Growths on the body: causes, types and methods of treatment

Growths on the body: causes, types and methods of treatment
Growths on the body: causes, types and methods of treatment

The human body from time to time is able to tell its owner about certain pathologies in the body. Skin growths on the body of different sizes, density, roughness are a signal that something is going wrong in the body. The location and features of neoplasms on the skin can tell a lot about the patient's he alth status. What is the reason for the appearance of growths on the body? What methods of therapy for such defects exist?

Varieties of formations on the surface of the skin

In dermatology, there are several types of skin formations. Some of them are absolutely safe and pass without a trace, without causing any serious inconvenience to their owner. Others indicate serious he alth problems, are harbingers of cancer.

Types of growths on the body:

  • Borderline - these are formations that can develop into a malignant form over time (for example,skin horn, dermatosis or Bowen's disease, xeroderma pigmentosa).
  • Skin formations of a malignant nature, which are related to a cancerous tumor. They are small growths that are located randomly along the layer of the epidermis. Often able to metastasize to any part of the body, organs and systems (liposarcoma, basalioma, sarcoma, melanoma).
  • Skin formations of a benign nature, not capable of harming the body and human he alth. In some cases, they are a source of discomfort, hypochondria and pain (fibroma, mole, papilloma, hemangioma, lymphangioma).

In appearance, even an experienced dermatologist or oncologist cannot determine with accuracy the type of formation. Most often, special studies are needed, the sampling of a particle of the biomaterial of the neoplasm, in order to establish for sure the nature of its development.

Skin lesions of a benign nature

The cells of these formations of the epidermis retain half of their original functionality and have a rather slow growth rate. Most often, growths on the skin of the body of a benign nature do not pose any threat to he alth. If the patient wishes, they can be easily removed with the help of modern physiotherapeutic agents or burning solutions based on celandine. Before self-removal, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Varieties of growths on the human body (benign nature):

  • Fibroma is most often diagnosed in women under the age of forty. Represents a good qualitytumor. Its composition is connective fibrous tissue. Fibroma is most often of medium size, does not grow and never forms conglomerates. In diameter, it most often reaches three to four centimeters. It looks like a small nodule protruding above the surface of the epidermis. The color of the fibroma is dark, sometimes blue or black. When pressing on a fibroma with a finger, it usually falls deep into the skin and does not cause any pain.
  • Lipoma. This growth on the body is popularly called a wen. It is a tumor of the fatty layer, which is located under the skin in its loose connective tissue. Outwardly, wen resemble nodules (bumps) of different sizes without a rough surface. From above, the wen is covered with smooth skin, over time it can become rougher. This happens in those places where the lipoma is constantly in contact with clothing or shoes. Fatties do not deliver any painful sensations to their owner. In very rare cases, they can degenerate into liposarcoma.
  • Neurofibroma. Usually, a lot of age spots form around it on the body. Such an outgrowth is a cluster of nerve sheath cells that are located in the subcutaneous fat. The growth of neurofibromas over the surface of the skin is called neurofibromatosis. Most often it has genetic causes.
growths on the skin of the body
growths on the skin of the body

A special group of benign skin lesions

If lipomas, fibromas and neurofibromas can "show off" on the body of their owner for years, then there is another subspeciesgrowths that appear for a short time. Most often, they leave the body of the owner as suddenly as they appeared. If the patient wishes, they can be removed with the help of special therapeutic agents.

