Processes in the body of each person are divided into two types: material and mental. The former occur in the organs, and the latter affect brain activity. Psychiatry deals with their correction. Its tasks are as follows: to find out the cause of the disease, phobia or mental deviation from the norm, and also to prescribe a therapy suitable for a particular case. In addition to their professional activities, psychiatrists are involved in many social programs aimed at preventing mental disorders.
More about activities
Psychiatry is a difficult profession. Otherwise, it can be called a healer of souls. He is engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the human psyche. Such a specialist should be able not only to correctly diagnose, but also to take the necessary measures to treat the disease. A psychiatrist can also have a narrow line of work - a narcologist, a sexologist, etc.

In this area, drug therapy is used to treat patients. In this case, a number of drugs are prescribed, a certain course is drawn up according to which they should be taken. Drug treatment is complemented by psychotherapy, during which the doctorfinds out the cause of the disease and chooses the appropriate method to eliminate problems. Constantly held conversations with the patient, moral support is provided.
Psychiatrist-narcologist – is a specialist who is able to identify, treat and rehabilitate patients with drug addiction, alcoholism and substance abuse. He studies the effects of exposure to substances dangerous to the psyche, treats his patients.
When to contact a narcologist
People come to this doctor if, as a result of taking certain substances, coordination of movements is disturbed, there is a significant disorder in thinking and speech, the usual behavior of a person has changed dramatically. A narcologist (psychiatrist) is a doctor who determines medications and their dosage, which is necessary for treatment.
The main types of diagnostics: Rh-graphy of the chest, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ECG and EEG, thermocatalytic method, Rappoport test, indicator tubes, immunochromatographic analysis.
People themselves provoke problems, wanting to have fun, relax or get away from life's difficulties. After the first or second injection of the drug, a person himself can stop experiments on his he alth. If he continues, then the chances of not becoming addicted decrease exponentially. These are the people the narcologist does. He takes them out of addiction and fights withdrawal.

Special Direction
A child psychiatrist is a person who deals with illnesses related to the psyche of babies and adolescents. Hereveals various deviations, which may even be not so pronounced or even hidden.
His competence includes issuing referrals to a special kindergarten or school, transfer to individual training programs, if necessary, exemption from exams, and for teenagers from military service. Also, a child psychiatrist is involved in the disability process.
A psychiatrist deals with the following human diseases and problems:
- overweight;
- suicidal tendencies;
- phobias;
- schizophrenia;
- delirium tremens;
- bulimia and anorexia;
- hysterical fits;
- senile dementia;
- depression, anxiety;
- neuroses, neurotic disorders, obsessions;
- epilepsy and a number of conditions that are characterized by similar seizures;
- diseases and disorders of the psychopathic and psychoneurological spheres;
- psychological stresses and their consequences;
- dead end problems of life.

A psychiatrist-narcologist, in addition to the above, does additionally:
- alcohol and tobacco addiction;
- drug addiction and substance abuse;
- gambling.
Children's psychiatrist (in addition to basic functions) treats a number of psychosomatic ailments:
- asthma;
- diabetes;
- thyroid disease;
- gastric and duodenal ulcers, etc.
Specialist activities
The sooner you can recognize the disease, the faster and easier it is to cure. But with mental disorders, patients usually turn to a doctor already at a late stage, and this is often associated with social prejudice. In Russia, many people have prejudices regarding "healers of souls." Sometimes people consider it stupid or even shameful to turn to a psychologist or psychiatrist, hoping that everything will go away on its own, and fearing that others will laugh at them. In Europe and America, such a problem does not exist; on the contrary, it is even fashionable to have a personal psychologist. Due to the above prejudices, in most cases, early detection of diseases in adults becomes impossible.

Some believe that each person should restore peace of mind on their own, as well as cope with their phobias and fears. But this is far from true. A psychiatrist will be able to prevent the development of a nervous breakdown, help to find peace of mind. It operates according to special methods that have been developed by leading experts for a long time.
And often an unprepared person harms himself with self-treatment. Therefore, the sooner you turn to a psychologist or psychiatrist with problems and fears, the faster you will be able to find peace of mind and peace.
Warning signs
An advanced disease will be much more difficult to cure if you do not contact a specialist in time. There are certain symptoms that require seeing a psychiatrist, such as the following:
- any spontaneous or long-term condition that is accompanied by melancholy, anxiety, fears, depression, mental discomfort, anxiety and apathy;
- prolonged longing after the loss of loved ones (prolonged grief reaction);
- various pain sensations that cannot be cured by other doctors (these include migraines, headaches that arise “out of nothing” after injuries or surgeries affecting the brain);
- obsessive states (thoughts, experiences, suicidal intentions, images, fears) or fear of objects and situations;
- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular disease, problems with the functioning of the nervous system (fainting, weather dependence, long periods of low or high body temperature);
- conditions when working capacity decreases, increased fatigue and irritability, negative experiences appear;
- loss of self-control, excessive touchiness or anger;
- increased conflict, vulnerability and sensitivity;
- unreasonable concern for one's own he alth;
- sleep disorders (increased need for it or insomnia) and memory;
- difficulty concentrating;
- forgetfulness;
- overeating, sudden weight gain;
- state after transferred operations;
- constant guilt;
- loss of ability to experience feelings (any);
- passivity;
- diffused attention;
- slownessthinking;
- protracted pessimism.

