One of the most common diseases of preschool children is conjunctivitis. It arises in connection with the impact of pathogenic bacteria and viruses on the child’s body that has not yet grown strong, as well as for some other reasons. Timely and correct treatment of a small patient, based on the clarification of the etiology of the disease, allows for a short time to save the baby from the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, the lack of proper therapy provokes the development of pathology, which leads to the occurrence of purulent and inflammatory processes inside the eye. And this, in turn, sometimes causes irreversible visual impairment.

What are the causes of conjunctivitis in children 4 years old and how to treat this disease using pharmacological preparations and folk remedies? You can find the answer to this question in the article.
The immunity of 4-year-old children is in the period of its active development. These kids have relatively recently started attending a preschool institution, communicate more with their peers and join the society. In this regard, they often have contact with various allergens and pathogens of conjunctivitis.
Congenital pathologies of a different nature, as well as an insufficient level of hygiene and sanitary regime in preschool and at home, make a certain contribution to the development of the disease.
The most common causes of conjunctivitis in children aged 4 years are:
- Infections. In most cases, the defeat occurs from pathogenic bacteria and much less often from viruses.
- Allergy. In connection with the emerging hyperactive reaction to certain substances, the child sometimes develops inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the eyes.
- Problems of an ophthalmic nature. Sometimes the cause of conjunctivitis is some congenital eye pathology. There are no acquired diseases of this type at this age.
Sometimes the occurrence of conjunctivitis contributes to the group stay of children in preschool. After all, it often happens that a sick child who does not have obvious signs of illness becomes a source of infection for his peers. There are also factors that aggravate the spread of conjunctivitis. Among them:
- using toys without sanitizing;
- non-compliance with hygiene procedures;
- dry room air;
- too bright light inindoor;
- weakened immunity due to frequent illnesses;
- power errors;
- violations of the daily routine.
How does conjunctivitis manifest itself in 4-year-old little patients? Regardless of the cause of the disease, its development can be detected in connection with the occurrence of some characteristic symptoms. The baby begins to complain of an unpleasant sensation in the eyes. He is disturbed by bright light, and he asks to turn off all the lights in the room. In addition, the baby becomes too restless and lethargic. He has a decreased appetite. With a viral origin of pathology in a small patient, the temperature rises.

After the symptoms described above appear, parents should examine the child. They can suspect the occurrence of conjunctivitis based on the presence of the following signs:
- puffiness and redness of the eyes;
- uncontrolled release of tear fluid;
- pain, burning and itching in the eyes;
- glued eyelids after sleep;
- discharge from both or one eye is light yellow and sometimes yellow-green.
There are different types of conjunctivitis that affects children as young as 4 years old. In this case, the main symptoms of the pathological process will primarily depend on the degree of its development, the characteristics of the child's body, and also on which group the disease belongs to. Consider the types and signs of conjunctivitis that can occur in children 4 years old.
Usually conjunctivitis,which belong to this species, arise due to exposure to bacteria of the pyogenic type. These are streptococci and staphylococci, chlamydia, gonococci and pneumococci. Such pathologies are manifested by a feeling of dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye, as well as those areas of the skin that are near it.
When a bacterial infection enters the baby's body, he often develops purulent conjunctivitis. In children of 4 years of age, it is accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms. So, the child complains about the feeling of the presence of a foreign body on the surface of the organ of vision. However, this feeling is subjective. At the same time, a significant amount of gray or yellow pus is released from the eyes. It has a viscous consistency, because of which it sticks together the eyelids and eyelashes of the baby during sleep.
If purulent conjunctivitis in children develops in its acute form, then the eyes are hyperemic. They hurt, and at the same time, damage can occur not only to the conjunctiva, but also to the cornea, as well as other elements related to the visual system.
Typical causative agents of this type of conjunctivitis are herpes and adenoviruses. Pathology develops against the background of a runny nose, tonsillitis and SARS.

