Anti-cellulite products: scrubs, maxi, gels

Anti-cellulite products: scrubs, maxi, gels
Anti-cellulite products: scrubs, maxi, gels

In modern cosmetology there is a huge variety of all kinds of anti-cellulite products: masks, scrubs, creams, gels, serums and more. All of them differ in cost and manufacturer, but at the same time, all anti-cellulite products are made on the basis of the same active ingredients.

It is worth noting that you can achieve the desired effect without buying the most expensive creams (masks, scrubs, etc.), but using anti-cellulite products regularly and combining them with proper nutrition and massage.

Anti-cellulite products
Anti-cellulite products

Anti-cellulite scrubs

As a rule, scrubs with anti-cellulite effect contain extracts of various medicinal plants and abrasive substances (s alt, coffee grounds or ground fruit seeds). You can also make your own scrub. For example, grate carrots on a coarse grater and mix it in equal parts with semolina. Apply scrub to problem areas and massage for several minutes with a brush, hand or massage mitt. Thanks to scrubs, blood rushes to problem areas and occursexfoliation of dead skin layer.

Anti-cellulite masks

Masks are applied to problem areas after they have been scrubbed. As a mask, you can use a variety of clays or home remedies (coffee grounds). To increase the effectiveness of the mask, you can wrap the body with cling film, thereby creating a "greenhouse effect". Such wraps contribute to the rapid removal of excess fluid, reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. If you regularly carry out this procedure, cellulite on the skin will become less pronounced.

Anti-cellulite creams and gels

Anti-cellulite products reviews
Anti-cellulite products reviews

Only the consistency distinguishes these anti-cellulite products. Reviews about them are mostly positive. The active ingredients in these products are extracts of seaweed, butcher's broom, hot pepper, horse chestnut, mate, tiger grass, jojoba oil, arnica, avocado oil.

The cream is best applied with light massage movements or manual massagers.

Banks against cellulite

Vacuum cans are simply placed on problem areas on the skin and driven through the body. This procedure can relieve any pain. There are, however, some restrictions: they cannot be placed on the mammary glands, spine and heart area.

Silicone cups are as effective as other anti-cellulite products when used regularly. They are used on the same principle as vacuum ones.

After the cupping massage procedure, it is recommended to make a scrub from coffee grounds, essential oil and cinnamon. Notit will be superfluous to use a cellulite cream with vitamin E.

Banks against cellulite
Banks against cellulite

As you can see, anti-cellulite products are presented very widely. Different methods of dealing with cellulite can be combined for greater effectiveness. The main thing is that all procedures are carried out in courses.

And remember: not a single, even the most expensive, procedure will save you from this problem forever. Yes, the treatment will make your thighs and buttocks supple and beautiful, but once you stop exercising and forget about food restrictions, cellulite will return again.
