Pregnancy is the most beautiful and responsible period in a woman's life. Each new day brings the meeting with the baby closer, and this causes awe and tenderness. However, all expectant mothers think about childbirth with anxiety (especially if they are the first). Naturally, everyone wants them to be easy and painless. A lot depends on the physical and emotional state of the expectant mother, but the maternity hospital and the doctors working in it play an important role. There are a lot of maternity hospitals in the capital, but from this article you will learn about the one located on Samarkand Boulevard. We are talking about maternity hospital No. 8.
Maternity hospital No. 8: general information
Maternity Hospital No. 8 is one of the largest in Moscow. Chambers for patients and newborn babies are characterized by increased comfort. Doctors of maternity hospital No. 8 in Vykhino are highly qualified. There is the most modern equipment, as well as children's resuscitation. In the 8th maternity hospital, you can get a certificate ofbirth, as well as to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for the baby.
According to reviews, you can get to the 8th maternity hospital in Vykhino by direction from the antenatal clinic or by calling an ambulance. If the contractions are not strong, then you can take a taxi or ask your relatives to take you in their own car. In order not to forget anything, it is better to prepare a list in advance. In the 8th maternity hospital in Vykhino, they are not allowed to take a lot of personal items with them to the maternity unit, because everything there must be sterile. In the article you can see a list of what you need to have with you.

Maternity hospital doctors
Maternity Hospital No. 8 is fully staffed with highly qualified specialists. Doctors work around the clock and are ready to help expectant mothers at any time of the day or night. The maternity hospital has specialists in ultrasound, CTG, and many obstetrician-gynecologists have the title of candidate of medical sciences. It is important to note the professionalism of the children's doctors of this institution, because they are able to leave even premature babies. The maternity hospital has an intensive care unit and resuscitation of newborns. The staff of the institution strives to ensure that women give birth naturally. The baby in the first minutes of life is applied to the mother's breast. Patients of maternity hospital No. 8 write in their reviews that almost all doctors of the maternity hospital are professionals in their field. Most of them are very attentive, polite and responsive. The girls who had a caesarean section there note that during the operation, doctors use the most modern technology, due to which the seam is practicallynoticeable. Anyone can sign up for a paid appointment with any maternity hospital specialist. If you plan to contract with this institution, you can choose the doctor you like.
However, depending on the rank of specialist, the cost of childbirth changes. For example, you want to be observed by the head of the maternity or obstetric department. In this case, you will have to pay much more than for a regular obstetrician-gynecologist. However, do not be afraid to give birth for free, because, according to reviews, the staff of the maternity hospital treats all patients well. Those who wish are given an epidural anesthesia, thanks to which the contractions become completely painless.

List of doctors who work in Maternity Hospital No. 8:
- Karabin I. N. - obstetrician, gynecologist with extensive work experience;
- Kuzminykh M. E. - obstetrician, gynecologist;
- Sarahova D. Kh. - obstetrician, gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences;
- Kravets Y. S. - obstetrician, gynecologist;
- Dobrovolskaya I. V. - gynecologist, head of the department of pathology of pregnant women;
- Alieva M. I. - obstetrician, gynecologist;
- Kushkina T. F. – pediatrician, neonatologist;
- Demyanuk G. S. - obstetrician, gynecologist;
- Smolyar E. B. – pediatrician, neonatologist;
- Fadeeva N. A. – gynecologist;
- V. P. Kuznetsov – gynecologist;
- Polivyanaya V. A. - gynecologist, obstetrician;
- Ovsyannikova N. I. - obstetrician, gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences;
- Putintseva M. A. – gynecologist;
- Manji M. A. - obstetrician, gynecologist;
- MerkulovaN. Yu. - gynecologist;
- Kucheryavenko O. Yu. - obstetrician, gynecologist;
- Padafá I. V. - obstetrician, gynecologist.
Many specialists of the maternity hospital not only take births and perform caesarean sections, but also work in the department of pathology of pregnant women, where they successfully treat various diseases in expectant mothers.
Preparing for childbirth
Before, childbirth could take a woman by surprise, but this time, fortunately, has passed. Now you can choose the maternity hospital and the doctor who will be with you. Schools for expectant mothers help prepare for childbirth, where experienced obstetricians and gynecologists talk about how to breathe properly, how to relax, how to push. But that is not all. Pregnant women are prepared psychologically, thanks to which they begin to look at childbirth as a natural process. This is very important, because the right attitude and adequate behavior help to endure painful contractions.