  • Condyloma appears in the process of activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. Genital warts are usually located in the genital area and bring acute pain to their owner. They are easily amenable to drug therapy. You can get rid of them in one visit to the physiotherapist's office. The patient's life is not threatened.
  • Warts and papillomas are small growths on the body. Their diameter is rarely more than a centimeter. In some cases, warts can itch, cause burning and a source of pain. Papillomas do not cause such inconvenience. They appear, as a rule, as a result of a decrease in immunity and viral attacks on a weakened body. They are easily amenable to drug therapy. You can get rid of them in one visit to the physiotherapist's office. The most effective and painless remedy for warts today is laser burning.
  • Atheroma. Outwardly, this growth resembles an inflamed papule. Appears due to blockage of the sebaceous gland. In some cases, it can reach one centimeter in diameter and cause pain to its owner when pressed. Most often it resolves on its own, but in some cases it is necessary to resort to the help of a dermatologist surgeon.
human papillomavirus under a microscope
human papillomavirus under a microscope

Malignant skin formations

Growths on the human body of a malignant nature (those that can potentially cause death due to the formation of many metastases):

  • Melanoma. Most often it appears after malignancy of nevi, moles, after their strong irradiation or injury. It may look like a pigment spot, like a nevus or atheroma. The appearance of melanomas is quite diverse, so even an experienced dermatologist can make a mistake in the diagnosis. Melanomas are dangerous because they cause metastases in almost any organ, bone tissue, muscles. Treatment is with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • Basal cell carcinoma (squamous cell skin cancer), which is formed from atypical basal cells of the skin. The onset of the pathology is indicated by white nodules with a dry crust that appear on the body. This process is also called basilioma. White growths on the body do not always indicate the presence of basal cell carcinoma. For an accurate diagnosis, you should undergo a professional examination by an oncologist.
  • Liposarcoma. This is a skin formation of a malignant nature, into which a lipoma can degenerate. At first, the patient does not notice any external differences, however, the neoplasm gradually grows, abnormal cells penetrate into neighboring tissues, and then metastasis begins (the separation of abnormal cells from a group of their own kind and moving them with blood flow to any part of the human body). Only specific laboratory tests can determine the presence of such a disease.
  • Angiosarcoma (orhemorrhagic sarcomatosis). It is a growth in the skin of a special property. Outwardly, they look like purple spots without clear boundaries. Causes of education: pathology of the epidermis, herpes type 8. This skin growth of a malignant nature is often diagnosed in HIV-infected people.

Precancerous skin lesions

These are growths on the skin of the body, which after some time in most cases can degenerate into malignant:

  • Skin horn is a cone-shaped skin formation. Often patients are disturbed by vertical cone-shaped brown growths on the body. What it is? With a high degree of probability, we can answer that this is precisely the skin horn. Only this outgrowth has a characteristic curved vertical shape and has a brown color. When such a formation appears on the surface of the body, you should not hesitate, you should contact an oncologist or dermatologist.
  • Bowen's disease. It is a growth that forms inside the skin without growing into the surrounding tissues. The appearance of such a formation at the initial stage is a blurry spot of red-brown color. It has no clearly defined boundaries. It is most common in men and women over the age of fifty. Education does not cause pain. If a growth of this kind has appeared on the body, then you should immediately contact an oncologist.

Warts and papillomas: basic properties

Such skin formations are found on the body of many people. What is the difference between a wart and a papilloma? Are these growths on the body dangerous for he althhuman?

Papilloma is a growth of epithelial cells of the dermis. Most often, it has an unattractive appearance and is a rounded soft formation from light pink to dark brown. When pressed, it does not cause pain. It can appear anywhere on the body in both children and adults. Papillomas most often form on the body of people with low immunity who have undergone stress or a serious illness.

Warts are small growths on the body. They are usually flat. In some cases, it can itch, hurt, become a source of discomfort and burning sensation. Papillomas do not create such problems.

