It often takes a long time to find a hospital where doctors with extensive experience will provide quality care, where there is modern equipment, the opportunity to receive free services and a guaranteed result. Often, patients from expensive private clinics come to municipal ones with an already advanced disease. The medical institution, which operates under compulsory and voluntary medical insurance, provides medical care on a commercial basis, is subordinate to the Moscow Department of He alth, as well as an institution of the department of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov and MGMSU named after A. I. Evdokimova, is the 70th hospital in Novogireevo.
History and modernity of the City Clinical Hospital
Mukhin Efrem Osipovich was a nobleman. During the war between Russia and Turkey, he looked after the wounded, performed medical procedures and was assigned to the main infirmary. In 1806 it waspublished his manual on surgery. Mukhin rightfully became the first Russian doctor - traumatologist and founder of surgery. In 1813, he moved to the Metropolitan Imperial Institute of Physiology and Forensic Medicine as a professor, and during the time of cholera he was an inspector of a temporary clinic. When it came time to retire, he left this post with the title of emeritus professor. He stopped his practical activities, but continued to engage in science.
Back in 1958, the first two-story building of the gynecological branch was opened in Perov in the municipal clinic No1 named after E. O. Mukhin. In the second half of the 20th century, the city unified with the capital. The medical institution was renamed the municipal medical clinic No70. During this period, they began to build modern buildings and open various branches.

Now hospital 70 in Novogireevo has:
- Resuscitation beds - 40 beds.
- Day hospital - 80 beds.
- Surgical, cardiology, endocrinology, neurology departments – 477 seats.
Many leading specialists and qualified doctors work here. The large team of hospital number 70 in Novogireevo is able to serve more than 32,000 patients a year, and their honest work has been awarded with multiple thanks and letters of appreciation.
Diagnostic department
The service contains 5 departments:
- The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics is one of the safest, most effective ways,conducted in real time without beam overload.
- Functional diagnostics – ECG, echocardiography, ECG, daytime blood pressure monitoring, treadmill testing, spirography are available.
- X-ray - there are rooms for x-ray, fluorography, mammography, x-ray tomography, magnetic resonance diagnostics, located on the basis of the hospital and department No1. Studies are carried out on devices using computer technology, which makes it possible to increase the diagnostic significance of the image and reduce the radiation dose.
- Endoscopic - treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory concept and abdominal organs. Diagnostic examinations, surgical endoscopy, urgent gastroscopy for gastroduodenal bleeding, urgent laparoscopy, urgent bronchoscopy, urgent endoscopic retrograde cholangiography are carried out in a planned and urgent mode.
Clinical and diagnostic biolaboratory is one of the main advantages of hospital 70 near Novogireevo metro station. It is equipped with the most advanced equipment. Provides more than three hundred types of laboratory tests, guarantees the issuance of fast, reliable and reliable results for all types of medical laboratory tests, which can help establish the correct diagnosis, choose the necessary method of treatment, establish the causes of the disease and implement therapy control.
Surgical Department
The hospital has a surgicalbody with five compartments. Doctors are seen every day - endocrinologists, otolaryngologist, surgeons, gynecologist. The center is located in the therapeutic building on the 1st floor of hospital 70 in Novogireevo and is based on the advanced achievements of medical science and the use of hospital-replacing technologies. You can register for a consultation. In outpatient circumstances, assistance is provided at the expense of compulsory medical insurance. The surgical department provides assistance in almost all major trends in current general surgery. The following units operate here:
- Endocrine microsurgery - 20 seats.
- Vascular surgery - 5 seats.
- Proctological profile - 5 seats.
- Emergency surgical pathology - 40 seats.
Every year more than 600 patients are treated in the branch. The specialists of the hospital 70 in Novogireevo carry out timely surgical interventions for diseases:
- Thyroid.
- Gynecomastia.
- Morbid obesity and diabetes.
- Gastrointestinal tract.
- Arterial and venous pathology.
- General proctological profile.
Head - Pogosyan Gagik Eduardovich, candidate of medical sciences. He is certified in Oncology.

