Why does the chest hurt in the middle of the cycle: examination and treatment

Why does the chest hurt in the middle of the cycle: examination and treatment
Why does the chest hurt in the middle of the cycle: examination and treatment

In the article, we will consider why the chest hurts in the middle of the cycle.

Many women, especially those who have not given birth, note soreness and swelling of the mammary glands during ovulation. The skin on the chest is stretched, and the nipples become hypersensitive. Touching the chest during this period is quite painful. Let's try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and the diseases that lead to it.

What day is an ultrasound of the mammary glands done
What day is an ultrasound of the mammary glands done

So why do breasts hurt in the middle of a cycle?

Reproductive system during ovulation

The middle of the cycle of menstruation occurs on the 9-14th day. It is during this period of time that a woman's body is most ready for fertilization. In the middle of the cycle, the hormonal background changes, which is due to the fact that the follicle that has matured in the ovary releases an egg, which requires an increased amount of estrogen. This process is caused by a hormonal change, which explains why the breasts swelled in the middle of the cycle.

Prolactin andestrogen

Such hormones as prolactin and estrogen are responsible for the growth of the egg, so in the first half of the cycle, their number increases. After the egg is released, progesterone is produced and the growth of the endometrial layer begins, that is, the body creates optimal conditions for conception. The breast, like other organs of the reproductive system, during ovulation is in a state of hormonal surge, which is manifested by pain in the mammary glands.

chest starts to hurt
chest starts to hurt

Their properties

Many women ask the gynecologist a question about pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, before ovulation. Some patients can determine the approach of egg maturation precisely by the sensations in the mammary glands. They begin to grow, as does the endometrium of the uterus.

The milk ducts do not expand permanently, the tissues of the glands first increase and then decrease. The nipples in the middle of the cycle hurt as a response to the expansion of the ducts and the tension of the skin.

The peak of hormone growth in the female body will be marked by the middle of the cycle and breast swelling. After that, the body understands that the fertilization process did not take place and the breast returns to its previous state.

Prolactin is a hormone that is responsible for the process of breastfeeding. After the onset of pregnancy, it is prolactin that prepares the mammary glands of a woman for the further process of lactation. During ovulation, the amount of prolactin increases to maximum levels, as the body is mobilized to maintain pregnancy. This hormone promotes tissue growth during ovulation.


Estrogen is a hormone through which the reproductive system of the female body functions. The follicular apparatus releases estrogen and removes the mature egg from the follicle. In addition, the hormone is involved in the expansion and formation of the milk ducts. This is why the chest hurts in the middle of the cycle.

Swollen chest in the middle of the cycle
Swollen chest in the middle of the cycle


Painful sensations in the middle of the cycle can cause anxiety in a woman. Engorgement and pain may persist in the breast for several days after ovulation and sometimes until the start of the next cycle. A similar phenomenon is called mastodynia in medicine and is characterized by hardening of the mammary glands. In this case, the condition is considered a previous stage of mastopathy and requires a visit to a specialist.

If the chest hurts a lot in the middle of the cycle, the doctor will help to establish the reasons.

When estrogen and prolactin levels rise to elevated levels, a woman feels pain both during ovulation and until the end of the cycle. As soon as progesterone enters the process, pain and swelling disappear. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, this hormone inhibits the properties of prolactin and estrogen and contributes to the normalization of the structure of the mammary glands, restoring their elasticity and softness.

Mammary glands consist not only of glandular tissues, but also vessels and nerve endings. The area around the nipples is especially sensitive, so the most intense pain syndromein this part of the chest. When the tissues of the glands grow, squeezing of the vessels occurs and swelling occurs. In addition, squeezing nerve endings leads to soreness.

It should be borne in mind that the factors that provoke a situation when the chest is very sore in the middle of the cycle can have a different genesis. If the discomfort persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor to rule out possible pathologies.

Chest pain in the middle of the cycle causes
Chest pain in the middle of the cycle causes


If the pain syndrome during the period of ovulation is accompanied by edema and becomes unbearable, it is allowed to take drugs that have an analgesic effect. The most effective in this case is "Naproxen", "Ibuprofen" or acetylsalicylic acid known to everyone. You should not abuse these drugs, they should be taken only in case of emergency. Reception can be carried out only if the doctor has ruled out pathological processes. It is not recommended to take painkillers during the planning period of pregnancy, as well as during the period of bearing a child.

Many women wonder what day they do breast ultrasound. More on that below.

