Inflammatory processes on the skin are of a very different nature. They can both differ in appearance and be similar. What is the difference between a boil and a carbuncle? What is common between them, and what is different, we will find out further. We will also present the reasons for the formation of such pathologies, their symptoms, the possibilities of diagnosis, treatment.
What is a boil?
What is the difference between a boil and a carbuncle? To answer the question, you need to provide definitions of these terms.
A boil may also be known as a boil or boil. This is the name of purulent inflammation of the hair follicle ("root" of the hair) and the sebaceous gland adjacent to it. Outwardly, it looks like a swollen redness, a red nodule on the skin. Over time, a purulent "head" is formed in its center. The size of such a formation can be in the range of 0.5-3 cm. If a person suffers from multiple boils, the phenomenon is called furunculosis.

What is a carbuncle?
Carbuncle is a purulent inflammation of several hair folliclesstraightaway. The sebaceous gland, as well as subcutaneous tissue, may be affected. Compared to boils, this is a more serious purulent lesion. Outwardly, this is a much more extensive inflammatory focus: a lot of purulent "heads", the skin reddened to a purple state.
What is the difference between a boil and a carbuncle? If furunculosis is a local inflammation, local symptoms, then with the development of a carbuncle, the general well-being of a person worsens. Body temperature rises, muscle pain appears, general weakness.

What do they have in common?
We analyze the difference between a boil and a carbuncle. But let's see what they have in common.
Both inflammations, as a rule, appear in locations that are subjected to friction with clothing, parts of the body that sweat a lot, covered with vellus hair. Therefore, such formations often affect the face, neck, armpits, legs. Often appear in the genital area.
The development of a boil and carbuncle of the face, body, limbs is provoked by a bacterial infection. Most often, these are streptococci and staphylococci, which in large numbers inhabit the surface of the skin. They can get under the skin as a result of both large cuts, abrasions, scratches, and microtraumas (for example, pricks with plant thorns). If the immune forces of the body are reduced for one reason or another, inflammation develops.
Boils and carbuncles (you can see a photo of inflammation in the article) are not contagious. But it must be borne in mind that when opening a purulent "cap" with its filling onthe surface of the skin can get new pathogenic bacteria. If they spread to neighboring wounds, this causes a new inflammation. Therefore, during treatment, you need to be careful about hygiene - wash your hands when touching a boil or carbuncle, change bandages periodically.
Any skin abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of the face should never be squeezed, cut or pierced by yourself! This threatens that you will bring the infection into deeper tissues. The infection can penetrate into the blood, sepsis will develop. Also, with blood, it can be brought into the brain, which already leads to life-threatening complications.
The difference between inflammation
Let's now imagine the main differences between boils and carbuncles. By the way, there are not so many of them.
Furuncles most often appear in men. Especially in young people, teenagers. In addition, people who prefer tight clothing and do not care about the hygiene of their bodies are prone to inflammation. Reduced immunity for any reason is also of great importance.
Another difference between boils and carbuncles: the latter are much less common. They are also more susceptible to men, but already middle-aged and elderly. At risk are people whose he alth is weakened by a serious general chronic disease. For example, diabetes.
What is the difference between a carbuncle and a boil? The photos, as you can see, do not really convey their difference. An important difference is in the treatment of these inflammations. Furuncle can be easily cured at home. Especially at the initial stage, before the formation of an abscess. With the development of a carbuncle, you must alwayscontact a doctor. Especially if it appeared on the face, and you feel a general malaise.

Causes of a boil
If you look at the photo of a boil and a carbuncle, what is the difference, you can immediately understand. B. site of inflammation. As for the reasons, there are also some differences.
In most cases, the cause is infection of the hair follicle with Staphylococcus aureus. In the normal state, these bacteria live on the surface of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, skin, without harming the body. Approximately 20% of people on the globe are carriers of staphylococcus aureus.
A boil develops as a result of bacteria getting under the skin through cuts, scratches and other injuries. The immune system reacts to this by sending white blood cells to the foreign agent. The result of their "war" among themselves is the same pus. It consists of dead bacteria and dead immune cells.
Provoking inflammation factors should be called the following:
- Adolescence in men. The skin during this period of life becomes more greasy, which promotes the growth of bacteria.
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Close contact with people who have boils on their skin.
- Practicing a sport that involves excessive sweating, rubbing tight clothes against skin, close contact with other athletes (as in the case of rugby).
- Live in poor hygienic conditions.
- Skin diseases - scabies, atopic dermatitis, etc.
- Overweight.
But boils can also appear in a person in whose life there is not one of the provoking factors. If this problem comes back again and again, there is a reason to check the state of your he alth. Since this is one of the symptoms of chronically reduced immunity, which can indicate many hidden serious pathologies.

