolithiasis, they are designed to dissolve calcium-oxalate stones and uric acid-oxalate stones, provided that in the latter the level of oxalates does not exceed 25%. To dissolve cystine stones that are not otherwise treatable, agents such as Penicillamine or Thiopronin may be prescribed. These kidney pills are quite effective, but are poorly tolerated by patients. Therefore, they are preferred to be left in the end, if other means do not cope with the task.

Renal colic

Sharp pain that occurs in the lower back (less often in the abdominal region), increased pressure, nausea, vomiting often make patients see a doctor. A specialist with the help of research and analysis can determine that the cause of this condition was renal colic. self-diagnosis, andMoreover, it is absolutely impossible to prescribe pills for pain in the kidneys without consulting a specialist. By the way, this problem in almost 60% of cases is the result of urolithiasis.

herbal kidney pills
herbal kidney pills

In a hospital setting, the following antispasmodics are most often prescribed: "No-shpa", "Papaverin", "Eufillin", "Spazmolitin". In addition, they are combined with painkillers such as Trigan-E, Analgin, Tramadol, Novocain, Promedol. In addition to medicines, thermal procedures are recommended. These include the use of heating pads, sandbags, and sitz baths. The water temperature in the latter is maintained at 38-39 degrees Celsius. In special cases, even novocaine blockade can be done.

Inflammatory processes

Pills for kidney disease
Pills for kidney disease

One of the common problems is pyelonephritis. So doctors call inflammation of the kidneys. Treatment (pills and all other types of therapy) is better in this case to be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. The main condition for successful recovery is the use of a large amount of fluid, bed rest and the timely initiation of antibiotic therapy. A diet that excludes everything spicy, fatty, s alty is also important.

If you have inflammation of the kidneys, treatment (pills for which you will definitely have to take) will be long. For example, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed for up to 6 weeks. It is stopped only when the state is normalized. This will betestify normal body temperature and urine and blood tests without deviations. So, such a well-known antibiotic as "Penicillin" is used for treatment. With a stable microflora, the doctor will choose one of these drugs: Erythromycin, Vibramycin, Tarivid, Kevzol, Ristromycin - or pick up some other. At the same time, it is recommended to change the drug every 10-14 days so that the bacteria do not develop resistance.

Special occasions

In some situations, the use of antibiotics is undesirable. But this is not a reason to refuse treatment. If the disease is relatively mild, then you can use such tablets for kidney disease as "Urosulfan", "Etazol", "Biseptol", "Sulfadimetoksin". Also, the antimicrobial include "Furazolin", "Furadonin", "Furagin". Of course, they work best when combined with antibiotics.

In some cases, nalidixic acid products can be used. They are most often prescribed as maintenance therapy, at a time when the main problem has already been eliminated. These include the drugs Nevigramone and Negram.

If the patient has an intolerance to antibiotics, then use drugs such as "Urotropin" and "Salol". Although in some cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

What pills for the kidneys
What pills for the kidneys


Another rather serious problem is the deterioration of he alth, a decrease in the amount of urine, which becomes similar in color to meat slop, the appearance of edema, increased pressure. This occurs whenglomerulonephritis. If the disease is severe, then both kidney failure and anuria (complete absence of urine) can develop as a result.

You can’t neglect treatment, and you shouldn’t find out on your own which kidney pills you can drink to improve your condition. In a hospital setting, drugs such as Reserpine, Raunatin, Furosemide, Hypothiazid, Uregid, Clonidine, Brinerdin are prescribed. If the pressure does not rise much, then you can limit yourself to antispasmodics, "No-shpa", "Papaverine" and the like are suitable. To relieve edema, the drugs "Furosemide", "Hypothiazid", "Lasix", "Uregid" are prescribed. Doctors may also add other remedies if there are associated problems and complications.
