Psychotherapist and psychologist - what's the difference? What is the difference between a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst?

Psychotherapist and psychologist - what's the difference? What is the difference between a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst?
Psychotherapist and psychologist - what's the difference? What is the difference between a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst?

In our country, people are somehow distrustful of psychological assistance. With accumulated problems, it is customary to seek solace in strong drinks or “cry into a friend’s vest”. However, neither a friend nor another glass of wine can solve complex problems. You can't do without the help of a qualified specialist. But here a topical question arises: a psychotherapist and a psychologist - what is the difference between these specialists? Let's try to understand the materials of this publication.

What is the difference between psychotherapist and psychologist
What is the difference between psychotherapist and psychologist

What are the functions of a psychologist

It is customary to turn to a psychologist if there are problems in family relationships between spouses or with “difficult” teenagers. Sometimes people turn to this specialist on an individual basis. The difference between a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist, of course, exists. The first of those named does not have a medical education, therefore, diagnosing a disease does not fall within his competence. Such a specialist does not have the right to prescribe to a person who has come to see him,medical treatment. According to the applicant, the psychologist draws up a general picture of the situation, evaluates it and makes recommendations. In his competence is the study of the nature of a person, while the specialist often uses standard questions and tests.

Let's analyze the concepts of "psychotherapist" and "psychologist". What is the difference between them? Much work falls to the lot of psychologists working in children's educational institutions. Based on the behavior of the child and the identification of certain skills, they will have to determine the level of development of the baby, and then give appropriate recommendations to parents and teachers. We can say that a psychologist in children's educational institutions is the same teacher. He assesses the mental state of the child, identifies certain problems, and then works with them. The adult practitioner uses similar methods.

Psychologist psychotherapist psychiatrist difference
Psychologist psychotherapist psychiatrist difference

Education of a psychologist

The difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist lies in the basic education. In our country, psychologists undergo 5 years of study at universities at the faculty of the same name. Therefore, the main work of this specialist is based on interaction with he althy people who have any life and psychological difficulties. A young man who has not yet decided on his priorities in life, who is in search of himself, can turn to a psychologist.

Very well, such specialists help athletes to tune in to the most important and responsible starts in life. Well, how do wealready said, they are simply indispensable in helping to overcome marital crises, postpartum depression, as well as in interaction with children of adolescence. If a person wants to change his life, but does not know how to do it and where to start a new chapter, he can also make an appointment with a psychologist.

Working with he althy people

Well, here we briefly figured out what the difference is between a psychologist and a psychotherapist. The first specialist works exclusively with he althy people who have fallen into certain life difficulties. He helps people find a way out of the current situation. Not everyone pays attention to the importance of professional help when trying to overcome difficulties alone. But in vain. Timely qualified work of a specialist will help to avoid complications and will not lead to serious neglected clinical cases.

The difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist
The difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist


If a person has lost sleep and appetite, thoughts of suicide have settled in his head, who will help in this case: a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst? The difference between these professionals is not obvious to everyone. In the absence of interest in life, the help of a psychologist will be of little use. There is a severe form of depression here, from which a person cannot get rid of through ordinary advice. In this case, a full examination of a psychotherapist is needed, who, in accordance with the results of the diagnosis, will prescribe treatment and select an antidepressant.

On the importance of treatment

In no case should you self-medicate. Any strongantidepressant in our country is sold only by prescription of a psychotherapist. Due to the fact that these drugs usually have a long list of side effects, they should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. With individual intolerance or a weak effect of the prescribed remedy, the psychotherapist makes adjustments to the treatment. This specialist must have a basic medical education, as well as a certificate or license as a psychotherapist. In other words, in addition to basic medical education, he must attend an additional specialized course.

When should I see a therapist?

Now we know who a psychotherapist and psychologist are. What is the difference between them, also figured out. Now is the time to talk about the embarrassment of people to admit that mental problems have arisen. Many people who are depressed find it shameful to seek professional help. And God forbid, if one of the relatives hints at treatment, the insults will be simply endless. In the Western world, treating a depressive disorder is not something to be ashamed of. People often turn to psychotherapists for help, treat the disease and get better.