For intense pain

If the pain syndrome is intense and regular, the doctor prescribes more potent drugs. But such drugs have a large number of contraindications and adverse reactions, so they can only be taken as directed by a specialist.

Other ways

Besidesof this, there are also other ways to relieve pain during the menstrual cycle:

Very sore chest in the middle of the cycle
Very sore chest in the middle of the cycle

1. Contraceptive drugs. With their help, it is possible to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve pain. The selection of oral contraceptives is a rather complicated process that requires an individual approach. Some drugs in this group can also cause soreness, due to changes in prolactin and estrogen.

2. Dietary supplements containing magnesium. Doctors also prescribe various vitamin complexes. Magnesium nourishes the nervous system and relieves soreness before the onset of menstruation.

3. Avoiding drinks containing caffeine. Coffee, tea, and caffeine-based energy drinks can exacerbate symptoms by overstimulating the nervous system.

You can't treat chest pain on your own, as taking painkillers can make it harder to diagnose. In some cases, a mammogram is prescribed. The price of this procedure is quite high.

Pathological processes

There are a number of pathological conditions that can cause breast tenderness in the middle of the menstrual cycle:

1. Fluid stagnation. Under pressure, the tissues stretch, causing tingling and soreness. Nipples can hurt after ovulation. The accumulation of fluid can be caused by the abuse of carbonated drinks, alcohol and s alty foods. An unbalanced diet can also lead to soreness, whichdue to protein deficiency and an excess of carbohydrates and fats. In addition, wearing tight underwear can lead to fluid retention. Lymph nodes located in the armpits should not be squeezed by the seams on the clothes, as they are responsible for the outflow of fluid. The main signs of fluid stagnation in the chest are a pulling sensation, swelling of the mammary glands and skin covering with a blue mesh of blood vessels.

2. Mammalgia. This pathology can also lead to breast swelling, discomfort and soreness. Mastodynia is characterized by cutting pains and severe engorgement of the mammary glands. Before fertilization, the female reproductive system begins an active synthesis of prolactin and estrogen, which causes the expansion of the ducts in the mammary glands. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone is released, which normalizes the milk ducts. If the progesterone level is low, the breasts begin to hurt in the middle of the cycle.

mammography price
mammography price

3. Oncological disease. The most dangerous pathology, characterized by painful sensations in the mammary glands. If a woman finds seals in her chest, then you should immediately contact a mammologist. The main difficulty is that with oncology, soreness in the mammary glands indicates an advanced stage of the disease and requires surgical intervention. Doctors recommend palpation of the breast on their own for the timely detection of pathology.

4. Hormonal imbalance. A deficiency or excess of one or another hormone can provoke soreness in the area of the milkglands. At the same time, along with soreness in the chest, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, vaginal dryness, general malaise and other symptoms may appear. In this case, the breast ducts are in a constantly expanded state, and the tissues of the glands are enlarged. Treatment consists of taking hormonal drugs that restore balance and regulate the menstrual cycle.

On what day is a breast ultrasound done?

The state of the mammary glands is in direct connection with the phases of the menstrual cycle. In order for the results of the examination to be the most accurate, ultrasound of the mammary glands must be done immediately after the end of menstruation, before the onset of ovulation (approximately 5-12 days after the start of the cycle). At this time, there are no edema in the chest, the network of ducts is most clearly visible. In the second half of the cycle, the breasts become swollen and denser, which is associated with the preparation of the body for the onset of pregnancy.

Why does the chest hurt in the middle of the cycle
Why does the chest hurt in the middle of the cycle

Worrying symptoms

If a woman is worried about soreness in the chest area against the background of an approaching menstruation, you should visit a gynecologist and mammologist to rule out serious pathologies. At the same time, there are a number of signs against which it is necessary to immediately visit a specialist:

1. The mammary glands are abnormally enlarged.

2. Prolonged constant soreness.

3. Feeling of heaviness and hardening of the chest.

4. Seals in the chest on palpation.

5. The pains are paroxysmal.

6. Other symptoms such as lethargy, uncharacteristicdischarge, headache, nausea.


The main prevention of breast problems is regular visits to the gynecologist and mammologist.

Most likely they will order a mammogram. The price of this procedure is quite high. Cost fluctuations for this x-ray examination reach several times. So, for example, the lower limits of the price of mammography starts from 1,500 rubles, and the upper limits can reach 8,000 rubles.

This big difference is mainly due to the venue and the level of equipment available.

This is the only way to identify pathological processes in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. A woman should be responsible for her own he alth.

We looked at why the chest hurts in the middle of the cycle.
