High blood pressure is the most common complaint people see a doctor. It's all the fault of constant stress, poor nutrition, lack of rest, addictions. Hypertension of the 1st degree is the initial stage of a rather serious disease. If timely measures are taken to treat it, the probability of a favorable prognosis is quite high.
What is hypertension?
Hypertension is a common pathology of the cardiac system, in which there is a rapid increase in blood pressure (BP). At a rate of 120/80 mm Hg. Art. in patients with this diagnosis, this figure can reach 180/120 mm Hg. Art. and higher. These figures directly characterize the work of the heart.

In a he althy person, the main muscle of the body and the circulatory system function optimally. Hypertension develops as a result ofthe rate at which blood moves through the vessels. Such a pathological process occurs as a result of a gradual narrowing of their lumen. The heart simultaneously tries to restore the normal functioning of the body and begins to work more intensively, acting as a kind of pump that drives blood throughout the body.
With an increase in the load on this organ, various pathologies arise. The heart increases in size, which provokes the appearance of heart attacks and strokes. As a result of circulatory disorders, malfunctions in the brain, kidneys and other organs are observed. A person's well-being deteriorates significantly, his motor activity decreases.
Three degrees of disease
- Hypertension 1 degree. Symptoms and treatment of the disease should not be ignored, despite the mild form of the pathology. This shape is characterized by pressure hopping.
- Hypertension 2nd degree. Arterial pressure is kept within 179/109 mm Hg. Art. This indicator rarely drops to the bar of normal values.
- Hypertension 3rd degree. Blood pressure is above 180/110 mm Hg. Art. Lack of medical treatment can lead to serious complications.
Hypertension 1 degree: symptoms and treatment
The disease is characterized by a slow course. Hypertension of the first degree should not be confused with a one-time increase in blood pressure during physical exertion or in stressful situations. In such cases, the human body needs a temporary increase in pressure for a more intense blood supply to the internal organs. Speaking ofthe initial stage of this disease, doctors note its instability. However, this is precisely what indicates the pathological process taking place in the body.

When diagnosing a disease, the patient is forced to constantly monitor blood pressure parameters. The intensity of the symptoms of pathology will increase as the disease progresses. That is why it is important to start therapy in a timely manner and prevent the development of he alth-threatening complications.
How to treat grade 1 hypertension? Therapy for this disease is usually complex. It is aimed at eliminating the main causes of hypertension: giving up addictions, weight loss, rational nutrition. Thanks to this approach, you can quickly overcome the disease. In the absence of positive dynamics, the patient is prescribed medication.
Depending on the degree of involvement in the pathological process of the so-called target organs, the following stages of development of hypertension of the 1st degree are distinguished:
- The first stage is characterized by the absence of damage to the systems of internal organs. Hypertension 1 stage 1 degree does not have pronounced symptoms, so the disease is diagnosed extremely rarely.
- The second stage is characterized by the involvement of one or more organs in the pathological process. This is usually the kidneys, heart, or brain.
- In the third stage, the occurrence of various syndromes (renal failure, discirculatory encephalopathy) is noted.
In Russia, the diagnosis of "grade 1 hypertension" isevery third. This disease is typical for residents of developed countries. Moreover, it is rapidly getting younger, and today such a disappointing diagnosis can be found even in boys and girls. The main danger of this disease is that high blood pressure can be fatal.
Causes of pathology
Hypertension of the 1st degree develops against the background of a decrease in the gaps in the walls of blood vessels, which affects their patency. As a result, the heart system is forced to increase its work in order to provide full blood flow.
Specialists identify a large number of prerequisites for the onset of the disease. Often it is not possible to find one specific cause. They affect the body in combination. Some factors are difficult to remove from everyday life, others are innate and remain with a person forever.
Arterial hypertension of the 1st degree occurs for the following reasons:
- Age (over 50).
- Bad habits.
- Frequent stress.
- Irrational nutrition, hypoactivity, lack of proper rest.
- Pathologies of the endocrine nature, including diabetes mellitus.
- High cholesterol.
- Obesity.
Hereditary predisposition to the appearance of hypertension is observed in approximately half of patients who seek medical help. The risk of developing the disease increases significantly with mutations in the genes that are directly responsible for the synthesis of sodium channel proteins, angiotensin and renin.

Manifestation of hypertension of the 1st degree
The disease in the initial stages is often asymptomatic. This explains the large percentage of late calls for qualified help, when secondary damage to the main organ systems is observed.
How do you know if you have grade 1 hypertension? Symptoms of the pathology are determined depending on the involvement of the so-called target organs in the pathological process:
- Impaired patency in the vessels of the brain leads to headaches, confusion.
- With heart failure, there is tachycardia, shortness of breath and increased swelling.
- Renal failure manifests itself in the form of fluid retention in the body, changes in the color and amount of urine.
The absence of symptoms is usually expressed in the outwardly absolutely he althy appearance of a person. However, this visibility may disappear at any moment. Due to stressful situations, a person's blood pressure rises sharply, and overall well-being worsens. Doctors recommend continuous monitoring of blood pressure in the absence of an obvious clinical picture.