Psychologist psychotherapist psychoanalyst difference
Psychologist psychotherapist psychoanalyst difference

In our country, in most cases, the alternative to a qualified psychotherapist is a bottle. Maybe that's why the percentage of the drinking population in our country is much higher than in the same America. Some people believe that good treatment is impossible without financial investment and complain about the lack of money. However, if you add up the money spent on drinking, you can go through more than one course of treatment in a paid clinic. Therefore, one should not be afraid of such words as psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist. The difference in the potential appeal to one or another professional is observed only in the general psycho-emotional state and in the symptoms.

Characteristic symptoms of depression

Next, we will list some of the manifestations and symptoms, observing which, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist:

  • Incessant panic attacks.
  • Presence of apathy and loss of interest in favorite hobbies.
  • Uncontrollable bouts of crying or laughing.
  • Completely lost appetite or cravings for overeating.
  • Feeling heightened unmotivated anxiety.
  • Frequently repeated outbursts of anger.
  • A person is dominated by obsessive thoughts or he automatically performs ritual actions.
  • New phobias are emerging.
  • Physical pain of a psychogenic nature.
  • Man is endlessly tormented by insomnia.
  • Ongoing state of acute grief and lack of interest in life.
Psychologist psychiatrist psychotherapist psychoanalyst difference
Psychologist psychiatrist psychotherapist psychoanalyst difference

The task of the psychotherapist

In today's article we get acquainted with such specialists as a psychotherapist and a psychologist. What is the difference between them? A psychologist cannot assume the functions of a psychotherapist, but rotation in the reverse order is possible. So, if necessary, a psychotherapist can supplement the treatment prescribed for the patient with psychological techniques andmethods. Ultimately, the patient should regain the joy of life and return to the previous track, feeling freed from oppressive thoughts. The doctor also helps the patient to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Psychiatrist: functions

We talked about the differences between the terms "psychologist" and "psychotherapist". What is the difference between these specialists and a psychiatrist? Let's find out about it right now. As you already understood, a psychiatrist is a doctor. However, to become one, a basic medical education is not enough. As a student, this specialist is studying at the Faculty of Psychiatry. Indeed, this doctor should know everything about the organic and biochemical properties of the psyche, about the beginnings and development of various mental disorders, and also select drug treatment in especially severe cases.

Severe cases should be understood as mental disorders such as schizophrenia, psychosis, epilepsy, dementia and other serious mental disorders. Also, severe forms of disorders include the state of delirium, visions of non-existent objects, communication with voices that no one hears, the inability to cope with severe depression with the help of antidepressants. From this we can conclude that the psychiatrist deals only with severe cases, the treatment of which is carried out in a clinical setting.

The difference between a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist
The difference between a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist


Now our readers are well versed in the question of who a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist are. What is the difference between thesespecialists and psychoanalysts? If you often watch foreign thrillers or dramas, then you absolutely remember the name of a professional, to whom it is fashionable to go to ordinary people who experience certain life difficulties. In the Western version, such a specialist must have a medical education and master the techniques of psychoanalysis. In our country, things are somewhat different, and psychoanalysis is studied not only in medical schools. This method may also be subject to graduates of psychological faculties.

Long education and continuous development

However, in order to become a psychoanalyst in our country, it is not enough to have a basic liberal arts education. According to the chosen method of psychoanalysis, additional education is required. A university graduate can choose for himself the opportunity to study according to European programs. But that's not all. Such a specialist must constantly develop, choose a supervisor-mentor from among the active psychoanalysts. And after a few years, having gone through all this thorny path, an ordinary psychologist can become a psychoanalyst.

The psychotherapist can also become such. Only for this, he will also need to receive additional education and actively interact with a practicing psychoanalyst-supervisor for a long time. To summarize the above, this specialist must be fluent in the chosen method of psychological analysis.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist
What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist


In this article, you met withprofessions such as psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst. The difference between them is significant. If you or your family members experience any difficulties, now you know who to contact.
