If you study the advice of a mammologist devoted to taking herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy, you will notice that doctors recommend using pharmaceutical products first of all. Medicinal herbs are considered a reliable way to maintain he alth, help to correct the immune system, but do not count on their miraculous power. At the same time, it is recognized that mastopathy is a pathological condition in which regular use of he althy herbal decoctions and drinks will allow you to regain your he alth much faster than simply following the course developed by the doctor.

What is it about?
Before talking about the advice of mammologists, healers, herbalists, therapists dedicated to pharmaceutical products and herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy, you must first formulate what kind of condition is called such a term. FCM is a disease localizedin the female mammary gland. As statistical studies show, on average, the frequency of occurrence is in 30-60% of all female representatives under the age of forty. In the age group older than this limit, FCM is diagnosed in every second woman. The probability of a malignant, tumor process against the background of FCM is on average five times higher than it is typical for other women.
If FCM is diagnosed, the doctor will select the appropriate therapeutic course. It will include a special diet. The doctor will tell you which drinks are safe for the patient, and what is better to exclude from everyday life. It is immediately worth clarifying how applicable traditional medicine is. It is important to select such drugs so that they do not conflict with the main treatment.
Drinks and their impact
Very often, FCM develops due to hormonal imbalance, excess estrogen in the human body. Accordingly, when choosing a drug therapy, one must remember that some herbs can lead to an increase in the concentration of this compound. For example, hibiscus is distinguished by this quality, from which hibiscus tea is prepared. A similar danger manifests itself in fibrocystic mastopathy with red brush grass. This plant is considered useful for the female body, but there are certain limitations. It is with FKM that the use of drinks from this plant can be rather harmful.

You should avoid including hops, fenugreek infusions in the therapeutic course. It is recommended to refuse treatment with red clover. Fromdiet clean very black tea. Pickle, especially in the morning after heavy drinking, although it helps with a headache, it negatively affects the hormonal background. Lemon juice is dangerous.
Kopor tea
Choosing which herbs to drink with mastopathy, you should pay special attention to this collection. It is rightfully considered the most demanded and popular, it helps in the case of not only FKM, but also a number of other diseases - not only women's, but also men's. The main ingredient of the herbal mixture for preparing the drink is fireweed, also known as Ivan-tea. This plant can be considered the most effective in the fight against FCM, since it contains a wide variety of ingredients, chemical components, which determine the multifaceted effect of the application. The substances with which the plant is enriched have a positive effect on the condition of the mammary glands.
Here there is hangrol, which increases the antitumor immunity inherent in the human body. Koporye tea relieves pain due to magnesium ions, alkaloids, polysaccharides and some flavonoids. The plant contains ascorbic acid, tannin compounds, effective against inflammatory processes. They have a disinfecting effect. Thanks to vitamins from group B, tea soothes. This effect is due to the presence of kaempferol, quercetin. Fireweed has a positive effect on the immune system, the endocrine system, thereby stabilizing the hormonal background, the content of active ingredients returns to normal.
Application features
Choosing which herbs to drink with mastopathy, and stopping at Koporye tea, you must first studyrules for its preparation and use. Although this folk remedy is considered reliable and safe, improper and excessive use can lead to undesirable effects. In the case of FKM, it is necessary to prepare a medicinal drink by mixing the ingredients in the following proportions: for a couple of large spoons of vegetable raw materials - 300 ml of freshly boiled water. It is necessary to use carefully dried fireweed, harvested strictly in season. Having combined the ingredients in a container, it is covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm shawl. It is even better to infuse the drink in a thermos. Cooking time - half an hour.
Koporsky tea is intended to be consumed orally three times daily on an empty stomach, before a meal. A single dose is half a glass.

Kiprey: use cases
Finding out which herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy will help better than others, you should pay attention to the different uses of known products. For example, fireweed can be used not only for making tea, but also for compresses. Such simple procedures quickly and effectively soothe the pain. To prepare a compress, you need fresh herbs. The leaves are carefully crushed, put in gauze and put the object on the chest that is bothering with pain. It is advisable to do the procedure in the evening.
When it is impossible to use fresh leaves of the plant, dry raw materials are used. In this case, it is first brewed according to the rules described for tea, or a little more concentrated, then gauze is soaked in the resultingliquids and impose on diseased areas of the chest. It is advisable to re-wet the gauze every half hour.
Green tea and more
If you ask a healer what herbs for mastopathy help to alleviate the condition, he will certainly point to the usual green tea for us. This plant is enriched with antioxidants and acids, tannins, oils - in a word, everything that is needed to treat almost any disease. You can safely drink tea every day, without limiting yourself in portions. To make it as useful as possible, purified water is used to prepare the drink.
Mineral water from a natural source will benefit. Experts advise drinking compotes made from fresh fruits. Do not use sugar in cooking. Good fresh juices from yellow, red vegetables, fruits. You can prepare a decoction of rose hips. Boiling water is combined with berries and boiled for several minutes, then the water is decanted and used inside. It is recommended to drink one glass or twice as much daily. Another cooking option involves combining three large spoons of rose hips, five large spoons of pine needles, one spoon of onion peel and a pinch of licorice. Plant products are placed in a thermos, a liter of boiling water is poured, insisted for 24 hours.