The mucous membrane of the eyes in this case is affected by severe inflammation. At the same time, the child has pain and cramps in them, sometimes accompanied by photophobia. Sometimes the body temperature rises. Often, the formation of thin films and follicles (on the epithelium) begins in the eye area. With these types of conjunctivitis, discharge is also observed. But they are rather scarce and not purulent.
The reason for the development of this type of conjunctivitis is irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. This happens due to the impact on it of various allergens (plant pollen, pet hair, etc.). This pathology has a seasonal course. Her symptoms develop quite quickly. It is enough for the irritant to get into the eye, and after 15-60 minutes a small patient will develop swelling of the eyelids, itching of the eyes, pain syndrome and hyperemia. Allocations with such pathologies are transparent and insignificant.
Chronic form
If conjunctivitis occurs, the child should be treated promptly. Otherwise, despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, it will take a chronic form. At the same time, the cornea will become cloudy, lacrimation will be constantly observed, the child will quickly get tired, upsetting adults with their irritability.
What to do?
When symptoms of conjunctivitis occur, parents should take their child to the pediatrician immediately. An ophthalmologist should also examine a small patient. After examining the patient and taking anamnesis, the doctor will take a swab from the eye. This will identify the causative agent of the infection. When identifying an allergic form of the disease, you will need to consult an allergist-immunologist.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children 4 years old? The use of a particular therapy will directly depend on the type of disease. Symptoms of uncomplicated conjunctivitis are eliminated at home within 7days.
Steps of elimination of the disease
How to treat conjunctivitis in children 4 years old at home? To eliminate the disease you will need:
- Rinse the eye with either a pharmaceutical solution or a decoction of herbs.
- Instill drops or apply ointment behind the eyelid.
- Strictly follow the rules of hygiene, that is, wash your hands thoroughly before carrying out medical procedures. The same must be done after they are held.
Eye wash
How to treat conjunctivitis in children 4 years old? Before using medications or folk remedies, you will need to rinse the eyes of a small patient. One of the following solutions can be used for this:
- Furacilina. To prepare it, one tablet of the remedy is dissolved in 1 glass of boiled water and filtered through gauze.
- Sodium chloride. A 0.9% solution is used to wash the eyes.
Chamomile decoction is also effective. For preparation, you will need to brew 1 filter bag with a glass of boiling water and insist the resulting product for 40 minutes. Strongly brewed black tea is also effective.
How to perform an eyewash procedure for conjunctivitis in children at 4 years old? In the prepared solution, a gauze sterile napkin is moistened. They rub their eyes with it. The direction of movement is from the outer corner to the inner. For each eye, you need to take your own napkin. And only after the end of this procedure, you can lay the ointment behind the eyelid or instill the drug.
Pharmacological agents
How to treat conjunctivitis inchildren at 4? The specialist prescribes pharmacological preparations to a small patient based on the reasons that provoked the disease, as well as the clinical picture of its course. Bacterial and purulent conjunctivitis in children is eliminated with antibiotics. With a viral form of the disease, you will need to take antiviral drugs. In the case when the pathology occurs due to an allergic reaction, the small patient is prescribed antihistamines.
Antibacterial drugs
How to treat conjunctivitis in children at 4 years old?

In case of a bacterial cause of the development of the disease, a specialist may recommend:
- 20% sodium sulfacyl. Eye drops for children, which are called "Albucid", are used 4 or 6 times during the day. In this case, 1 drop should be instilled into each eye.
- 0, 25% chloramphenicol solution. It is dripped 4 times a day, 1 drop in each eye.
- Ofloxacin (Floxal). These drops for conjunctivitis in a child at 4 years old are instilled 3 or 4 times a day, 1 drop each. This drug is also available in the form of an ointment. It is laid behind the eyelid, taking a small amount.
- Tobrex eye drops. In the instructions for children 4 years old, their use is allowed 5 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. Nevertheless, it is allowed to use Tobrex eye drops for children in the instructions for more than this time. If necessary, the ophthalmologist can extend the course of treatment up to10 nights.
- 1% tetracycline eye ointment. This remedy is placed behind the eyelid of a small patient twice a day.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children at 4 years old? If the infection is viral, doctors recommend:
- "Ophthalmoferon". This tool is applied 6-8 times throughout the day, 1 drop.
- "Poludan". This drug is especially effective in adenovirus and herpetic conjunctivitis. According to the instructions, it is diluted in distilled water and used 6-8 times, 1 drop per day.
- Zovirax. This ointment is applied in small amounts behind the eyelid. It is allowed to carry out such a procedure up to 5 times with an interval of at least four hours.
If conjunctivitis is caused by an allergic reaction, use the following:
- 0, 1% Opatanol. This drug is used 4 times a day, 1 cap.
- "Azepastin". The product is used three times during the day, 1 drop each.
Recommendations of alternative medicine
When treating at home, folk remedies for conjunctivitis in children 4 years old can also be used. Medicinal plants, as well as food, will help eliminate the discomfort of the disease and reduce swelling and inflammation of the eyes. Some of them allow you to eliminate the disease, which is in the initial stage, without the use of drugs. To do this, for example, it is recommended to wash the eyes of a child with a decoction of chamomile.

Medicinal plants are recommended by traditional medicine and for their use in the form of lotions. For such a procedure, you can apply decoctions:
- rosehip;
- bay leaf.
Effective for conjunctivitis lotion and homemade kombucha infusion.
Remove irritation from the eyes will allow grated potatoes. For such lotions, the vegetable is crushed, wrapped in a sterile napkin and applied to the eyes for 15 minutes.
In the form of droplets, it is recommended to use aloe juice, as well as diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 honey.
To strengthen immunity, children of 4 years of age are given 100 g of a mixture of carrot (80 ml), celery (10 ml) and parsley (10 ml) juices in the morning and evening.
How to prevent illness?
Prevention of conjunctivitis in children 4 years old includes the following activities:
- compliance with hygiene rules;
- eliminate direct contact with disease carriers;
- appeal to the doctor at the first symptoms of pathology;
- timely treatment of colds;
- strengthening immunity.