What to take with you to the hospital
It is best to prepare documents and a package to the hospital in advance. During fights, you can get confused and forget to take something important. It is worth paying attention to one important point: you can only take packages or plastic bags with you to maternity hospital No. 8. Backpacks, bags made of leather or fabric, suitcases are not allowed!
Below you can see a list of what you will definitely need when you are hospitalized at Maternity Hospital 8.
- Passport.
- CHI or VHI.
- Birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic).
- Exchange card (you will receive it at the antenatal clinic where you are observed).
List of things in the maternity ward:
- Rubber slippers.
- Drinking water bottles (during contractions, you will definitely want to drink).
- Charging for your phone.
- Phone.
Besides this, you need to collect a bag that relatives will bring to you immediately after the baby is born. You will need to put in it:
- Several packs of pads (preferably postnatal or overnight).
- Wet wipes.
- Disposable panties.
- Nightgowns for breastfeeding moms (sterile nightgowns are provided in the postnatal ward, but many want to wear their own).
- Breast pump (it might come in handy when the milk comes in).
- 2 pairs of socks.
- Soap, shampoo, shower gel.
Of course, the baby will also need a separate package, which will contain:
- Baby wipes.
- Diapers (30 pieces, no more).
- Cotton buds;.
- Bepanthen ointment or baby cream.
- Undershirts and sliders for the baby (if you wish, you can take sterile baby clothes at the maternity hospital).

Patient testimonials
Reviews about maternity hospital No. 8 in Vykhino are mostly positive. Patients note that staying there left good impressions in their memory. Two people are accommodated in each ward, in the postpartum ward, the girls lie with their babies, if there are no contraindications to this. If a young mother misbehavesfeels after childbirth, then the child is taken away, but constantly brought in for feeding. The shower room and toilet are located next to the rooms. It is very comfortable. According to reviews of the 8th maternity hospital in Vykhino, we can conclude that the food there is delicious. Doctors and nurses of the maternity hospital are very attentive to patients, always ready to help.

Babies are not being bottle fed to learn how to latch on properly. It is important that the team does not seek to perform a caesarean section for women in labor, they provide a chance for women to give birth on their own. Very competent doctors work at maternity hospital No. 8, located in Vykhino in Moscow, to whom expectant mothers from all over the capital strive to get. Before childbirth, many lie in the pathology department, where pregnant women are treated by real professionals. After birth, the baby is carefully examined, all the necessary tests are taken, vaccinations are given (if there are no contraindications), and hearing is checked. If everything is in order with the mother and the child, then on the third day after the birth they are allowed to leave the hospital.
Contract birth
In the 8th maternity hospital in Vykhino, you can give birth for free, or you can sign a contract and get many benefits. What additional services will be provided to you if you sign a contract with a maternity hospital?
Firstly, you can call your doctor at any time. By the way, he will observe you during pregnancy and be present at the birth. Secondly, you will be provided with a comfortable room where relatives can visit you and your baby. Thirdly, by concludingcontract with the maternity hospital, you can take a loved one (for example, your husband) with you to the birth.

Where is Maternity Hospital No. 8
Maternity Hospital No. 8 is located in the southeastern administrative district of Moscow. It is located at the address: Samarkand Boulevard, Building 3. Vykhino is the nearest metro station.

How to get to maternity hospital No. 8 in Vykhino
You can get to the maternity hospital by bus or fixed-route taxi. At the Vykhino metro station you will need to take bus 209, 731 or 169. You need to get off at the stop "Maternity Hospital". Numbers of minibuses that can take you to the maternity hospital: 610, 209.

Maternity hospital No. 8, located in Vykhino in Moscow, can be safely called one of the best in the capital. If you have to give birth there, then tune in a positive way. Based on reviews of the 8th maternity hospital in Vykhino, we can conclude that they treat both those who give birth free of charge and those who give birth for a fee there. Of course, future mothers who have signed a contract with a maternity hospital have more advantages, but in general, excellent conditions are created there for everyone. If you have such an opportunity, it is better to prepare in advance for childbirth and attend courses for expectant mothers. Although no matter how much you are told about childbirth, you will have to experience it all yourself. It's good if you have an idea about this process, but most importantly, be mentally prepared. Yes, it is difficult, but as a result, a completely newlittle man, and this will be your merit! It is very important to strictly follow the instructions of doctors during childbirth, because not only your he alth, but also the condition of the newborn baby depends on this.