Acne on the face and other parts of the body is a serious problem that takes a lot of time to solve. But a pimple on the anus is, most often, a reason to be delicately silent and try to cope with it on your own. Similarly, in modern society they relate to itching, skin rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fifth point. And the closer the problem is to the anus, the less it is customary to talk about it.
Most often, the patient tries to solve the problem only with hygiene. A small pimple literally "blurs" and turns into a large ulcer. Therefore, a pimple on the anus should be treated under the guidance of a professional.

Reasons for appearance
In fact, there are a lot of them. Depending on the clinical picture, the specialist must determine the cause of the phenomenon. Based on this, therapy will be selected. A pimple on the anus is just a symptom, behind which there can be many different problems. Let's look at a seriesthe most common causes, each of which may apply to you.
- Immune system weakened for various reasons. Thanks to this, the introduction of a pathogenic microorganism became possible.
- Allergic reactions can lead to severe itching and rashes on the buttocks. As they are scratched, an infection penetrates into them, which leads to the development of acne.
- Infection with fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases.
- A pimple on the anus can jump up when affected by genital herpes.
- Not always the patient himself can easily determine the nature of the phenomenon. Hemorrhoidal manifestations can also be similar to ordinary acne, although their nature lies in vascular changes.
- Prolonged irritation in the groin and anus.
- Diseases of the internal organs and dysbacteriosis, which is caused by the latter.
- Stress and nervous exhaustion.
This is not a complete list. The reasons why irritation occurs on the anus should be sought by the attending physician. Based on the examination of the patient, the collection of anamnesis, the results of tests, he can draw conclusions and prescribe the correct treatment.
Things to remember
Once again, acne is never a disease in and of itself. This is just a symptom to be investigated. Pathological processes in the anus often lead to skin inflammation. At the same time, they are classified into different types, depending on the reasons that caused them. Today we will consider a number of diseases that one way or anotherotherwise associated with rashes on the fifth point.

Genital herpes
This disease has a viral nature. Moreover, if he settled in the body, then you will have to put in order all metabolic processes and the immune system in order to avoid relapses. And the latter can be observed 12 or more times a year. If you suspect that you have this disease, it is recommended to be tested for a herpes virus infection. What symptoms speak for its development in the body:
- Severe itching and burning, red spots in the lesions.
- Pain around the anus.
- Local temperature increase.
- Small erosions appear that bleed at the time of defecation.
- In severe cases, they combine and turn into one big erosion.
- You can suspect herpes if the patient feels chronic, cutting and painful spasms in the rectal area, but there is no feeling of fullness of the intestine.
Treatment primarily involves the correction of immunity, and only then a specific, antiviral effect.
These are not exactly pimples, but rather warts that are located on the skin around the anus and inside the colon. Anal warts are distinguished by the following characteristics:
- This is a warty growth with an uneven, bumpy surface.
- It is flesh, pink or red.
- Warts can be single or coalesce into one big one.
- They are very painful, itchy.
- When defecationtraces of blood are clearly visible.
The disease is diagnosed visually and with the help of tests, scrapings and sigmoidoscopy.
For mild cases, medication can be used. Large colonies of warts are only removed surgically.

Furuncle on buttocks
This is a big pimple on the anus, which gives quite a strong discomfort. A boil in the anus can jump up due to infection and inflammation of the hair follicle. There can be many reasons for this, and as a result, a person suffers from pain when walking or sitting. Soreness is felt during bowel movements.
Well, if this is a one-time phenomenon. But if acne on the anus appears regularly, then it's time for complex therapy. The main emphasis is on improving the body's defenses. And, of course, it will not be superfluous to use effective antibacterial agents.

