Classification of cataracts by etiology, by localization, by degree of maturity. Cataract: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Classification of cataracts by etiology, by localization, by degree of maturity. Cataract: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Classification of cataracts by etiology, by localization, by degree of maturity. Cataract: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The most dangerous disease in ophthalmology is cataract. According to statistics, in every 6 people on the planet over 40 years old, it is precisely this that causes blindness. But what is this disease? What is the cause of its development, what is the classification of cataracts among doctors?

What is this disease?

Almost every person at least once in his life, but heard of such a disease as a cataract. What is this disease? What are the classifications of cataracts?

This disease is a clouding of the lens, which negatively affects the quality of vision. If the disease is not detected in time and treatment is not started, then, as a result, complete blindness sets in.

The eye lens is the organ responsible for focusing light rays on the retina. In simple terms, this is a kind of lens that is located between the iris and the vitreous body. It is she who refracts and transmits a stream of light rays.

YoungThe lens of the body has a transparent and elastic structure. It can easily change its shape under the control of the muscles of the eye, adjust the desired sharpness, it is thanks to this that the eye sees perfectly in any direction. But with age, the lens becomes denser, elasticity and transparency go away. It is this cloudy condition that is called a cataract.

Features of the disease
Features of the disease

Depending on the classification, cataracts are complete or partial. It all depends on how much area of the lens is clouded. A clouded organ no longer transmits light rays so well, interferes with their correct refraction and focusing. As a result, the patient's sharpness of vision decreases, the contours of objects are no longer so clear, a "veil" appears before the eyes. Gradually, without proper treatment, the disease progresses, and as a result, complete blindness is observed.

Causes of disease

Before talking about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of cataracts, the reasons must be found out. What provokes this disease? To date, the exact cause of cataracts has not been elucidated, but there are several theories that help explain the origin of the disease.

Most of the experts tend to the theory of free-radical damage to the tissues of the lens. As a result, opaque molecules are formed, which lead to clouding of the tissue. Over time, free radicals accumulate in the human body and negatively affect all organs, including the eyes.

There are several factors that provoke the development of cataracts inseniors:

  • extensive UV exposure with damage to the eyes;
  • there is a small amount of antioxidants in the diet;
  • age-related malnutrition of the lens;
  • frequent inflammation of the organs of vision: glaucoma, problems with the retina;
  • malnutrition, anemia;
  • effect on the body of toxic substances;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • trauma and contusion of the organs of vision;
  • uveitis and severe myopia;
  • heredity.
Causes of cataract
Causes of cataract

Besides this, there is also a congenital cataract. It develops in babies even in the womb, when the mother's body was affected by toxins and infections.


This eye disease is divided into two main types: congenital and acquired.

Classification of cataract by etiology:

  • Age.
  • Traumatic.
  • Complicated.
  • Ray.
  • Toxic.
  • Appear due to systemic diseases such as diabetes.

Classification of cataracts by localization of opacity:

  • Anterior polar.
  • Back polar.
  • Nuclear.
  • Spindle.
  • Cortical.
  • Full.
  • Layer.
  • Back.

As such, there is no classification of cataracts according to visual acuity, however, experts note that this factor also affects the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. According to the severity of symptoms, the disease is divided into the following stages:

Initial. The disease begins to develop with the hydration of the lens, when a lot of fluid accumulates inside it. It is localized in the cortical layer between the fibers, resulting in the formation of "water gaps". A little later, if inactive, planar opacities of the cortex appear, which are especially pronounced along the edges of the lens and in the equatorial region. Visual acuity is still high - 0.8-1.0

Initial cataract
Initial cataract
  • Unripe. This is when the process does not stop progressing, cloudiness moves throughout the lens capsule. If at the initial stage the opacities were localized beyond the optical zone and did not affect the visual acuity, then at this stage the vision drops significantly. Visual acuity drops to 0.4-0.01.
  • Mature. At this stage, the entire area of the lens cortex is already occupied by clouding, which provokes a complete decrease in visual acuity to the level of light perception.
  • Overripe. If treatment is not started, then the further development of the cataract is accompanied by the disintegration of the lens fibers and the liquefaction of the cortical substance, and after that the lens capsule acquires a folded shape. The bark acquires a uniform milky color, the core becomes denser and sinks down under its own weight, as a result of which the lens resembles a kind of sac. This stage is called the Morganian stage.

Classification of cataracts is very important for doctors, because only after determining the disease, you can accurately assess the patient's condition and choose the right treatment method.

Residual and secondary

Residual cataract is called clouding of the capsule orcloudy remnants of the lens masses that remained after its removal. This situation is also possible after drug treatment of diabetic, hypoparathyroid, post-traumatic cataracts. They are characterized by a decrease in visual acuity.

Secondary cataract may develop after a certain period of time, such as a month or even a year after surgery. On the posterior lens capsule, which remains after the operation, various opacities form. But today, in the world of modern technology, such a problem can be removed with a laser without resorting to more serious methods.

