Reviews about the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk will be of interest to all expectant mothers who are going to give birth here. This is a modern he althcare facility that opened very recently - less than ten years ago. In this article, we will talk about the services that we can provide, patient reviews about doctors and past births.
About the center

Reviews about the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk are often very contradictory. It is part of the Clinical Center for Maternal and Child He alth. This is the largest he althcare institution in the region that operates in this area. Its specialists provide patients with highly qualified and technological assistance. Children with various pathologies are brought here, as well as women in labor, pregnant patients, women and girls with gynecological diseases. The center also includes a regional children's hospital and a rehabilitation center for disabled children.
It was opened inend of 2011. Today it is a key link in the multi-level system of providing high-tech assistance to children and women.
The center can accommodate 190 patients at the same time. Most of the pregnant women who are hospitalized are at high risk. This means that there is a risk of premature birth, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies, organ development anomalies.
Perinatal monitoring has been organized to provide timely assistance. The existing expert information system is a telemedicine complex designed to manage women's pregnancy. All materials are included in a single database. The main task of this center is to systematize and record information in the process of monitoring the patient. All 65 hospitals of the region are connected to this system.
Today specialists of the perinatal center provide advisory and methodological assistance not only in Krasnoyarsk, but also in regional centers.

The Perinatal Center serves as a clinical base for the local medical university. It trains doctors and nurses. The employees of the institution themselves regularly improve their skills.
The structure of the perinatal center has the following divisions:
- advisory polyclinic;
- reception;
- pathologies of early and late pregnancy;
- obstetric generic;
- obstetric postpartum;
- officenewborns;
- premature babies;
- gynecological;
- three departments of anesthesiology and intensive care;
- obstetric-neonatal intensive care center;
- transfusiology department.
This he althcare institution is headed by the Deputy Chief Physician of the Center for Maternal and Childhood Protection for obstetric and gynecological work, Yulia Grigoryevna Garber.
She is a graduate of the Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute, completed her clinical residency. She worked as an obstetrician in the maternity hospital No. 2 in Krasnoyarsk, then as the deputy chief physician of this medical institution.
He has been in charge of the perinatal center since 2011, since its foundation.

Address of the perinatal center: Krasnoyarsk, Academician Kirensky street, 2a.
The he alth care facility is located in the south-west of the city, not far from the Yenisei River and the Gremyachiy Klyuch independent garden partnership. The main way to get to the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk is to go from the city center along Academician Kirensky Street in the direction of Akademgorodok. There are buses to the perinatal center.
Nearby are the apart-hotel "Home comfort", the network of home hotels "Byli-Zhili", the apartment-type hotel "Baikal".
Maternity ward

Perhaps, the main place in the structure of the perinatal center is occupied by the obstetric maternity department. It is headed by a doctor of the highestqualification category obstetrician-gynecologist Yulia Nikolaevna Glyzina.
Patients are provided with a full range of obstetric care, which combines a modern approach with traditional methods. A team of highly qualified doctors from the Krasnoyarsk perinatal center is ready to help around the clock. It includes obstetricians-gynecologists, neonatologists, anesthesiologists-resuscitators. Everyone knows how to provide emergency medical care.
Births in the perinatal center of Krasnoyarsk are carried out in individual boxes, in which the woman is under the constant supervision of specialists. Each box has modern equipment for direct monitoring of the condition of the patient and the fetus.
If there are no contraindications, partner births are possible. Various types of anesthesia are used, taking into account the condition of the mother and fetus. In particular, spinal and epidural anesthesia. In reviews about childbirth in the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk, patients note that the active behavior of the woman in labor is practiced and welcomed here. For this, there are transformer tables and balls.
Paid services

Doctors of the Krasnoyarsk perinatal center provide assistance under compulsory medical insurance policies and through a paid department.
For example, for an additional fee, they are ready to organize individual pregnancy management. This paid service in the perinatal center of Krasnoyarsk can be used by patients who do not belong to the risk group. Everyone else will get help.on their he alth insurance policies. Before registration, a comprehensive inspection is required. It must take place before the 12th week of pregnancy.
As part of the service, patients will be provided with a complex of laboratory, instrumental studies, and specialist consultations. The program includes a visit to a school for pregnant women, examination of a spouse, examination in the postpartum period.
The basic cost of the service is about 82.5 thousand rubles.
School for pregnant women