Features of the course of the disease
This formation is a cone filled with pus. A provoking factor can be feces that affect abrasions or other damage. Soreness of the formed abscesses is felt during trips to the toilet, as well as when sitting on a chair.
Forget about opening a big festering pimple yourself. This can cause infection of nearby tissues. Sometimes the lack of assistance to the patient leads to the development of general sepsis. If at the initial stage of maturation the boil is not particularlyworries, then as it increases, it not only causes pain, but also interferes with normal movement.
Stages of disease development
At first, only a slight swelling and redness is noticeable. Usually at this stage it is not clear what exactly is happening. A pimple on the anus begins to hurt a little later, usually with pressure on the formation. Gradually, the boil grows and becomes burgundy. After a few days, you can see a white rod, but the pain only gets worse. Often, deep abscesses manifest themselves as throbbing pain during bowel movements.

Diagnostic Methods
First of all, the doctor must examine the patient and the affected area. The main task is to differentiate a pimple from a node, pathological tubercle or bump in the anus. The latter may indicate the development of the initial stage of hemorrhoids. If a digital examination gives rise to doubt, then it may be necessary to undergo instrumental research methods. General clinical methods also allow assessing the patient's condition.
Therapeutic Methods
Now let's talk about what to do. A pimple on the anus will not go away on its own. It usually only gets bigger without treatment. Self-medication often leads to a number of serious complications. Insufficiently fast healing can be explained by the laborious process of caring for the affected area of the skin. Sometimes, it may take at least 4 weeks to recover.
Surgical intervention is required if the massvery big. After opening the boil, doctors install a drain to drain the pus. Usually, conservative treatment is prescribed first. If it does not help, then surgical procedures are already performed. After such a procedure, the patient must undergo a course of antibiotic treatment and physiotherapy. If the pimples are small, then surgery is not prescribed. It is enough to treat the affected area with gauze napkins soaked in alcohol.
Healing ointments
Immediately after opening the formation, it is recommended to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. For the purpose of fast and effective treatment, therapeutic compresses are applied. What helps ointment "Levomekol"? This is an excellent antibacterial agent. The inflammatory process is the struggle of bacteria and special blood cells. But if the immune system is depressed, then the body cannot cope with them and the inflammation does not decrease, but only grows.
What does Levomekol ointment help with? It is used for any damage to the skin, whether it is an abrasion, scratch, wound or boil. Prevents and draws out inflammation, acts on infection, accelerates healing. This is one of the best remedies to have in your first aid kit.

Common pimple
On the anus in women, they can be formed by wearing tight underwear and synthetics. Usually these formations are not large, but still, red dots cause discomfort and itch. Comprehensive treatment begins with the replacement of bed and underwearfor products made from natural fabrics. In addition, you need to give preference to natural cosmetics, as well as adhere to a he althy diet.
From ready-made products, preference should be given to such drugs as "Baziron", "Skinerit". They have a complex effect and prevent the recurrence of acne. In the event of the appearance of abscesses, pain will be felt throughout the entire period of formation of the purulent core. In order for it to come out, it is necessary to accelerate its maturation. For this, Vishnevsky's ointment or ichthyol ointment is used.
Soak a gauze bandage or cotton pad with the selected product, and then apply over the pimple to cleansed skin. It must be fixed with a band-aid and left overnight.

Treatment for common acne
If they are small, red and hurt only when pressed, then you can treat them with zinc ointment. This remedy can reduce inflammation, remove redness and swelling. Of the folk remedies, such a substance as tea tree oil proved to be excellent. It gives a pleasant coolness, reduces pain and swelling, disinfects the skin and reduces inflammation. If large acne and abscesses appear, then aloe pulp will help perfectly. To do this, a fleshy leaf is selected, the spines are cut along the edges, after which it is cut along the edges. The result is a wonderful compress.

Instead of a conclusion
There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of acne on the anus. Therefore, if the pimple is large, then it is better immediatelyconsult a doctor to establish its nature and get a competent appointment. Small, red bumps can be treated at home using antibacterial ointments and folk remedies. If the condition does not improve, and the pain only intensifies, then you need to stop home treatment and immediately consult a doctor. Of course, many people put off going to a surgeon or proctologist as a last resort. But, if the redness and pain persists for more than 3 days or the temperature begins to rise, then the question is about the likelihood of general sepsis, so it cannot be postponed.