Marshmallow root: instructions for use, indications, composition, contraindications

Marshmallow root: instructions for use, indications, composition, contraindications
Marshmallow root: instructions for use, indications, composition, contraindications

Many people prefer to be treated with herbs. Althea root is a medicinal plant that has been used in folk and traditional medicine for a very long time. You need to know how to use it correctly, because even such a harmless medicine can cause unwanted reactions if you use it at your own discretion, ignoring the instructions.

Composition and description

Althea is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick, woody root. It is considered a source of valuable polysaccharides. What is the composition of marshmallow root? When in contact with water, these components lead to the appearance of new substances:

  1. Pentose.
  2. Dextrose.
  3. Galactose.
marshmallow root after harvesting
marshmallow root after harvesting

Dry marshmallow roots include:

  1. Starch.
  2. Pectin.
  3. Phytosterol.
  4. Fatty oils.

Small pale pink flowers are collected in spikelets on short pedicels. They bloom between June and August. The fruits begin to appear at the end of September, this is a disc-shaped boron achene. Most marshmallow in areas with wet soil, for example, on the banks of rivers,lakes or marshy forest areas.

The main medicinal raw material is marshmallow roots, which are harvested in late autumn. It is in them that there are many valuable components, including fatty oils, polysaccharides and phytosterols. The leaves are rich in vitamin C and essential oils.


Marshmallow root is effective in folk medicine. It is used for treatment and prevention. In official medicine, this plant is used in the following preparations:

  1. Marshmallow root extract.
  2. Muk altin tablets.
  3. Cough marshmallow root syrup.
  4. Dry potion.
  5. Breast teas 1, 2, 3.

The cost depends on the concentration of the medicinal substance and the form of release. The root costs 50 rubles, and the syrup is about 70. The root is part of the expectorant fees. Their price is about 75 rubles.


Water means of the aerial parts of the plant are used externally, by application method in the treatment of burns, lichen, abscesses, as well as in the form of lotions for blepharitis and rinses, if the tonsils are inflamed. What are the benefits of marshmallow root? This part of the plant is enriched with starch and mucus, making it rich in the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Expectorant.
  • Painkiller.
  • Improving blood flow in tissues.
  • Promoting exchange.
  • Activating granulation.

Also, the root has the property of epithelization, detoxification effect, and also antioxidant. Medicines with a root are able to envelop the mucous membrane. This property is useful whentreatment of gastrointestinal ulcers: thickening of mucus occurs due to contact with hydrochloric acid, and this eliminates inflammation and swelling.

marshmallow root instructions for use
marshmallow root instructions for use

Thanks to pharmacy extracts from the plant, expectoration and liquefaction of the inflammatory secretion is activated. This is due to increased peristalsis of bronchiole movements and motor activity of the ciliated epithelium.

When applied?

It is necessary to consider the instructions for use for the marshmallow root. It is used in treatment:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Laryngotracheitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Inflammation of the palatine tonsils.
  • Ulcers.
  • Gastritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract.

You can use the plant externally, but it is less effective. It is used for insect bites, mucosal inflammation and burns.

When not to use

What are the contraindications to marshmallow root? It cannot be used when:

  • Intolerance to the active substances of the drug.
  • 1st trimester pregnancy.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Impaired respiratory activity of the lungs.

You should not use extracts with pharmacological agents that can thicken sputum, remove fluid from the body, and suppress the cough reflex. This can harm the general condition of the body.

Side effect

All marshmallow medicines are well tolerated. Rare side effects likely to occur:

  • Skin allergies.
  • Nausea.
  • vomiting.
marshmallow root contraindications
marshmallow root contraindications

How it is used

In the instructions for use of the marshmallow root, the rules for use are indicated. For maximum effect, it is used in the following ways:

  1. Based on the roots create a dry extract and syrup. The funds can be used inside, in the treatment of respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary function, as well as externally - for burns, bites.
  2. Medication should be taken 15-20 minutes before eating. Althea root tinctures are used in rinsing the mucous membranes. The methods of using the dose are determined by the indication and form of release of the drug, therefore, they are established only by the attending physician.

Similar products

Marshmallow root is considered the main ingredient in:

  1. Parocodin Syrup.
  2. Alteika syrup.
  3. Marshmallow Root Infusion.
  4. Breast gathering 1, 2, 3.
  5. "Tonziolgone N".

Before using the product, you should consult your doctor. You should also read the instructions and use the drug based on the prescribed dosages.


