What can cause stuffy ears: causes, description of symptoms, home and traditional treatments, medical advice and prevention

What can cause stuffy ears: causes, description of symptoms, home and traditional treatments, medical advice and prevention
What can cause stuffy ears: causes, description of symptoms, home and traditional treatments, medical advice and prevention

Ear congestion worsens the quality of life, but if it is accompanied by other symptoms, then generally harmless discomfort can indicate serious he alth problems. As a rule, the ears are blocked due to water ingress during bathing, with a runny nose or pressure drops during the flight, but in some cases this may indicate the development of an inflammatory process or an infectious disease, a deviated nasal septum or hypertension.

Physiology of the process

Feelings that the ear seems to be stuffed up, more than once arose in everyone. Why is this happening from a physiological point of view? The structure of the ear is very complex. Thus, the function of the canal (Eustachian tube), which is connected to the nasopharynx and the middle ear, is to equalize the pressure. If the auditory tube is blocked for some reason, then the pressure in the middle ear does not adapt to changes in the pressure of the external environment. As a result, the membrane bends inward. This is what leads toears and dizzy.

stuffy ear after swimming
stuffy ear after swimming

Causes of congestion

Why does he stuff his ears? The reasons can be varied: from the banal ingress of water when bathing to inflammation of the Eustachian tube. Ears often stuff up with a cold or even during pregnancy. In the latter case, the symptom is associated with normal fluid retention in the body of the expectant mother. What else can cause an ear? Here are the main reasons:

  1. Sudden pressure drops. When diving or flying in an airplane, there are sudden pressure drops that the ear cannot adapt to so quickly. Sometimes the ears stuff up when going down the subway or climbing a small hill.
  2. ARVI and runny nose. The nasopharynx is connected to the auditory tube, and the swelling that has arisen in it quickly spreads to the auditory tube, resulting in congestion.
  3. Otitis. Congestion and pain in the ear often accompany this disease. External otitis is rarely diagnosed, but middle or internal can provoke such an ailment, because the Eustachian tube has a connection with the middle and outer ear.
  4. Sulfur plugs. Sulfur simply blocks the ear canal, so if the ear is stuffed up after swimming, the problem may be in the formation of a plug.
  5. Foreign body. A small insect in the ear, or a piece of cotton wool left after cleaning the ears, can provoke a feeling of fullness.
  6. Taking certain drugs. If you use any drug on an ongoing basis, carefully read the instructions, especially the paragraph aboutside effects.
  7. Liquid entering the ear canal.
  8. Hypertension. Slight dizziness and a feeling of congestion signal that it is necessary to measure the blood pressure readings and, if necessary, take measures to stabilize the pressure.
  9. Adenoiditis. Inflammation of the tonsils in the nasopharynx can spread to the Eustachian tube with inappropriate or delayed treatment.
  10. Pregnancy. In this case, congestion is associated with fluid retention, an increase in the amount of blood and an improvement in blood supply.
  11. Deviated septum as a result of trauma.
ear seems to be plugged
ear seems to be plugged

From what can lay the ear? The most common causes of this symptom are listed above. In addition, in some cases, the ears are blocked with tumors of the auditory nerve or brain, cervical osteochondrosis, allergic reactions, Meniere's syndrome, and so on. In any case, it is advisable to immediately contact a specialist, and not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment at home.

Differential Diagnosis

From what can lay the ear, the doctor will accurately determine. You need to see an otolaryngologist. In some cases, an elementary examination is sufficient, but sometimes other diagnostic procedures may be needed. An x-ray will help determine inflammation of the auditory tube or nasopharynx, sometimes an audiogram or tympanometry is effective. The doctor may prescribe additional tests or refer you to other specialists, such as a cardiologist or oncologist.

Howfix the problem

If the ear is blocked, what should I do at home? The measures to be taken will depend on which disease is identified by the results of the examination. In most cases, the symptom is caused by pressure drops, physiological characteristics (for example, during pregnancy), the formation of sulfur plugs, or foreign objects in the ear. If at times it lays ears, then it is necessary to determine how often and in what situations this happens. A detailed description will allow the doctor to more accurately establish the diagnosis.

Congestion with a runny nose

Can you stuff your ears with a cold? This is quite possible, because the nasopharynx and the middle ear are connected. With rhinitis, the Eustachian tube often swells and clogs, which causes congestion. You can solve the problem by washing the nose and eliminating the edema with vasoconstrictor drops. First you need to gently blow your nose, because blowing your nose too intensely can lead to the reflux of mucus from the auditory canal and worsen the condition. It is necessary to alternately clamp one or the other nostril and release the nasal passages with a little effort.

water got into the ear and stuffed up
water got into the ear and stuffed up

Next you need to rinse your nose. For this procedure, you can use solutions of sea water or regular saline, which is sold in a pharmacy. S alt rinse can be made at home. To do this, add one teaspoon of s alt to 0.5 liters of boiled water. When washing, the head should be tilted to one side (in the direction of the diseased ear). Liquid can be injected into the nose with a small rubber bulb and a syringe withoutneedles. With congestion due to a runny nose, the procedure should be carried out several times a day. Washing the nose is also recommended for preventive purposes, so that in the first days of a cold, you can carry out the procedure so that the disease does not affect the hearing organs.

