1 Day Acuvue Moist (one-day lenses): customer reviews

1 Day Acuvue Moist (one-day lenses): customer reviews
1 Day Acuvue Moist (one-day lenses): customer reviews

Changes in he alth with age and due to the manifestation of a genetic predisposition today cease to be the main in the structure of visual acuity reduction. Factors of the modern world are actively joining them: life in cities with a hidden horizon line, additional computer and television load. Vision is steadily declining and requires correction. There are 3 main improvement methods: operational, with the help of glasses and contact lenses. The latter is the most modern. It is widely used in developed countries.

Contact lenses - modern vision correction

1 day acuvue moist lenses
1 day acuvue moist lenses

About 120 million people in the world use contact lenses regularly. Why? For many reasons:

  1. Unlike solving the issue with the help of surgery, they allow you to avoid additional burden on the body (anesthesia, stress).
  2. Soft lenses do not change the appearance of the patient. And in cases where carnival or tinted models are used, they give the appearance the accent that is needed at the moment.
  3. Allow you to see the true picture: do not reduce the view, do not deform the outlines of objects.
  4. Keep leadingmobile, active lifestyle. Moving in the office, shopping or gym, the patient does not risk additional injury. When using lenses, there is no need to change your lifestyle.
  5. They allow the use of sunglasses and other equipment (swimming mask, etc.) without restrictions.

Which lenses to choose

contact lenses 1 day acuvue moist
contact lenses 1 day acuvue moist

The variety of models on the market can mislead even an experienced patient. Please note that lenses are selected and recommended by an optometrist. Most often, their use begins with one-day models, which have many advantages over long-term counterparts:

  1. They are thinner, softer and more flexible, well tolerated by patients (no complaints of a foreign body in the eyes).
  2. They do not require additional care (container, solutions, etc.) and processing (enzymatic cleaning, disinfection, etc.).
  3. When using them, complications are less common than all other options.
  4. Easy to use.
  5. Perfectly sterile at the time of installation (subject to the instructions for use).
  6. Protect the eye when working in dusty environments or with chemicals. The contaminated sample is discarded in the evening without the need for additional cleaning.
  7. It is easier to throw away a damaged lens, replacing it with a new one, which is more often available than traditional ones.

1 Day Acuvue Moist Lenses Feature

daily lenses 1 day acuvue moist
daily lenses 1 day acuvue moist

All optical devices have certain properties. Acuvue Moist 1 Day lenses get the most positive reviews due to their characteristics:

• Modern patented technology allows you to make them ultra-thin (in the central part 0.07)

• Material - hydrogel. Retains moisture and does not interfere with the penetration of oxygen to the eye (Dk/t 33, 3).

• Moisturizing substance does not need to be added to the solution in the blister. It is contained directly in 1 Day Acuvue Moist daily lenses.

• Prevents UV penetration with a special coating.• Acuvue Moist contact lenses can control the correct installation using indicator digital marks.

These properties make them unique. The characteristics allow us to say with confidence that 1 Day Acuvue Moist lenses are the best choice. With daily use and daily wear, they do not cause irritation and are well tolerated even by sensitive people.

Who "sees the light" with 1 Day Acuvue Moist

1day moisturizing
1day moisturizing

Everyone chooses their own way to improve vision. Because of their thinness, moisture and flexibility, Acuvue Moist contact lenses are optimal for most patients. They are comfortable, comfortable and of good quality. 1 Day Acuvue Moist - lenses for humans:

  • Living their lives actively, dynamically.
  • Playing sports. This includes fitness, team games (volleyball), and rafting on mountain rivers. In any sport, 1 Day Acuvue Moist lenses are the best way to improve visual acuity.
  • Energeticmoving indoors or outdoors. Delivery of correspondence, management of a shopping complex, games with a child, of course, are not sports. But such a rhythm of life provides for mobility, mobility and injury prevention.
  • Frequently changing the place of deployment (business trips, trips). When moving from place to place, the likelihood of forgetting, losing or spoiling storage containers, special fluids and enzymes increases. 1 Day Acuvue Moist daily lenses do not need this addition. You should only bring lenses with you, which can be thrown away after 1 day of use.
acuvue wet contact lenses
acuvue wet contact lenses
  • Alternating vision correction glasses and lenses. In this mode, it is impossible to use traditional or planned correction models. This significantly shortens the period of their use and increases the cost of operation. No matter how many times you wear a planned correction lens, 1 or 14 times, they must be discarded 14 days after opening the blister.
  • Leaving on vacation, on nature, on vacation. Sometimes there are no conditions for the preservation of medical supplies. In this case, 1 Day Acuvue Moist contact lenses, on the one hand, will protect against the consequences of insufficient processing, on the other hand, they will save you from it.
  • Being in polluted air conditions (gases, dust, chemicals). The lenses will protect the eye from foreign substances during the day and carry them away when disposed of.
  • Allergy sufferers. 1 Day Acuvue Moist - lenses that prevent contact with the eyeallergic substances. This protective effect is especially pronounced in relation to seasonal flowers and herbs.
  • Using this method for the first time. 1 Day Acuvue Moist contact lenses are great for beginners. They are soft, very thin, flexible. For a sensitive and unusual eye, this is the most comfortable option. It is also good in that in case of unsuccessful installation, damage or contamination of the lens, you can simply throw it away and take another one.

