Every day the list of documents that need to be collected in order to obtain any certificate or certificate is only increasing. Now, in many cases, a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist is also required. Obtaining this document usually does not take too long, but still requires a separate appeal to medical institutions and an examination.

Why do I need a certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist?
In most cases, such a document is required to obtain a driver's license, the right to control a boat or an aircraft (even for personal use). In some cases, such an examination is mandatory included in the medical examination. More and more often, when applying for a job, employers require not only a certificate of the absence of serious illnesses, but also a certificate of the absence of mental illness and addictions (in some cases, to workmay not even be taken for smoking, not to mention drug abuse). Such a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist is not a know-how for the CIS countries, it has been working effectively for a long time both in Europe and in the USA, where there is an active fight against drugs. Do not be surprised if suddenly, when applying for a job, you were asked to undergo such an examination. It is not difficult to do this, and it will allow you to get a good position, since those companies that are not interested in employees for long-term cooperation will not do this.

A separate “interview” with a psychiatrist and a narcologist is mandatory for the military, public transport drivers, pilots, security guards, bodyguards and any other people whose professional activities involve the presence or use of weapons, as well as a potential threat to the lives of others.
How and where to get the required certificate?
In fact, the procedure for obtaining such a document as a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist is extremely simple. To do this, you just need to contact a medical institution at the place of residence or a special dispensary, where the visitor will be sent for examination. In some cases, only a certificate from a psychiatrist is required, and then only this specialist should be contacted. According to specially developed methods, the level of personality adequacy will be assessed depending on the required criterion, and any mental disorders, if any, will be identified. If consultation with a narcologist is also required, thenindividual analyzes of biomaterials to detect traces of drug content.

In some cases, tests may be false positive, so it is better to prepare in advance for this procedure and know all the rules for its implementation. Obtaining such a document as a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist is usually paid, but not only public medical institutions, but also private centers can provide it, where the whole process is much faster.