Causes of carbuncle
Just like boils, carbuncles are caused by the same Staphylococcus aureus. They develop already against the background of a deeper spread of infection into the subcutaneous layers. Several sebaceous glands and hair follicles are also involved in the process.
The risk group here includes people with chronically reduced immunity. This may be with the following diseases and conditions:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Prescription of a long course of treatment with steroid drugs.
- Chemotherapy.
- Acute lack of vitamins and essential micro- and macroelements in the daily human diet.
- Skin diseases affecting large areas of the body.
- Drug addiction (especially intravenous).
- Diseases of the blood, vessels and heart.
Symptoms of a boil
Now you know the difference between a boil and a carbuncle. Let's analyze their symptoms.
As a rule, three factors are enough for the appearance of a boil: skin friction, increased sweating, the presence of hair follicles. Why are their most frequent localizations - face, neck, armpits, groin, buttocks,hips.
A red spot appears first. Over time, it increases, becomes dense. The place of inflammation begins to hurt. Then a purulent yellowish head appears in its center.
Over time, inflammation opens up, pus flows out. The pain goes away, the wound heals, a scar appears in its place. The process can take from a couple of days to two weeks.
The most dangerous location is the occurrence of a boil in the area of the nasolabial triangle. The fact is that the vessels that feed this zone reach the brain. If you squeeze out a boil, bring an infection, it may well get to the brain, which will provoke the development of meningitis - a life-threatening infectious disease that requires immediate hospitalization.
The most painful are boils in the nose, ear, and genitals. They swell up and increase in size. This is due to the presence of loose subcutaneous tissue, in which the inflammatory process develops rapidly.

Carbuncle Symptoms
In addition to the differences in the photo, the differences between carbuncle and furuncle can be seen in their symptoms. One of the signs of carbuncles is that this inflammation develops on the neck, back, or thighs. The process is more severe, as the inflammation spreads to deep-lying tissues. Subcutaneous fat is affected. The patient notes a general malaise: weakness, nausea, headaches and muscle pain, high body temperature.
Carbuncle is a large-scale focus of inflammation. Bright red skin and manypurulent heads - its distinguishing features. The size of a mature carbuncle can be from 3 to 10 cm. Pus can ooze from several heads at the same time. Visually, this makes the inflammation look like a honeycomb. Sometimes all holes merge into one, from which pus flows.
As a rule, an experienced specialist diagnoses a boil or carbuncle by the appearance of inflammation, the patient's complaints about his condition. But in some cases, additional diagnostic procedures are required:
- Inflammation is not eliminated by conventional treatment. Most likely, it is not caused by staphylococcus aureus, but by another bacterium.
- There are several foci of boils or carbuncles on the human body.
- Inflammation reappeared after treatment.
- The patient has been diagnosed with diabetes, AIDS and is undergoing chemotherapy.
In this case, a smear is taken from the skin, and the contents of the abscess are sent for bacteriological examination. Thus, the type of causative agent of inflammation is determined. Also, the patient is prescribed a blood test to make sure that there are no undiagnosed diseases.

Treatment of boils
If you have a boil on your face, and especially in the area of the nasolabial triangle, this requires a visit to the doctor. In other cases, inflammation is successfully treated at home. It is better not to hesitate and start treatment at an early stage, until an abscess has formed.
Inflammation is treated with an antiseptic - medical alcohol or solutionbrilliant green. During the day, dry heat should be applied to the boil - heated bags with s alt, sand or rice, warm boiled eggs. This helps improve blood circulation. And with it, the flow of white blood cells that fight infection.
If a boil has formed on a limb, you need to provide it with peace. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (analgin, ketorol, ibuprofen) or paracetamol are used to relieve pain.
Purulent "head" in any case should not be opened! When it opens itself, carefully treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage.

Carbuncle treatment
If you have a carbuncle, you need to see a doctor. Self-medication is not allowed here. In some cases, hospitalization is necessary. For example, with extensive purulent tissue damage. Since it threatens with blood poisoning and all the ensuing consequences.
Treatment here is surgical. Specialists under local anesthesia open a purulent cavity, remove all dead tissue, clean the wound. Then the operation site is treated with antiseptics, sterile dressings are applied. In some cases, suturing and even plastic skin is required. Additionally, antibiotics and physiotherapy are prescribed.
Furuncles and carbuncles are similar but not identical inflammatory processes. They are distinguished by the scale of inflammation, treatment features, provoking factors, and locations of tissue damage.