What features do lenses provide

acuvue moist 1 day lenses reviews
acuvue moist 1 day lenses reviews

What do patients expect when they first pick up 1 Day Acuvue Moist? Lenses do not just “sit down” on the eye correctly and protect it. With them, life takes on a different shape. 1 Day Acuvue Moist lenses provide customers with three main features:

1. Have excellent vision without surgery. Clear contours, wide side visibility - most buyers forget how great it is! Vision deteriorates gradually, day after day the contours are blurred, clarity and certainty are lost. People live in a dim world. When correcting vision with glasses, the contours become clear only in a tiny window, which occupies approximately 1/9 of the normal viewing area. 1 Day Acuvue Moist contact lenses deliver optimal clarity enhancement. This happens without reducing visibility! Patients who have applied this method for the first time are surprised to notice the width of the world, its spaciousness. You can clearly see every leaf on the tree and the price tag in the store with 1 Day Acuvue Moist lenses. Reviews of motorists,those who feel the freedom behind the wheel, applying them, touch to the core. The perception of the environment is especially changing in patients whose vision has deteriorated for a long time. They feel like they've floated out of the water onto the sun.

2. Live a free life. People who are faced with visual impairment should limit their desires. After surgery, physical activity must be reduced. When using glasses, visibility is reduced, the continuation of sports activities is called into question. Those who opt for traditional or planned replacement lenses are forced to purchase storage containers, special fluids, enzymatic and disinfectant treatments and spend time cleaning their optical pairs. All this limits and constrains. Why endure such inconvenience? Better start using 1 Day Acuvue Moist contact lenses! The feedback after using them to return to normal life is stunning. Customers are sincerely excited about the opportunity to play with children, go on tourist trips and engage in physical education. Why limit your self-realization with reduced vision, if there is Acuvue Moist technology?3. Have the ability to change your appearance. Glasses, even the best, do not always fit the chosen style, color and occasion. Evening dress, business suit and theme party require different accessories. Ordering glasses for each occasion is expensive, time consuming and inconvenient. Modern Acuvue Moist technology makes it possible to realize any look with contact lenses.

Patient testimonials

one-daylenses 1 day acuvue moist reviews
one-daylenses 1 day acuvue moist reviews

Every person's life is unique. Young and mature, active and conservative, each of us needs to see well. Everyone also perceives the features of vision correction methods in their own way.


Most patients note the incredible softness of the 1 Day Acuvue Moist lens. It is well distributed over the surface of the eye, naturally and flexibly adapts to its features, becoming invisible! Most patients report that the optical pair is so comfortable that they forget they are wearing it.

Duration of wearing

Humidity and the degree of oxygen delivery to the eye are the main indicators of the quality of an optical medical product. These lenses are top notch. It is in this model that patients note the possibility of painless use all day long. The eye is well moisturized, does not dry and does not get tired until the evening. There is no friction on the cornea, no dryness of the eyelid.

Ease of use

No need to handle, disinfect or properly store 1Day Acuvue Moist lenses delight patients. They feel like ordinary people, not disabled people with a mobile first aid kit. Daily lenses are the most comfortable to use, according to most patients.

Indispensable for physical activity

If glasses can be used for other purposes, albeit with less effect, then you can maintain the volume and speed of movements using the contact method of correction. Diving, rafting, tennis, skiing, playing with children - all this is the sameavailable, as in normal vision. Patients really appreciate this opportunity.

Reviews about 1Day Acuvue Moist lenses from both doctors and patients are positive. In order to choose the right lenses, you need to contact an optometrist or ophthalmologist. He will be able to recommend the best option for you. This is true both for those whose vision has deteriorated recently and for experienced ophthalmic patients.