Both warts and papillomas often go away on their own after the patient's immunity is raised to the required levels. Both warts and papillomas are easily amenable to drug therapy. You can get rid of them very easily.

treatment of growths on the body with celandine
treatment of growths on the body with celandine

Physiotherapy treatments

Modern and effective methods of treating growths on the body, the photos of which are presented in this article, consist in the use of hardware techniques:

  • Electrocoagulation provides complete destruction of growth cells when exposed to thermal destruction. Therapists recommend treating the site of cauterization with an antiseptic. If, after two procedures, the growth on the body has not completely died out (which is rare), the electrocoagulation procedure can be repeated after a month. The dermatologist will tell you the exact dates.
  • Cryotherapy causes the death of growth cells underexposure to liquid nitrogen. The method is painless, in most cases it helps after the first procedure.
  • Laser photocoagulation. This is a safe and cheap way to get rid of almost any skin growth. For this procedure, it is not even necessary to go to the hospital, as many beauty salons provide laser therapy services. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that the growth is not of a malignant nature. Otherwise, interference is strictly prohibited.
  • Medicinal electrophoresis with zinc contributes to not quick, but effective disposal of growths on the skin of any etiology. The procedure is usually supervised by a dermatologist.
physiotherapy methods for the treatment of growths on the body
physiotherapy methods for the treatment of growths on the body

Means based on celandine for burning out skin growths on the body

The most popular traditional medicine that burns out any growth on the skin is celandine juice. Pharmacies have long been selling Super Celandine and Celandine Plus products, which the manufacturer positions as a remedy for warts and papillomas.

It is possible to burn out the growth on the skin at home, but the patient should be extremely careful. If you try to burn out a malignant formation, serious he alth problems can arise. Before using products with celandine, be sure to consult with an oncologist or dermatologist.

Creams and ointments for skin lesions

types of growths on the body
types of growths on the body

From pink, pale or red growths onThe following ointments and creams are effective on the body:

  • "Solcoseryl". It will soften the skin, reduce itching and burning. Can be used as a healing agent after physiotherapy or forced removal of moles, nevi, papillomas, warts. Available in the form of cream and ointment. The ointment is more effective, as it contains a larger percentage of the active substance.
  • "Salicylic ointment". Most often effective in the fight against warts. It is contraindicated in people with sensitive skin, as it can provoke an allergic reaction. If the skin is oily, then the use of salicylic ointment, as a rule, does not cause inconvenience to the patient. For people with dry and thin skin, it is better to choose a different remedy.
  • "Ichthyol ointment". With regular use, it can completely burn out both a mole and a wart. If there is a desire to quickly get rid of the build-up, then you should use the ointment twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It should be applied pointwise to the problem area. When applied, itching, tingling may be felt. Before removing a mole, wart or papilloma, be sure to consult a dermatologist or oncologist.
  • "Bepanthen". Available in the form of cream and ointment. It is used as a healing agent after physiotherapeutic removal of moles, nevi, papillomas, warts. "Bepanten" does not have burning properties, but it perfectly softens and nourishes the skin, promotes rapid healing of wounds after removal of growths of various etiologies.
Image "Solcoseryl" from growths on the body
Image "Solcoseryl" from growths on the body

Which specialist should I contact for diagnosis

The patient should be alert and be sure to get an appointment with a specialist if the growths on the body have the following properties:

  1. Asymmetric skin formation.
  2. Rough, "torn" edges of education.
  3. Isolation of blood or mucus from the growth.
  4. Changing the color or shade of a build-up.
  5. Previously, education did not hurt, but it began to bring discomfort.

First you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. If there is no such specialist in the local polyclinic, you should apply for a coupon at the nearest dermatovenerologic dispensary.

which doctor treats growths on the body
which doctor treats growths on the body

At the appointment, the doctor conducts an objective (visual) examination, palpates the skin formation. Most patients will need to have the following tests done to make sure the growth is not cancerous:

  • Biopsy (incision or excision of the growth to take biomaterial).
  • Dermatoscopy (examination of a skin lesion using light and a special cream).
  • Histological examination (a mole or part of it is examined under a special microscope).
  • Computer diagnostics (carried out using special equipment).

If as a result of the examination it turned out that the skin formation is of a malignant nature, the patient is referred for a consultation with an oncologist, surgeon, oncodermatologist. From these specialists, a sick person will receiveguide to further actions to preserve your he alth.