Unusual names but reliable effect
Among the useful herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy, kombucha is isolated. It is used to prepare a specific drink - kombucha. Enzymatic processes occurring in the fungus lead togenerating numerous useful compounds. To prepare kombucha, you need to pour clean water over the kombucha and wait for a while. Gradually, the liquid will acquire a characteristic yellowish tint and a peculiar taste. This drink should be consumed in a couple of glasses daily.
A good result is observed if a woman consumes decoctions of vitex, tinctures prepared with this plant. The plant product is crushed and combined with alcohol. For a couple of large spoons of raw materials, you need to take a half-liter container and add liquid to it, insist for two weeks. The finished product is used inside. A single dose is two dozen drops. The remedy is taken three times daily.
Maca and Aloe
Maca is a medicinal herb native to Peru. For our region, the plant is quite exotic. It is used to make tincture. It is believed that such a medicinal product stabilizes female hormones well. The preparation rules are similar to those described above. It is enough to drink 50-100 mg per day.
If you ask a healer about herbs that are useful for cystic mastopathy, he will probably remember fennel. It is used to prepare special milk. To make homemade medicine, you will need plant seeds. 100 g is combined with 0.5 liters of natural milk, put the container on low heat so that the liquid does not boil. Cooking time - 10 minutes. Then the milk is infused for several hours and consumed in one or two days inside.
A good option is to use aloe. To prepare the medicine, you should take the green parts of the plant, agewhich is two to five years old. The leaves are wrapped with gauze, plastic wrap, leaving a small gap for air. It is necessary to withstand aloe in the refrigerator for two weeks. The plant is placed on the bottom shelf. Then the juice is squeezed out of the raw material and used inside. You can make lotions on a sore chest.
Should I take it?
As can be concluded from the reviews devoted to the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy with herbs, only women who used infusions and decoctions with the consent of the doctor had good impressions. Fireweed and aloe left especially good impressions on the patients. These proven plants are useful and safe. But the preparation of alcohol tinctures is not for everyone. Is it worth the risk, it is up to each patient to decide on their own, but doctors advise, if possible, to abandon such funds. It is better to use pharmaceutical products. This is due to the negative effect of any alcoholic beverages on the female body - even if it is a very small dose.

Multicomponent do-it-yourself medicines
There are different recipes for collecting herbs. With fibrocystic mastopathy, according to healers, a product prepared using licorice rhizomes, red and Mary roots shows a very good effect. The first ingredient is taken in an amount of 15 g, the second - 25 g, the third - 50 g. All vegetable raw materials are carefully crushed and placed in a half-liter container, filled to the top with vodka or alcohol. The balm is infused for a couple of weeks in a cool, darkened room, thenthe liquid is carefully expressed. The medicine is intended for oral use. A single dose is a large spoon. Frequency - three times daily. The taste of the balm is somewhat tart, unpleasant. To make it less pronounced, a homemade preparation is diluted in fresh herbal tea.
On vodka, according to similar rules, you can prepare a tincture of Kerzhakov. To do this, you need to have at your disposal the skins of pine nuts. The rules of use are also the same as those described above.
Three products, triple effect
You can try the next course. First, wormwood decoction is consumed for five days, then, up to the 15th day inclusive, sage decoction. For another ten days they drink a decoction of a boron uterus. Then the cycle is repeated. You must go through it at least three times. In order for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy with herbs to be effective, a wormwood decoction is prepared by mixing a couple of large spoons with half a liter of pure water, boiled for five minutes. Both it and sage broth are taken before meals in the amount of one large spoon. The medicine prepared with a hog uterus should be taken after waking up and shortly before going to bed in the amount of half a glass.
Burdock and other useful herbs
You can practice the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy with herbs, using a multi-component mixture, which includes burdock rhizomes, calendula flowers, clover, leuzea, celandine, tartar, nettle, peony leaves, string. You can prepare such a collection yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy. One and a half small spoons of a vegetable product are poured into a container, only a third of a liter is pouredboiled water. It is advisable to use a thermos. In its absence, the container is tightly closed and wrapped in a shawl or blanket. Duration of infusion - six hours. Then the liquid is decanted and consumed orally three times daily shortly before the meal. A single dose is half a glass. The drink should be drunk warm. The minimum duration of the program is 30 days. There should be ten-day breaks between sets.
If you ask a healer what herbs to drink with fibrocystic mastopathy, he can advise a multi-component collection with hawthorn. For its preparation, the fruits and foliage of the shrub are used. Cowberry leaves, rhizomes of burdock and calamus, knotweed and clover are introduced into the mixture. Add parsley seeds, shepherd's purse, currant leaf, dill grass, rose hips, horsetail greens. Enter Rhodiola. A tablespoon of the resulting multicomponent collection is combined with half a liter of freshly boiled water. It is advisable to insist homemade medicine in a thermos. Cooking time - a quarter of a day. Then the water is drained and consumed inside before the meal. A single dose is half a glass. Frequency - three times daily. A collection with such components can be bought at a pharmacy.

The preparation of such home-made medicines is possible using berries, fruits, herbs. With fibrocystic mastopathy, an extract prepared using walnut partitions shows a good effect. It is believed that the components rich in vegetable raw materials stabilize the hormonal background. Usesuch a homemade medicine reduces the risk of degeneration of the process into oncological. The extract is used in the amount of three dozen drops once daily. It is necessary to take the remedy a third of an hour before a meal. To prepare the hood, several handfuls of partitions are combined with half a liter of vodka, alcohol. Insist month in a dark room.

According to similar rules, you can cook a chestnut-meli extract. It improves blood flow, has a positive effect on the chest, activates the immune system. The remedy is used three times daily before a meal. Single dose - 20 drops. It is necessary to drink homemade medicine with clean water in a reasonable amount.
What else to try?
Some healers advise using herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy externally. Burnet, valerian rhizomes, calendula inflorescences, aloe juice, St. John's wort, oregano and centaury are mixed, combined with petroleum jelly and used for local application. The prepared ointment is recommended to be applied twice daily. The product is distributed over the skin with soft circular motions.