In reviews of the Krasnoyarsk perinatal center, many people definitely advise going to a school for pregnant women. This is necessary, even if the fetus develops normally, there are no prerequisites for a deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother or baby.
You can attend a pregnancy school as part of an individual pregnancy management program or pay for this educational course separately. The cost of a full cycle, consisting of five lessons, is 3600 rubles.
Expectant mothers will be told how to psychologically prepare for childbirth, about the features of this physiological process, caring for a newborn, breastfeeding. If you wish, you can separately go to one or more classes (the cost in this case will be 750 rubles per lecture).
There is also a crash course called "Extreme Birth Preparation" which does not include newborn care or breastfeeding. It is carried out within one day, for 2.5-3 hours. Price- 1200 rubles.
Classes are conducted by experienced obstetricians-gynecologists of the perinatal center: Marina Yakovlevna Domracheva, Jeanette Arutyunovna Baregamyan, Vladlena Vyacheslavovna Bondareva, Elena V. Mikhailova.
Baby swimming
According to reviews of the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk, infant swimming classes are very popular among mothers with small children. They take place in a special pool from birth until the moment when the baby is one year old.
The duration of one workout is 30 minutes. During this time, the newborn, together with the trainer, manages to do two types of gymnastics. Respiratory (under water) and wellness (above water). Parents themselves will be amazed at the pleasure with which their child will dive and hold his breath under water by the end of the first lesson.
These treatments harden babies. At an early age, swimming contributes to a beneficial effect on all body systems, relieves stress, improves metabolism, promotes good sleep and the systematic development of the musculoskeletal system. Such a child will quickly begin to outstrip their peers in development, which will delight and delight their parents.
For one lesson in the pool with an instructor, you will have to pay 750 rubles. A subscription for eight visits costs 5200 rubles, for 12 classes - 7800 rubles.
You may also need to consult a pediatrician, a physiotherapist, a physiotherapist. All this you can go for a fee.
Patient experience

Often there are positive reviews about the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk. Often they are addressed to a specific specialist who assisted the mother during childbirth.
For example, you can find reviews about the doctor of the perinatal center of Krasnoyarsk Andrey Yurievich Zaramensky. This is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator with extensive experience (35 years of experience), who has the highest qualification category.
The patients emphasize that this is a specialist who helped their baby to be born. Now they remember him with warmth in their hearts and gratitude. Previously, many did not even imagine what a big role an anesthesiologist can play in the birth process. He performs his work impeccably, humanly supports patients, and is always ready to help.
Many reviews on "Flampe" about the perinatal center in Krasnoyarsk. As a rule, they are left by patients who have spent a long time in this medical institution. For example, they were in the department of pathology of pregnancy. The professionalism of doctors is regularly noted. Most importantly, expectant mothers need to take into account that this is a specialized medical institution for pathologies, so there are more stressful situations and worries.
Speaking about the conditions that are created here for patients, everyone notes that the wards and corridors are always clean and tidy, food and amenities correspond to hospital service. Among the staff, most of the doctors and nurses are polite and helpful professionals in their field.
Impressible women in labor are not advised to communicate with patients once againdepartment of pathology of pregnancy. Expectant mothers like to gather here in groups, catching horrors about the complications that may arise during childbirth, various non-standard and critical situations. Especially if you are giving birth for the first time, you definitely shouldn’t listen to this: you will only undermine your nervous system.
They also praise the local antenatal clinic, which helps to solve many gynecological problems. Often, patients seek help for infertility in the hope of getting a chance to become mothers at least in this center.
At the same time, they say it's worth it, even if you have to travel from afar and spend a lot of time in lines trying to make an appointment. Already at the reception, no problems, no queues. The doctor takes exactly at the appointed time. Conducts all necessary tests and diagnostic studies to find out what the problem is. Based on the results, if there are indicators and hope for a successful outcome, they are recorded for surgery. And she doesn't have to wait long. As a rule, the perinatal center is ready to accept a woman suffering from infertility two months after the diagnosis. That is, there is a queue, but it is relatively small.
Before the operation, you will spend time in comfortable rooms, which have everything you need (shower, toilet). The main thing is that professional doctors demonstrate high results by actually helping patients with their troubles.

At the same time, there are a lot of negative reviews about childbirth in the perinatal centerKrasnoyarsk. Often, patients call the situation that exists in this medical institution a horror, over and over again after that worrying that they decided to give birth here.
You have to face problems literally at every turn. Although the building is quite new, it was built relatively recently, but most of the infrastructure has already fallen into disrepair. The doors to the toilet simply do not close, the taps constantly flow. Because of this, in reviews about childbirth in the perinatal center of Krasnoyarsk, expectant mothers admit that they are anxiously preparing for the appearance of their baby here. Moreover, problematic patients are brought here who will have non-standard births with complications, for example, a caesarean section.
In some reviews, one has to deal with monstrous unprofessionalism. After the operation, they can leave a piece of the placenta, which will not be noticed at once on several ultrasounds in the postpartum department. Moreover, the patient's complaints about pain are ignored, arguing that everything is as it should be. Only when the placenta begins to rot and decompose, they provide the required assistance, starting to scrape it. But even here they can't do it all at once. Have to do it twice.
Most of the complaints here are about the arrogant attitude of the staff towards the patients, even cheating. You also have to make claims due to the lack of service and availability. Patients remain dissatisfied with specific doctors of this clinic. Despite the fact that the medical institution positions itself as a perinatal center, the level of qualification of employees is not higher than in a provincial district maternity hospital. Besidesmany also allow themselves to be rude towards expectant mothers.
As a result, we constantly have to deal with swearing and conflicts between staff and patients. They also name specific doctors and obstetricians who do not properly fulfill their duties. As a result, childbirth takes place late. If the patients begin to resent, they begin to shoot them on the phone, threatening to put them on the Internet so that everyone can see the expectant mother in an unsightly light.