Help relieve swelling vasoconstrictor drops. After instillation, you need to lie on your side so that the drops get into the ear canal and do not leak out. Such treatment can be carried out only in the absence of contraindications to vasoconstrictor drugs. It is important to follow the dosage exactly. Such remedies can only be used for five days, otherwise they can be addictive.

In parallel, it is necessary to carry out treatment aimed at eliminating the common cold. The congestion will disappear as soon as the original cause, i.e. rhinitis, is eliminated. But if there is no improvement after recovery or congestion is accompanied by fever, pain and dizziness, then you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Such symptoms indicate complications. With inflammation, only a doctor can determine the tactics of treatment.

In no case should you do inhalation if the ear congestion is caused by a runny nose. Inhalation may worsen the course of the disease if the patient develops otitis media. Do not use ear drops - such funds are not always effective. You can not do warm compresses, “blow out” the auditory tube by holding your mouth and nose (this will only increase swelling), and also use traditional medicine, which often causes complications.

stuffed head and ears
stuffed head and ears

Sulfur plug

If the ear is blocked, what should I do at home? If a sulfur plug has formed (this should be determined by a specialist), then you should rinse your ears. A cork can form for various reasons, so the treatment tactics will be different. For example, after an infectious disease and when the eardrum is deformed, the accumulated sulfur is removed with a special tool that looks like a probe with a hook. In most cases, rinsing is indeed sufficient.

For washing, you need to prepare a large syringe without a needle, into which water is drawn at body temperature or slightly warmer. The patient should sit up straight and hold a container into which water will flow. A syringe is inserted into the ear and a jet of water is directed along the back wall, which should wash the sulfur plug. Sometimes sulfur cannot be removed immediately, so the cork has to be softened with special solutions. Instead of a solution, doctors often recommend dripping 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide. In some cases, the cork comes out by itself.

Water in the ear

If water got into the ear and stuffed up, then this is one of the simple cases that does not cause concern. Usually the water flows out by itself or dries up over time without causing any inconvenience. To speed up the process, you can put a cotton turunda in your ear, but not very deep. After removing the patch, lie down for a bit on the side where the water got in. Put down a towel to keep the bed from getting wet. As a rule, water in the ear does not lead to any negative consequences, but it is still a favorable environment for the development of infections. So, if after a few days unpleasantthe sensations have not gone away, you should consult a specialist.

On a plane or in an elevator

How to prevent an unpleasant situation, what to do? Stuffy ear after a flight? It's actually easier to prevent. When taking off, you can chew gum or hold a sucking candy in your mouth, yawn intensively. This forces the muscles that open the auditory tube to work. As a result, air enters it, and the pressure in the ears and in the external environment is equalized.

stuffed up ear after what to do
stuffed up ear after what to do

If stuffiness could not be avoided, then squeeze the wings of the nose and inhale. This technique is called the Valsalva maneuver. But be careful, because this method cannot be used for infections. If it doesn't help, then just wait. As soon as the pressure inside and outside normalizes, all discomfort will disappear. Additional risks that can increase congestion and lead to complications are allergies, any infection, or the common cold. Therefore, before flying, use vasoconstrictor drugs or antiallergic drugs.

Despite the fact that the case is quite simple, sometimes the situation can be serious. You need to see a doctor if you hear ringing in your ears, dizziness, vomiting, pain is very severe and lasts for several hours, blood flows from the ear.

Foreign object

From what can lay the ear? This often happens if a foreign object has got there. When trying to clear the ear canal or while playing, foreign objects may remain in the ear canal: cotton wool, pieces of paper,plant seeds, small details of the designer, plasticine. In older people, parts of the hearing aid may be found. If a foreign object gets into the ear, you need to see a doctor, because an attempt to clean the ear canal on your own may fail. Delay in this situation is unacceptable, because a foreign body can cause the development of an inflammatory process. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to refuse cotton buds or not to stick them too deep.

why pawns ears reasons
why pawns ears reasons

Inflammation or infection

Ear stuffing and pain in otitis media? This disease should be treated as soon as it is diagnosed. Specific measures will depend on the characteristics of the course of the disease. For a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, often topical. If a fungal infection is detected, then antifungal agents are used. With severe soreness, painkillers are recommended, and appropriate drugs will help relieve inflammation. But any medicine should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. Some of the medicines have an extensive list of contraindications, so independent use is unacceptable.


With hypertension, the head and ears can be “stuffed up”, dizziness and general weakness appear. In this case, it is imperative to do an ECG, visit a cardiologist and regularly monitor blood pressure. Patients are advised to keep a self-control diary, in which twice a day (morning and evening, preferably at the same time)at the same time), blood pressure and pulse rates on both arms are noted, as well as well-being. You will likely need regular blood pressure medication or sedatives.

Deviated septum

Curvature occurs during active growth or after injury, may be a congenital feature. Such a defect does not always impair the quality of life, but in some cases it can provoke permanent nasal and ear congestion. Difficulty breathing can put additional strain on the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system. Due to the constant lack of air, frequent headaches, irritability, sleep disturbance and a deterioration in the quality of life are possible.

plugs ears and spins
plugs ears and spins

Currently, this deviation is treated with laser alignment or surgery. Treatment with a laser is possible only if a defect is found in the cartilage tissue. Surgical treatment can be general or endoscopic. In the latter case, the doctor does not make unnecessary incisions, and the intervention itself is carried out through the nostrils. The patient is discharged from the hospital the very next day, and after a week the swelling disappears, after which nasal breathing is fully restored.