Doctors - surgeons
Surgeons of the highest qualification category who rightfully deserve their title and receive dozens of positive reviews from their patients:
- Glod OksanaStepanovna - has been practicing for over 38 years. Has a unique experience in the field of endocrinology.
- Olga Viktorovna Belentseva - leading specialist, practicing since 1996.
- Lesnov Dmitry Borisovich - has been practicing since 2006, is a candidate of medical sciences.
- Shkinderov Alexander Nikolaevich - has been working in the field of proctology for over 13 years.
- Rodnikov Mikhail Vasilyevich. His specificity is surgery, endoscopy, oncology. Practicing for over 20 years.
The operating unit is equipped with modern equipment. Without exception, all operating rooms are equipped with endoscopic instruments from leading Western manufacturers. Operations are performed using devices from leading manufacturers - ETHICON, Harmonik, COVIDIEN, ForceTriad. Progressive devices and materials for suturing are used, which reduce the duration of the procedure itself and the time of rehabilitation of the patient.
ENT department
In the branch there is one operating room and an endoscopic room, and in addition, the faculty of otorhinolaryngology of the Moscow State Medical University. A. I. Evdokimov. Employees provide competent support to hospital patients, carry out academic work and train otorhinolaryngological personnel for the he althcare of the metropolis. The doctor of the highest category Zakharova Irina Avgustovna supervises. Under her control, the following work is carried out:
- Providing highly qualified care to patients with diseases of the nose, ear, pharynx, throat and septic complications requiring surgery, active observation, treatment and examination withusing the whole complex of current medical and preventive methods until the body functions stabilize.
- Constant consultations are being carried out in other departments of hospital 70 in Novogireevo.
- The latest forms and methods of diagnosis and treatment are being developed and introduced.
The ENT department is designed for 30 inpatient and 10 day hospital beds. Patients are located in 3-4 local wards. In addition, there are single rooms of high comfort.

Perinatal department and women's consultation of hospital 70 in Novogireevo
This unit provides medical care to children and adults. Here they deal with issues of pregnancy and bearing, as well as pathologies of the cardiovascular system. An expert diagnostic department, a pediatric section and an obstetric hospital were opened.
The antenatal clinic has been operating as a structural outpatient obstetric-gynecological department since the founding of the clinic itself. About 100 thousand women are served here. It is this consultation that is considered one of the main ones in the metropolis, and the serviced area consists of fifteen sections. There is an ultrasound diagnostic room and a gynecological branch in which leading obstetricians and gynecologists work. Gynecological services are provided within the framework of the mandatory honey project. insurance. It is possible to find out if that other address is in the service area at the registry or on the official website. Patients have access to preventive examinations, diagnosis andtreatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, maintenance of pregnancy, honey. early abortions, consultations on contraception and infertility treatment. The organization performs diagnostics with the support of the laboratory, ultrasound, provides obstetric and gynecological services, performs consultation, preventive, medical outpatient work of an extensive profile.
When managing pregnancy, women are registered. A functional assessment of the condition of the fetus is also carried out using CTG. In some cases, home visits to pregnant women can be arranged. Home supervision can be carried out by a visiting nurse or an obstetrician. A doctor's visit is also possible. Women served in this department of the clinic leave only positive feedback about the doctors and the service.

Maternity units:
- Obstetric department. Located in a separate maternity ward.
- Children's resuscitation for 6 places. Providing active care for severely ill infants.
- Children's area for 65 seats. Feeding and monitoring of children after birth.
- Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care for 6 beds. Provision of active therapy to women in severe condition, monitoring of postoperative patients, anesthesia during childbirth.
- Postpartum department. Sent for examination of women after childbirth.
- Maternity operating room. Includes 2 operating units and 8 prenatal individual boxes.
- Section of pathology of pregnant women for 35 places. Serves older womenunder 28.
- Plot of pathology of pregnant women for 40 places. Serving women aged 28-40.
Women's consultation of hospital 70 in Novogireevo is considered the medical basis of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and has the status of an institute clinic. Many people note in the reviews with kind words the courses in preparation for childbirth, which expectant mothers can come with their husbands. Details on how to get to the hospital 70, Novogireevo, will be described below.

Neurological Unit
During this period, it is included in the structure of the primary vascular center of the hospital and has the status of PSO. The neurological department is equipped with modern devices and equipment, including: ventilators and an active therapy ward, equipped with predictive systems for basic vital characteristics. The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Units are actively involved in promoting the speedy recovery of patients. Patients are constantly cared for by junior staff (nurses). Reviews of Hospital 70 in Novogireevo and its neurological department often note that the staff here is very attentive, patients feel at home and recover quickly.
For rehabilitation courses and dynamic examination, patients are accepted as planned. The unit is designed for 28 places for patients with stroke, 17 places for rehabilitation, 7 places for neuroreanimation.

Other units
The endocrinological department is focused on patients with endocrine pathology. Planned and urgent hospitalization is carried out. The department has at its disposal 30 round-the-clock beds and 10 for a day hospital. Supervisor - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of the highest category Chachiashvili Mary Vasilievna.
Therapeutic unit - for patients with diseases of the pulmonary system, digestive organs, liver, kidneys. Contains 20 round-the-clock places. Supervises - Aguseva Irina Igorevna.
The cardiology unit 70 of the Mukhina hospital on Novogireevo is represented by two branches located in the therapeutic building on the 3rd and 5th floors. Branches are designed to receive 108 patients. Here the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases is carried out, X-ray endovascular diagnosis is carried out, care is provided for patients in serious condition, with coronary heart disease, obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, etc.
Resuscitation and intensive care. The department is represented by the divisions of cardioreanimation and general resuscitation. Both include 25 places for patients with acute pathology of the cardiovascular and nervous systems who need constant nursing supervision, active therapy and resuscitation. Units are fully equipped with the latest equipment, including 23 monitors with two main stations.
Anesthesiology and resuscitation. This department of the 70th hospital in Novogireevo is designed to provide medical assistance to the most difficult contingent of patients with variousviolations of the functions of vital organs and systems.
Urology division. Here, assistance is provided to patients with any pathology of the genitourinary system. The department has 50 places at its disposal. Equipped with the most advanced diagnostic devices that allow for research of varying complexity. This is one of the leading urological branches in Moscow.

