Does the chest hurt with cancer: causes and symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, methods of struggle, prevention

Does the chest hurt with cancer: causes and symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, methods of struggle, prevention
Does the chest hurt with cancer: causes and symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, methods of struggle, prevention

Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm. This disease can progress both in one and in two mammary glands. The number of cases has increased significantly over the past decade. Of course, poor environmental conditions and troubles have a great impact on the entire body, but why is breast cancer the most common type? What causes disease? It is definitely not possible to answer the question.

The mammary gland is quite a hormone-dependent organ. And a wide variety of conditions can affect the hormonal position: lifestyle, stress, radiation, etc. Experts have not fully established the causes of breast cancer, but there are a lot of theories and versions. Some of them are indisputable and do not raise doubts among doctors, other factors are controversial and have not yet been fully proven. Often, women are interested in whether the chest hurts with breast cancer. This question, like the causes and treatment of the disease, is worth considering.more details.

Is there pain in breast cancer?
Is there pain in breast cancer?


The doctor warns that the disease began to appear in young people, although it is believed that women over 40 with a hereditary family predisposition are at risk (that is, women whose mothers or sisters had breast cancer, have a great opportunity to get sick with this disease), approximately 10% of all cases without exception are considered hereditary. In addition, according to doctors, there are conditions that have a big impact on the risk of getting sick:

  • early period (under 12);
  • late menopause;
  • the birth of the first baby after 35 years, or if the woman has never given birth at all;
  • presence of mastopathy (benign breast disease);
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • bad environment;
  • stress;
  • bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse).

All girls aged 18 and over are required to undergo an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist once a year. And, according to the recommendation, undergo additional examinations (ultrasound diagnostics or mammography), and in addition, once a month, carry out breast self-examination.

do breasts hurt with breast cancer
do breasts hurt with breast cancer


Obvious signs of the disease occur with advanced forms of a malignant tumor. These are painless dense formations. When germinatingtumors in the breast wall, the mammary gland becomes almost immobile. If the neoplasm of the breast grows on the skin, deformation occurs, the neoplasm ulcerates, and the nipple is retracted. A manifestation of the disease may be discharge from the nipple, often bloody. When the tumor process spreads to the lymph nodes, they grow, which causes inconvenience in the axillary zone. Therefore, the signs are:

  • discharge from nipples;
  • chest tightness;
  • Changes in the skin of the breast: retraction, swelling, redness, "lemon peel";
  • nipple change: retraction, bleeding wound.

Does it feel like pain with breast cancer? It all depends on the stage and the individual characteristics of the woman. Some feel discomfort in the initial stage, while others are not bothered by anything in the third stage.

Cancer, the signs of which are given above, in the initial stages is expressed by an education that is detected during the passage of mammography, ultrasound or other examinations, or it is detected by the girl herself. However, it is unrealistic to identify a neoplasm with a diffuse increase, that is, without a dense part, without instrumental methods. We need high quality diagnostics. In most situations, it is sufficient to undergo a preventive examination once a year.

does breast cancer hurt
does breast cancer hurt

Zero stage

Do breasts hurt with cancer at this stage? In 99% of cases, no. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine the disease. If the disease is recognized directly on thisstage, then the possibility of being cured is one hundred percent. For the purpose of treatment, a lumpectomy is performed - a sparing procedure in which only the formation itself and a small part of the surrounding tissues are removed, despite this, in some cases, it is possible to eliminate the entire gland with further plastic surgery. But this kind of treatment is used less often. After the procedure, a course of chemotherapy, targeted and hormonal therapy is indicated.

do breasts hurt with cancer
do breasts hurt with cancer

First stage

The prognosis is also favorable: approximately 94-98% of patients fully recover after lumpectomy with further chemotherapy, targeted and hormonal therapy. In some cases, a course of radiotherapy is indicated. The main question that arises at this stage is: "Does the mammary gland hurt with cancer?" On a forum where women who have or have had such an illness communicate, they say that pain is rarely felt.

Second stage

At this stage, the neoplasm is already very large, and lumpectomy, most likely, will not work. The absolute elimination of the breast is shown - an operation with the removal of the axillary lymph nodes and an integral further radiation therapy. It should be noted that in foreign clinics, this method is used only in the latest options, with the goal of saving the breast.

Third stage

At this stage, multiple metastases occur. Therefore, it is not worth wondering if the chest hurts with cancer. In order to cure, it is necessary to remove not only the neoplasm itself, but also metastases. An operation must be carried out withremoval of lymph nodes and radiotherapy, as well as hormone therapy, chemotherapy and targeted treatment to eliminate absolutely all cancer cells.

Fourth stage

This is advanced cancer with a huge number of metastases. Radiation and chemotherapy are shown, as well as surgery, the purpose of which is not to eliminate the tumor, but to eliminate complications that are unsafe for existence, in some cases, hormonal treatment is used. It is almost impossible to cure the entire tumor at this stage, but it is possible to continue life and improve its quality.

does breast cancer hurt
does breast cancer hurt

Surgical treatment

During surgery, the main goal of the doctor is to save the life and he alth of a woman, including if it means removing the breast. Whether the chest hurts with breast cancer or not, it does not matter, because the main goal is indicated above. But at present, doctors are striving not only to remove the neoplasm, but also to save the breast. In cases where this is unrealistic, breast prosthetics are performed. As a rule, plastic surgery is performed six months after a mastectomy. Although, for example, in good clinics, breast reconstruction is carried out as part of one procedure immediately after removal.

If the scale of the tumor does not exceed two and a half centimeters, they resort to an organ-preserving procedure. Often, a number of nearby lymph nodes are removed, even if no metastases are found. This makes it possible to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

We emphasize that progressive doctors inOncology cure states have unique surgical instruments. For example, Israeli hospitals have successfully used the Margin Probe device, which, according to doctors, can completely remove all cancer cells.

does breast cancer hurt
does breast cancer hurt


Chemotherapy or drug therapy is used before, after or instead of surgery when it is not possible. Chemotherapy is the introduction of special toxins that act on tumor cells. The course of chemotherapy can last from 3 to 6 months and is usually carried out immediately after surgery. A variety of substances are used for chemotherapy - some destroy proteins that regulate the formation of tumor cells, others are integrated into the genetic apparatus of an oncological cell and stimulate its destruction, and others delay the division of affected cells.

do breasts hurt with cancer
do breasts hurt with cancer


The goal of prevention is to prevent the onset of a disease. Prevention is more in the public domain. In order not to ask yourself in the future whether the chest hurts with oncology, the following measures should be observed:

  1. Late delivery is considered one of the risk conditions. For this reason, the appearance of the first child before the age of 30, breastfeeding at least up to 6 months are factors that reduce the possibility of the onset of the disease.
  2. In addition, the competent use of hormonal contraceptives, planning pregnancies and avoiding abortionsare also very important.
  3. Solving problems associated with improving the environmental situation, reducing the impact of various carcinogens on the female body, abstinence from alcohol and smoking, and stress management.
  4. Regular self-examination of the mammary glands every month after the end of menstruation. Alternate probing of the breast tissue is more expedient to carry out once a month, preferably in a specific period of the monthly cycle. The shape, symmetry, the presence of pits, tubercles, seals, changes in the skin - everything needs to be focused on. You should also examine the armpits and collarbone area in search of single enlarged lymph nodes.

If you have any doubts, you should immediately seek the help of a professional. Self-treatment, turning to healers and other attempts to do without medical help can end in failure.
