Swollen upper eyelids: how to deal with it?

Swollen upper eyelids: how to deal with it?
Swollen upper eyelids: how to deal with it?

Many ladies periodically face such a problem as puffiness. When a woman notices that her upper eyelids are swollen, she rarely attaches importance to this. Usually she considers this symptom as a skin reaction to daily cosmetics. Indeed, the composition of modern cosmetics includes many substances that do not bring special benefits to the skin. However, excessive swelling may also indicate the presence of serious problems in the body.

Swelling of the eyelids: causes can be different

swollen upper eyelids
swollen upper eyelids

When such a symptom is detected, experts recommend not to panic, because there are times when it is a hereditary factor. Suffice it to analyze: if your grandmother, mother and you are considered to have eyelid edema, the reasons most likely lie in a genetic predisposition. In this situation, you should not worry about your own he alth. To suchconsequences, such as puffiness in the eyelids early in the morning, could be caused by excessive consumption of s alty and spicy foods the night before. In addition, excessive emotionality and tearfulness can be considered among the harmless reasons. It's no secret that after long tantrums, the eyes become like two dumplings.

Swollen upper eyelids on vacation

eyelid swelling causes
eyelid swelling causes

Many lovers of lying under the hot summer sun on the shores of the azure sea notice that eyelids swell after this procedure. You should not be afraid of such a sharp reaction of the body. It's just that direct exposure to the sun's rays on the skin is in itself stressful for the body, so the body automatically protects itself from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. The accumulation of moisture protects the eyes from possible damage.

Bad habits are to blame

Stagnation of fluid in the body contributes to the presence of a person's bad habits. For example, smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic products, as well as a complete lack of physical activity leads to a violation of water-s alt metabolism, which means that the upper eyelids swell. To preserve youth and beauty, it is necessary to completely abandon such habits, switch to a he althy diet, drink only purified water without gas, and consume natural fruits and vegetables.

Examining the body

eyelid edema causes
eyelid edema causes

This ailment may be a symptomatic manifestation of a serious illness, so do not ignoreproblem. After consulting a doctor, you should begin a full examination, which will tell you why the upper eyelids swell. Often, with a thorough examination, disorders in the work of the cardiovascular and urinary systems are diagnosed. An allergic reaction to a particular product, which has recently become one of the most common ailments, is not excluded. In accordance with the identified cause, adequate treatment is prescribed. For this period, it is worth reducing the use of cosmetics to a minimum, and to moisturize the skin of the eyelids, choose a light gel based on herbal ingredients. Morning swelling is best de alt with by a regular tea bag, which remains after brewing. Just before use, it is better to cool it in the refrigerator.