The physiotherapy department helps children and adult patients to restore the functioning of organs after the main course of therapy. Many procedures performed in the department are included in the complex therapy courses. Innovative technology installed in the hospital. Mukhina (Novogireevo, 70), and highly qualified professionals guarantee comfortable and effective treatment.
Blood transfusion unit. Carries out procurement, processing, preservation and issuance of donor blood. Reception of those wishing to donate blood is held from 8.00 to 10.30 from Monday to Thursday. You must have an identity document with you, and for men - a military ID. The form of donation is established by the doctor - transfusiologist.
Pathology department. Here, the improvement of intravital diagnosis of diseases with the help of analyzes, biopsy and surgical material has been carried out. Also, the installation of thanatogenesis is carried out here in case of deaths with the identification of the cause of the disease. In addition, this department is working to provide information on deaths inrelevant national organizations. The mortuary of hospital 70, in Novogireevo, is also one of the divisions of this medical institution.
Pulmonology division. Here is a special honey. assistance to sick patients with bronchopulmonary pathologies: pneumonia, acute purulent destructive lung diseases, acute bronchitis, protracted lung diseases, pulmonary insufficiency. Medical diagnostic procedures are carried out, inhalations, physiotherapy procedures, massage, physical exercises are performed. The pulmonology branch has a bronchoscopic room and a multispiral computed tomograph.
How to get an appointment with the doctors of the Mukhin City Clinical Hospital, Hospital 70 in Novogireevo
The institution provides for a preliminary appointment with a general practitioner, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, urologist. This can be done in any convenient way:
- Calling the phone.
- Using information desks in the branch on the first floor.
- By connecting the EMIAS mobile app.
- On the portal "Gosuslugi".
- In the registry of the city's 70th hospital in Novogireevo.
Before you get an appointment, you must register and issue a medical card. To do this, you must have an identity document and an insurance policy with you. Also, an appointment with medical workers can be made in the direction of doctors from other medical institutions in which the patient is observed. Patients registered at the dispensary can sign up using the information deskor the registry.
For a second appointment or for a consultation with another doctor, registration is carried out by the attending physician.
Chief doctor of the city hospital 70 in Novogireevo - Alexander Alexandrovich Izvekov. He is receiving residents by appointment from 16:00 to 20:00. You can contact him on Mondays. The address of the 70th hospital in Novogireevo is given below.

Branches, how to get there
Clinic 70 is a municipal budgetary institution of the capital. The hospital provides competent medical care in outpatient and inpatient settings. The institution includes branch No. 1. More than 40 thousand people are served here. When patients arrive with the help of an ambulance, medical services are provided immediately and around the clock. It also provides consultations on referrals from other medical authorities. There are times when paid services are needed. Hospital 70 in Novogireevo provides care at the expense of the patient:
- Persons who are citizens of foreign countries and do not provide medical insurance policy and citizenship.
- For types of medical services not included in targeted projects and state guarantee plans.
- If services are provided anonymously.
- Under other circumstances that do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.
This can include diagnostic tests, pregnancy management, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, childbirth and other services.
Hospital 70 in Novogireevo address is as follows: avenueFederal, 17.

The institution operates around the clock.
The nearest metro stations are Novogireevo (680 m), Perovo (1.9 km). Bus stops - 211, 314, 125, 141. It is also possible to get here by trolleybus numbers 64 and 75, which pass along Svobodny Avenue. The stop is called Federative Avenue. From this place it is possible to get to the hospital 70, in Novogireevo, in 7 minutes. From the stop, walk 60 to the traffic light, cross the road and drive straight along Federated Avenue for about 280 m.
Patients evaluate the work of the medical institution at 67 points out of 100 possible. Most of the reviews are positive. People thank the doctors of the 70th hospital in Novogireevo for their attentive attitude, providing the necessary assistance, and restoring he alth. Patients indicate that the hospital does not refuse to give additional local anesthesia if the person asks. Separately, the nurses are noted, who are always friendly, fulfill all the requests of patients regarding their life during their stay in the hospital.
There are several negative reviews in which patients report the inattentive attitude of individual doctors, incorrect diagnosis, not very tasty food in the hospital.