Use the drug according to the following rules:

  1. It should not be used in early pregnancy.
  2. Marshmallow root is allowed for children. Up to 12 years old, you need to take 1 tsp. syrup, no more than 5 times a day, since this drug contains ethyl alcohol. Before taking it, it must be diluted in ¼ cup of warm water.
  3. Improve expectoration preparations with marshmallow root. Duringcontact with water, the medicinal component is able to increase and cover the mucous membrane, which will serve as protection against irritation.
marshmallow root for children
marshmallow root for children

Features of collection and harvesting

These procedures are carried out as follows:

  1. Collected in late autumn or early spring.
  2. Performed with digging roots to a depth of 25-30 cm.
  3. The roots should be shaken off the ground, and then washed, cut into pieces of 20-25 cm and the damaged parts removed.
  4. Large roots are cut lengthwise and dried at 40 degrees.
  5. Store the roots in a dry, closed container for 3 years.

Infusions and decoctions

To prepare a remedy, you need:

  1. Prepare chopped root (2 tbsp.).
  2. Pour hot boiled water (1 cup) into raw materials.
  3. Do not use an aluminum container as it may oxidize.
  4. The vessel is covered with a lid and placed in a water bath.
  5. The container warms up for half an hour.
  6. The broth should infuse and cool.
  7. It is filtered and placed in a cool place for half a day.
  8. The medicine is taken warm, 100 g 3 times a day.

To get a decoction, you need:

  1. Take the roots of the plant (1 tablespoon) crushed.
  2. Pour cold water (1 glass).
  3. Then straining is done.
  4. The medicine is taken after 2 hours, 1 tbsp. l., but not more than 10 times a day.

The tincture has a more pronounced taste. Toto soften it, apply honey, lemon or orange.

Use for breast augmentation

Marshmallow is enriched with the hormone phytosterol and fatty oils that allow you to increase the mammary glands. The increase procedure will be long, individual, but the effect lasts for a long time. Breast growth will be noticeable after a month.

marshmallow root extract
marshmallow root extract

To prepare an effective remedy, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Roots (1 tablespoon) pour into boiling milk (1 cup).
  2. Everything boils for 5-10 minutes.
  3. If the broth has cooled down, it is allowed to drink it throughout the day.

The remedy is suitable for the treatment of cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to use the remedy as directed by a doctor, but its presence in the home first-aid kit will not be superfluous, since you can give it to children to treat coughs and take it to adults.

Use for various ailments

An effective medicine from the root is made independently. The following recipes are suitable for this:

  1. You need a finely chopped root (1 tablespoon), which is poured with boiling water (1 cup). After an hour, strain and take ¼ volume 3 times a day. This medicine is suitable for influenza and pneumonia.
  2. Root (3 tablespoons) diluted with boiling water (600 ml). The infusion is left for 8-10 hours. Then straining is required, and you can take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening. The recipe is effective for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis.
  3. The root must be processed through a meat grinder and take 2 tbsp. l. mass, pour boiling water(200 ml.). Infusion is performed for half an hour. It is necessary to take 70 ml. 2 times a day.

For kids

A syrup based on the root of this plant is considered an effective expectorant. Medicinal substances have a diluting property. The syrup can be taken from 1 year. Children under 6 years old are prescribed ½ tsp. syrup.

cough syrup marshmallow root
cough syrup marshmallow root

From 12 years old, 1 tsp is allowed. medicine, which is diluted in 1/3 cup of warm water. The drug is taken 4-5 times a day. If the child does not like the taste of the syrup, it can be diluted in 2-3 tablespoons of water. Take it after meals.

Preparation of syrup

Most pediatricians prescribe syrup for children, as it eliminates coughing, and also liquefies and removes sputum. These medicinal products have a herbal flavor and a pleasant smell, which is easily tolerated by the child. You can make your own syrup. For this you will need:

  1. Crushed Root - 2g
  2. Water - 50 ml.
  3. Wine alcohol - 1 ml.
  4. Sugar - 60 g.

Pour the root with clean water, leave for an hour, and then strain through cheesecloth. Then sugar and alcohol are added. The product is put on a slow fire and boil until the sugar dissolves. The syrup is suitable for children from 1 year old.

For gastritis

The root can reduce the acidity of the stomach, so it is used for hyperacidity. For this, a medicinal infusion is suitable: 2 tbsp. l. crushed root is poured with boiling water (0.5 l.). It should infuse for 8-9 hours.

Then the infusionpass through gauze and add honey (2 tablespoons). The resulting product must be taken in 120-150 ml. 3 times a day. Before this, you must take into account contraindications and consult a doctor.


Marshmallow is suitable for fast and effective weight loss. For this, tea is used. With it, the feeling of hunger is drowned out, rapid saturation occurs, and the absorption of fat from foods is prevented.

marshmallow root tincture
marshmallow root tincture

It is necessary to chop the root, and then 1 tbsp. l. pour raw materials with boiling water (200 ml). The drink stands in a water bath for half an hour, after which filtering is required. The solution should be taken in 100 ml. half an hour before meals. It will take 3-5 weeks to get positive results.

Marshmallow root is effective in folk medicine. It is enough to take it at the appropriate dosages, and then positive results will be noticeable very soon.