Separately, schizophrenia needs to be identified. As the patients explain, they have a state of falling into the void - without thoughts and feelings. Often there is a feeling that the patient is threatened, someone controls his behavior, he experiences a feeling of helplessness. With this disease, it is mental perception that is disturbed, a person begins to look at the world around him differently. Certain events take on special significance for him. Often such people are aggressive, so the intervention of a psychiatrist is essential. And single sessions are not enough here. Such patients are observed throughout life, since schizophrenia is practically incurable. Hallucinations sometimes (mild stage of the disease) can be suppressed by taking special drugs, but if you stop using them, the symptoms will return.
Bulimia has not only psychological, but also somatic development, and is accompanied by the concentration of the patient's attention on his weight. He has obsessive ideas about losing weight as soon as possible. Sometimes patients simply exhaust themselves by fasting. In world practice, there are many cases when women brought themselves to dystrophy.

Suicidal patients are very dangerous. And in this case, a psychiatrist is urgently needed. Especially with impulsive attempts of patients to commit suicide.
The most common diseases that require specialist intervention
One particular problem is depression, which can be causedvarious reasons. This is not just a bad mood, but a disease, and quite serious, moreover, having clinical manifestations. Most often it appears seasonally.
Main symptoms: sadness, depression, depression, loss of interest in everything, decreased energy, leading to high fatigue and less activity. This also includes low self-esteem, constant self-flagellation, any actions that are associated with self-abasement. Sexual desire often subsides and appetite is disturbed. Excessive fussiness or, conversely, lethargy is possible.
Usually, depressive states are aggravated in the morning, and by the evening there is an improvement. If they continue for more than two weeks in a row, then this is already a disease.
Apathy is a complete lack of interest in anything. Sometimes it can reach such an extent that a person ceases to serve himself and may die of hunger, lying on the couch at home.
Common problems also include stress, which often comes from hard work or constant fatigue.
Signs of mental illness
There are a number of factors that should lead to an appointment with a psychiatrist:
- significant change in personality traits;
- not being able to cope with your problems or daily activities on your own;
- strange or unrealistic ideas;
- excessive anxiety state;
- prolonged apathy or low mood;
- significant changes in sleep and eating patterns;
- talking or thinking aboutsuicide;
- mood swings, unreasonable anger;
- drug and alcohol abuse;
- hostility and aggressiveness towards people or objects.
Duration of treatment
Each person is individual, so it is not easy to determine the time of treatment. Some will help and a few sessions, while others need months. Psychoanalysis can generally go on for years.
The patients usually do not come to the psychiatrist of their own free will. Most often, their hospitalization is carried out by relatives, or it happens forcibly. You should not confuse a psychologist and a psychiatrist, since people with minor disorders of the nervous system, behaving adequately, are registered for the first, and for the latter, on the contrary, with a seriously disturbed psyche.
First appointment with a specialist
This is a very difficult job. The psychiatrist at the first visit conducts a survey of the patient himself or his relatives, if the patient cannot answer truthfully on his own. After testing, the primary diagnosis is established. Then the conditions of treatment are determined - inpatient or outpatient. At the end, a therapy strategy is outlined.
An appointment with a psychiatrist is a procedure that should not be feared, since testing and treatment are carried out anonymously, a person is not registered. The survey is carried out only with the written consent of the patient.
What kind of treatment does a psychiatrist do
Methods of therapy can be different. Basically, these are drugs that help restore memory, and sedatives. In addition, doctors use the following correction techniques:auto-training, hypnosis, conversations, suggestion, group classes. It is forbidden to use treatment with water, current and cold. In psychiatry, such methods have not been used for a long time.

Where to see a psychiatrist if necessary
Examinations are carried out in a specialized narcological institution or a private clinic equipped with equipment for laboratory research and diagnostics. How to pass a narcologist and a psychiatrist at the same time? This can be done in specialized medical centers. At the reception, a trusting relationship between the patient and the doctor plays an important role, and if the client feels discomfort or tension, it is better to go to another place, otherwise the treatment may not give positive and quick results.
All patients are divided into two groups. The first includes those who can be treated remotely, it is enough for them to receive medical advice. The second category includes patients who have serious mental disorders. They are treated in a hospital or at least once a month they come to see a psychiatrist for an examination.
Driver's Commission
A psychiatrist and a narcologist must be passed before obtaining a license. Without a certificate of a certain type, the driver's commission will not be passed. Physicians must identify overt and covert medical conditions, if any, and if they are found, the license is rejected.
Where are the psychiatrists? In a municipal or special medical organization at the place of residence or stay. Doctors conduct brief tests, after which they endure theirsolution.
How to become a psychiatrist
In order to become such a specialist, you must graduate from a university in the relevant speci alty. The term of study is six years. After receiving a diploma, graduates undergo specialization for one year (internship) or two years (residency).
Any other certified doctor can become a psychiatrist. To do this, you just need to undergo additional training in the speci alty.
A psychiatrist is a certified specialist. He has a certificate that serves as an official license to practice. This document is issued by the Ministry of He alth or other authorized institutions.
There are few highly qualified private psychiatrists in Russia. For such an independent practice, it is necessary to obtain a special license, which is quite difficult. Therefore, psychiatrists work in private or public clinics.