24-hour pharmacies Koroleva: address, description, how to get there

24-hour pharmacies Koroleva: address, description, how to get there
24-hour pharmacies Koroleva: address, description, how to get there

Run for medicine late? A brief overview of the Queen's 24-hour pharmacies will help you choose the right direction. The article presents the pharmaceutical departments that have the highest customer rating.

City Center

The first pharmacy is "Economy", located at st. Tsiolkovsky, 20/22. You can find it near the Royal City Hospital by crossing the road across Frunze Street.

Not far from the Vozrozhdeniye bank, which is located on Makarenko Street, there is a round-the-clock pharmacy in Korolev. You can find her in the house at number 3.

There is a large pharmacy on Koroleva street, 20. It is self-service and has very good reviews.

24 hour pharmacy
24 hour pharmacy

Round-the-clock pharmacy Koroleva offers its services at st. Trofimova, d. 13. Nearby is a music school and clinic number 14.

Yubileyny microdistrict

24-hour pharmacies are common in this area of the city. The first - "He althy people" - st. Lesnaya 20.

A little further away is the Alphega pharmacy (Pushkinskaya, 13). Located in a very picturesque greena place where it is pleasant to relax in the hot heat.

Pharmacy in the center of the Queen
Pharmacy in the center of the Queen

By the way, two houses away, on Pushkinskaya, 17, there is also another pharmacy that works 24 hours a day.


Opposite the railway station there is a round-the-clock pharmacy Korolev "Soyuzpharm". Her address: st. Station, 1.

A little further, on the street. Isayeva, 1-B, there is a pharmacy called "Ozerki".

There are two pharmacies on Cosmonauts Street at once: "Amulet" in building 3a and "Megapharm" in building 11.

Planet He alth

The network of inexpensive pharmacies "Planet of He alth" offers round-the-clock services at good prices. Four pharmacies in the Queen are located at the following addresses:

  • Prospect Queen, 3;
  • Queen Avenue, 4;
  • Queen Avenue, 22;
  • st. Karl Marx, 2A.
pharmacy on the map
pharmacy on the map

To find a pharmacy on Karl Marx Street, 2A, you need to go to the Podlipki-Dachnye railway station. Between Kalinina Street and Karl Marx Street there is a house where a pharmacy is located.


Energy-Avto pharmacy network in Korolev is represented by two round-the-clock branches. One is located at the address: Cosmonauts Avenue, 29/12, building 1, room 4, 1st floor. To find the branch, you need to go from the intersection of the street. Gorky and Cosmonauts Avenue in the direction of the square. At the crossroads there is a semicircular house, in which the pharmacy is located.

Second Branchis located on Pionerskaya street, house 2A, right next to Yubileiny park.

Other pharmacies

Pharmaceutical departments of other firms are located at these points:

  • "Plantain": Makarenko passage, 3;
  • "Farmo -S 777": on the first floor of the house 15 on Pushkin street;
  • "Trick": Cosmonauts Avenue, 3B, 1st floor;
  • Soyuzpharma: Station Square, 1;
  • "Supermedservice": st. Gagarina, 12/14

Most of the pharmacies in the Queen are located in the center, but there are some that cover separate areas.