Risk Options
Analyzing the course of the disease and the provocative risk, doctors plan the likelihood of complications for a patient diagnosed with arterial hypertension of the 1st degree:
- Risk 1 indicates that during the first few years after the onset of symptoms of the disease, the probability of developing negative consequences is 15%. If the disease is under control andthe patient follows all prescriptions from the doctor, hypertension may not develop into another stage.
- Risk 2 says that the prognosis for complications is between 15 and 20%. In this case, active treatment with drugs, frequent visits to the doctor are required.
- Risk 3 characterizes the predicted probability of complications in 30% of cases.
- Risk 4 shows that the prognosis is extremely unfavorable.
The percentage of risk is usually determined not only by blood pressure indicators, but also by the state of the heart, the presence of concomitant pathologies of a chronic nature. In addition, doctors pay attention to hereditary predisposition and hormonal disorders.
When should I see a doctor?
Hypertension 1 degree, the symptoms of which are listed above, should not be ignored. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should seek qualified help.
All patients who are at high risk of developing this disease should undergo a complete diagnostic examination annually. Only in this way it is possible to identify the disease at the initial stage and take the necessary measures to eliminate it.
To detect signs of hypertension, doctors use the following methods of instrumental examination: measurement of blood pressure, echocardiography, ultrasound of the kidneys and heart, MRI of the brain, blood tests. If these tests are sufficient to confirm the primary diagnosis and determine its degree, at this stage the patient's examination is completed and appropriate therapy is prescribed.
Neglect of he alth sometimes ends badly for patients who have been diagnosed with grade 1 hypertension. Disability, problems with the functioning of the cardiac system are just some of the complications that this ailment can subsequently lead to.

How to treat hypertension?
The main goal of treating hypertension is to reduce the risk of heart complications. A slight increase in blood pressure and the possibility of its spontaneous decrease in the initial stages of the disease indicate the reversibility of organic and functional complications. Therefore, when an illness is detected, first of all, doctors recommend non-drug therapy.
First of all, doctors advise to give up all bad habits (alcohol, smoking). The penetration of nicotine into the body contributes to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in blood pressure and the formation of blood clots. Nicotine addiction is the main reason why grade 1 hypertension occurs.
Symptoms and treatment of the disease is a rather complex issue, the solution of which cannot be imagined without a decrease in body weight. Obesity in the fair sex is considered a leading risk factor for the onset of the disease. Proper and balanced nutrition will allow you to forget about this problem forever.
Another important step towards recovery is to reduce the amount of stress in everyday life. Of course, it is not possible to completely avoid experiences. However, doctors often adviserelax, learn to control your life. For these purposes, meditation and yoga sessions, various trainings are excellent.
If the above recommendations do not help, you have to resort to medical treatment. It can be combined with non-traditional therapies (massage, herbal medicine).

Treatment of hypertension with drugs
To combat this disease, psychotropic drugs are prescribed, which have a calming and antidepressant effect. These include tranquilizers ("Diazepam", "Trioxazine"), as well as antidepressants ("Amitriptyline"). In addition, medications are used for treatment that have a positive effect on the sympathetic-adrenal system (Guanfacine, Pirilen, Reserpine).
Diuretics for grade 1 hypertension are an important part of therapy. They remove s alt and water from the body. Some patients are prescribed peripheral vasodilators that improve the functioning of the smooth muscle structure of the vessels of the circulatory system (Apressin, Vasonit).
All drugs for hypertension of the 1st degree are prescribed on an individual basis. The dosage is calculated taking into account the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant he alth problems.
Diet is an important part of therapy
An integral step in the treatment of this disease is the adjustment of nutrition, limiting the intake of s alt, fluids and fats of animal origin. The latter may lead toatherosclerotic changes in the vessels, so they are replaced by vegetables and dietary meat / fish. It is also important to reduce the amount of s alt consumed to 3 g per day or eliminate it altogether.
The diet for hypertension of the 1st degree pursues several goals at the same time: reducing cholesterol in the bloodstream, reducing blood volume and preventing excess fluid retention in the body.
From the diet, doctors recommend completely eliminating fatty meat, alcohol, sweets and pastries, pickles and pickled dishes. What can you eat? All vegetables and fruits, cereals, low-fat dairy products, lean meats are allowed.
It is advisable to eat the products stewed or boiled. Recommended 5-6 meals a day in small portions. A properly selected diet ensures that the body receives the substances and vitamins necessary for its normal functioning, which has a positive effect on blood pressure.

Treatment with folk remedies
Hypertension of the 1st degree with timely treatment practically does not pose a threat. For a long time, folk remedies have been used to combat high blood pressure. Doctors recommend sedative herbs that have a calming effect. These include hawthorn, chamomile, lemon balm.
Treatment by non-conservative methods helps prevent further development of the disease. A huge number of recipes that were used by our grandmothers are still being used today.
- Mix 0.5 cups of lemon and beet juice, add the same amount of linden honey. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The resulting medicine is recommended to be taken in a third of a glass after a meal.
- To two glasses of cranberries, add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and rub gently. This medicine should be taken in one dose before meals.
Before using the recipes of our grandmothers for the treatment of hypertension, you should consult with your doctor.
Prevention measures
The best way to prevent hypertension is a he althy lifestyle (balanced diet, no bad habits, proper rest). An important role in the prevention of this disease is played by physical activity, because it is physical inactivity that often leads to its development. The optimal sports are cycling, walking, swimming.
If it is difficult to immediately switch to intensive activities, you can start with short walks. Initially, you can refuse public and personal transport, go to work on foot.
It is important to periodically undergo an examination of the whole body, take blood tests for sugar and cholesterol, and monitor the work of the heart. Such preventive measures make it possible to detect the disease at an early stage and prevent its further progression.
Hypertension 1 degree (symptoms and treatment are described in the materials of this article) occurs in people of all ages and social classes. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it often occurs in a latent form, that is, asymptomatically. Patients seek medical help only when seriouscomplications. If the course of treatment is started in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable in most cases.