First signs of cataract development

At the initial stage, cataracts are very difficult to detect. Opacification appears only on one of the edges of the lens and does not affect visual acuity. Therefore, many people do not even suspect that the disease has already begun to progress. But still, there are several signs that will help identify cataracts at an early stage. You can suspect the development of the disease if:

  • objects surrounding a person with fuzzy outlines, a double contour is observed;
  • bright objects are surrounded by rainbow radiance;
  • dark dots appear before eyes;
  • difficult to read small cipher;
  • it's hard to thread a needle.
The first symptoms of a cataract
The first symptoms of a cataract

If at least one of the symptoms described above appears, then you should immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist. Now the causes of cataracts are clear. Symptoms, treatment and prevention will be described below.


One of the most common symptoms of cataracts is loss of visual acuity. Depending on which part of the lens is clouded (in the center or on the periphery), vision may sharply decrease or remain sharp. If the disease develops on the periphery of the lens, then the patient may not notice that he has become worse to see. This type of cataract is most often detected only during a routine examination. The closer to the center the clouding is, the more serious the vision problems.

If clouding actively develops in the central part of the lens, then as a result, the patient may develop or, conversely, increase myopia. This may explain why people with cataracts often change their glasses.

Many older cataract patients report that the lost ability to read and write in their fifties inexplicably returns. But only the contours of objects around are blurred, the image can double. The pupil, which is usually black, may turn yellow or grey. If a swelling cataract develops, the pupil becomes white.

Patients with cataracts may complain of reduced or, conversely, increased photosensitivity. You can often hear from such people that their world has dimmed. On the other hand, intolerance to bright light, better vision in cloudy weather or in the dark are characteristic features for clouding in the central part of the lens. Patients with posterior capsular cataract often complain of such symptoms. All these symptoms are an indication to seek qualified help. Doctormust classify the cataract according to the degree of maturity, conduct a thorough examination and select the correct therapy.

Congenital cataracts in children can manifest as:

  • strabismus;
  • presence of a white pupil;
  • vision loss.

If there are such symptoms, then an urgent need to go to a specialist.


The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis only after a thorough examination. It includes the following procedures:

  • visometry will help determine visual acuity using tables;
  • perimetry will allow you to explore the space that the eye sees while fixing the gaze;
  • tonometry measures fluid pressure inside the organ of vision;
  • keratometry will determine the curvature of the cornea;
  • electrophysiology helps to measure the threshold of electrical sensitivity and mobility of the optic nerve;
  • gonioscopy and tomography will help assess visual potential;
  • biomicroscopy evaluates the anterior segment of the eye.
Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of the disease

The last procedure above allows you to examine the eyes using a slit lamp in a dark room. It helps to check the functioning of the eye and detect diseases in it. It is with the help of biomicroscopy that it is possible to determine even minor deviations from the norm in tissue structures, thanks to which it is possible to identify the disease at an early stage.


Cataract in both eyes or only one requires the right approach in treatment. conservative methods are notwill give no result. No means will be able to restore the transparency of the lens, although there are drugs that, if used regularly (we are talking about eye drops), will help slow the progression of the disease. But surgery will help to completely get rid of the disease.

The doctor may recommend a microsurgical operation called a cataract extraction. It can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Complete removal of the lens.
  2. Excision of only the anterior protective capsule, through which the lens masses are washed. This method makes it possible to preserve the posterior capsule, which remains transparent in most cataract patients.
Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment

The operation of the second type can be carried out in several ways. One method is to make a 3.5 mm incision, which is performed under local anesthesia. It is into it that an ultrasonic tip is inserted, with the help of high-frequency vibrations, the substance of the lens is sucked out. In the future, the incision is sealed by itself.

After the operation, the eye without the lens freely transmits light. But due to the fact that the optical system is defocused, since the refractive power has significantly decreased, a person's vision drops by 15-18 diopters. This problem can be avoided by implanting an artificial lens in the eye. It is made from different materials and has many designs, so it will not be difficult to find it for any patient.

This technique is considered modern, it takes no more than 45 minutes for an experienced surgeon and has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • almost non-traumatic;
  • no seams;
  • reduces the risk of astigmatism;
  • gives a high treatment result;
  • does not require long-term rehabilitation;
  • may apply at an early stage.

But a large foreign body that is in the eye can also cause negative consequences:

  • irritate tissue;
  • cause allergic reactions;
  • lead to inflammation.

In some cases, implantation increases the risk of complications.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of cataracts

Traditional medicine has long been actively used in the treatment of various diseases, cataracts are no exception:

Honey diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 helps very well. This solution is instilled into the eyes 4 times a day, 2 drops. This method helps only at the initial stage of the disease

Folk remedies in the treatment of cataracts
Folk remedies in the treatment of cataracts

Here's another way: wash sprouted potato sprouts well, dry and chop finely. Take 100 g of crushed raw materials, pour 2 tbsp. vodka, leave for 14 days and strain. Drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. If after 90 days a thick and sticky tear comes out of the eye, then the disease goes away

Don't take too long to see a specialist.


Classification of cataracts in population studies has been studied for a long time. Many experts are looking forthe most effective methods of treatment and prevention of the disease. But so far there are no effective methods to prevent the development of pathology. Secondary prevention is the early diagnosis and timely treatment of any other eye diseases that can trigger the development of cataracts.

Recommended for preventive purposes:

  • lead a he althy lifestyle;
  • eat right;
  • don't stay in the sun for long;
  • elderly people after 50 years of age should be examined by an ophthalmologist once a year.

Cataract is a serious disease that requires the right approach. Taking medication will help only at an early stage, and if the disease is started, then only the operation will get rid of it.
