Herpes under the arm is an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus left dormant in neurons at the time of infection. What reasons prompt him to get out of a depressed position and cause noticeable changes in the human skin?
There are several causes of herpes under the armpit. Among them are oncological diseases, HIV infections, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, bone marrow transplantation or other organs, and taking drugs that cause immunodeficiency. Also, frequent stress and chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, overheating or hypothermia, the presence of herpes on another part of the body, for example, on the lips as a result of SARS, can become a provocateur of herpes in the armpits.
Activation of the virus
The virus can remain in a latent state for many years. The most common reasons for it to enter the active stage are:
- stress associated with heavy workload;
- use of antibiotics and similar drugs that lower immunity;
- diseases associated with oncology; development of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into AIDS;
- weakenedimmunity due to radiotherapy;
- transplantation of internal organs or bone marrow.
As you can see, all the reasons one way or another affect a person's immunity for the worse. This is not enough to awaken the infection: a preliminary development of viral ganglioneuritis is necessary, the main component of the disease, which manifests itself in the defeat of the intervertebral ganglia and posterior roots. With the development of herpes under the arm, similar lesions can follow in other places on the skin, and ultimately the internal organs are also at risk.

The duration of the disease in each person can occur in different ways, but certain symptoms of herpes under the arm are the same for absolutely everyone:
- Most patients notice pain in the lumbar region, which precedes the onset of the disease. In some cases, it can be expressed throughout the day, and in its own character range from aching to burning.
- Often, with herpes, the growth of lymph nodes is noticed under the arm.
- A rash develops, it eventually transforms into a large number of blisters, in the middle of which there is a cloudy mixture. Often the blisters grow and cover wide areas of the skin, keeping the general soreness.
- The main areas subject to the risk of the disease are the chest and back, the sphere of the shoulder blades and armpits, and the lumbar region.
- Significantly less often, manifestations can be on the face and neck, occur near the ears and on the tongue.

Herpes is a viral disease that can cause trouble to a person at any age. This is especially true for herpes under the armpit. In the early stages of development, it is invisible to the naked eye and proceeds without interfering with the life of the host. To detect the disease and eliminate it in time, without waiting for the consequences, diagnostics are required.
Diagnosis of herpes under the arm in most cases is not a difficult procedure. Unlike simple, this type of herpes does not have the properties to remain after treatment. Herpes zoster is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which in some cases does not cause smallpox itself. Together with the virus that causes lichen, they form one category of viruses. If you get chickenpox, the virus will remain dormant in the neurons, waiting for favorable conditions to develop into herpes under the arm. Herpes zoster, unlike chickenpox, is not as contagious and does not spread into an epidemic. For the diagnosis of herpes under the arm, serology is used, with its help, sensitivity to the virus is detected. A viral cell swab taken from the base of the growths is also an acceptable diagnostic tool because it can detect disease multinucleated giant cells.

Medicated treatment
In order to cure the patient's body of this virus and suppress its development in the future, drugs are used onbased on chemicals.
Immunomodulators are also included in the course of treatment:
- Produced on the basis of these substances secreted by humans and animals, these are natural preparations, they are obtained from the bone marrow or thymus. These are interferons, immunoglobulins, cytokines include "Interferon", "Nenferons" and "Viferons".
- Artificially created in special laboratories, they are synthetic. Polyoxidonium, Galavit, Levamisole, Glutaxim, Poludan.
- These preparations obtained in a special way from plant fungi and microorganisms "Imoudon", "Bronchomunal", "Echinacea", "Immunal", "Ribomunil", "IRS 19".
- General immunotherapy is carried out to increase the defenses of the whole organism.
Treatment of herpes at the time of relapse
At the time of the recurrence of the disease, the following drugs are used, local antiseptics, such as lidocaine, it helps to remove itching. Trypsin and chemotrypsin are used to remove crusts and plaque on the formations of a herpes rash. In this case, healing preparations are also required, these are sea buckthorn oil and Karotolone.
Antiviral ointment for herpes under the arm helps to apply the local manifestation of this virus, Bonafton, Oxolinic, Interferon. Apply the treatment process to the affected skin under the arm 3 or 4 times a day, after it has been treated with antiseptics.
In this case, the patient is prescribed a course of drugs,boosting immunity, as well as to desensitize the drugs "Diazepam" and "Dimedrol".
Treatment regimen
This set of tools, methods and drugs is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, he starts from the type of virus that caused this disease and its location on the body.
The first diagnosis is made by a dermatologist, his work is confirmed by an infectious disease specialist. Then, against the background of the prescribed treatment and examination of the patient, the immunologist prescribes a course of his drugs. Special attention should be given to the Zovirax cream, which is intended for lips, but is also used for herpes in other areas.

Drugs for complex treatment
The very first task is to reduce the replication of verions, destroy the virus itself, then prevent their spread throughout the human body.
Antiviral drugs:
- Pharmciclovir, Zovirax, Minaker, Famvir, Gerperax and Viralex are prescribed for oral administration.
- ", "Pencivir".
- In the form of suppositories, drugs such as Acyclovir, Panavir, Nerferon, Viferon, Kipferon, Polyoxidonium are prescribed.
Thesedrugs have a strong antiviral effect, in addition, most of these drugs work in a combined mode, that is, they suppress several viruses and the causes of various diseases.
In addition, they increase the protective functions of the whole organism as a whole and at the same time suppress the activity of viruses. The duration of treatment, the process of taking these medicines is prescribed by the doctor, only on an individual basis for each patient.
Means to improve immunity
These medications are used simultaneously with antiviral drugs, this scheme helps to suppress the development of the virus, namely its pathogens virions. All ointments and gels that are used in the treatment of this disease already contain interferons, they stimulate the immune system.

But in severe and complex forms of this disease, medications such as Lavomax, Amiksin, Likopid, Ridostin, Derinat, Isoprinosine are prescribed.
The use of drugs to increase immunity and anti-inflammatory drugs together completely depresses and stops the viability of the herpes virus.
In order to timely stop the development of a rash, it is necessary to treat all affected areas of the skin with such means that have an antiseptic effect. And these drugs completely get rid of the rash that develops, reduces itching, swelling and redness of these areas.
For these purposesantiseptic agents are used to cleanse the skin, these are Chlorhexadin and Miramistin. To reduce allergic skin reactions and reduce symptoms, apply "Suprastin", "Zodak", "Loratadin", "Citrine", "Fenistil" and "Bepanten".

In order for all affected areas of the skin that have a wet structure to dry and accelerate skin regeneration, healing of erosive rashes, use Fukortsin, Zinc Ointment, Panthenol and Actovegin. Many are interested in what oxolinic ointment helps. It is also used for herpes of different localizations. Gerperax ointment is no less effective. It is used as an antiviral agent.
Pain relievers
Basically, this disease is accompanied by pain in the armpit, itching, fever, general deterioration of the patient's condition. The following drugs are prescribed, anti-inflammatory drugs: Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Arbidol, Nimesulide and Ketoprofen.
To alleviate the patient's condition, Amitriptyline, Doxipin, Nortriptyline are prescribed - these are antidepressant drugs. To relieve seizures in the body, Depakin, Lamotrigine, Gab altin, Carbamazepine are prescribed.
In order to lower the pain threshold on the affected areas of the skinointments and gels are applied, based on lidocaine, these are Kapsikam, Mataren Plus, Menovazin, Indomethacin. If the treatment does not bring the desired result, patients are prescribed courses of hormonal drugs.
For the complete destruction of the virus at the cellular level, preparations containing lysine, Avitonlysin asset capsules, super lysine gel, vitamins containing lysine are prescribed. A course of multivitamins with minerals is also useful, these are drugs such as Centrum, Aevit, Complivit.

Folk treatment
Herpes is a common virus that has not the most pleasant properties, several of which are frankly unpleasant. Once he gets into the human body once, and it will be impossible to withdraw. Herpes under the arm does not appear in everyone and, as a rule, only when the immune system is weakened. This is a skin disease, the scope of which is very large: formations appear on the skin, inside of which there is a serous fluid. The affected area causes great pain, herpes without timely intervention can progress and sooner or later lead to fatal consequences.
It is possible to treat herpes under the arm with folk methods. Of course, only they will not be able to achieve the final result, but folk remedies can relieve pain and itching, soften the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution and provide the first front of the struggle. Various rubbing and decoctions will go well against the virus.
Recipe for a decoction that will be directed against herpes:
- One liter of boiling water needs no more than a teaspoon of dried tansy, immortelle, mint, burdock and yarrow. After infusion, you can take it both inside and by applying the tincture to the area affected by herpes.
- Three tablespoons of burdock should be placed in a volume of water, which will be equal to two glasses. Usually it is about 400 ml. After that, you need to insist three to four hours on a minimum fire. Directions for use: orally before meals.
- Propolis can be used by adding to drinks. The maximum dosage per day is about fifteen drops.
- Disinfectant solution is suitable for wiping infected areas. The recipe for the solution is relatively simple: aloe juice and apple cider vinegar are added to the same volume of water and tar, all this is mixed.
- There is another option of onion and celandine boiled together.
Completely getting rid of herpes is extremely difficult, if not impossible. This virus manifests itself already in the later stages of development, so the carrier is not even aware of its presence until it is very late. But everyone has the opportunity to engage in strengthening their immune system, able to resist herpes on their own. To maintain it, you need to follow a few simple recommendations that are already known to everyone: you need to lead a he althy lifestyle, give up tobacco, alcohol and junk food, maintain a balanced diet, maintaining vitamin and mineral balance, be active in all activities.
Not all people take herpes seriously, consideringthat the sore will go away on its own in a few days. And this is a mistake, because herpes is not as harmless as it seems at first glance.
Rashes in the form of pinkish spots that turn into bubbles can occur in different places on the body. Herpes, also known as shingles, also appears in the armpit. This is a viral disease, usually accompanied by severe pain. Its causative agent is the varicella-zoster virus from the herpesvirus family. It can even appear in children or adolescents, but be in a latent state and not manifest itself in any way for several decades.
To prevent herpes under the arm in a child and an adult, attention to personal hygiene, eating foods rich in vitamins, maintaining a he althy emotional background can be attributed. It is necessary to devote more time to sleep and rest, promptly treat rashes on other parts of the body, and avoid close contact with people infected with shingles. After we learned what oxolinic ointment helps with, it is advised to use it for prevention as well.