A pimple popped up in the ear: causes and treatment

A pimple popped up in the ear: causes and treatment
A pimple popped up in the ear: causes and treatment

Many people are interested in what to do if a pimple pops up in the ear. This problem is quite common. She says that there are any malfunctions or inflammation in the body. Pain occurs for various reasons. If they are detected at an early stage of appearance, then you can get rid of the disease in time. This problem should not be ignored, as it can lead to certain consequences.

pimples in the ears photo
pimples in the ears photo


It should be noted that a small pimple in the ear is not accompanied by pain. Often, comedones can appear due to clogged pores or inflamed hair follicles. Similar problems can also occur when the sebaceous glands are disrupted.

Acne formation occurs in several stages:

  • the place turns red;
  • a capsule forms under the skin;
  • further exudate accumulates and comes out.

Most of these rashesdissolves painlessly after maturation. In the case when the pimple hurts, it means that a serious purulent process is taking place. This rash can lead to infection.

If your pimples are due to allergies, it may itch, making it more likely to spread infection. The most painful are pimples in the ear, which form on the cartilage. They are able to provoke the strongest discomfort even with normal pressure. It should be noted that if the formation appeared inside the ear, then this affects hearing, manifesting itself as pain when talking, chewing, and so on. If a wen appears, then the symptoms are minimal, they may not even appear, however, all the same, it cannot be ignored.

popped a pimple in the ear
popped a pimple in the ear


Many people are worried about the problem that a pimple has jumped up in the ear and it hurts. What to do? In order to deal with this aspect, it is necessary to understand what causes such inflammation. Some of the main ones should be noted bad habits, constant stress, nutritional problems, as well as metabolic disorders.

Other common causes include:

  • poor hygiene;
  • colds that can occur in summer due to drafts and in winter due to cold weather;
  • hormonal problems;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • earset problems;
  • lowered immune system;
  • ear injury;
  • constant stress and allergies.

If definedthe reasons why a pimple popped up in the ear, then you can prescribe an effective treatment that will help you get rid of the symptoms and further relapses as much as possible. If we are talking about purulent inflammation, then, most often, they lead to negative consequences. This is due to the fact that the infection spreads to the brain. That is why such education should be treated only in medical institutions.

pimples near ears
pimples near ears


In order to treat a pimple in the ear, it is necessary to completely overcome the inflammatory process and get rid of the infection. You can use antiseptic preparations that will dry out all problem areas, as well as eliminate harmful microflora. If we are talking about purulent inflammation, then most likely you will have to use antibiotics.

sore ear
sore ear

Speaking of general methods, it should be noted the use of various warm compresses, drops, and disinfection methods. If we are talking about black acne, then you can get rid of them with the help of cosmetic procedures. Only a doctor can treat purulent inflammation.


It should be noted that some pimples in the ears, the photos of which are presented in the article, can turn into boils. In this case, the person will experience severe pain with a pulsating effect. Such acne is only of purulent origin, so you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a formation can cause tissue necrosis, poisoning, as well as fever. Ignore such educationcan't.

In home remedies, many people prefer to use Vishnevsky's ointment. The drug should be applied to the site of inflammation, then covered with a plaster. It is advisable to use a special bandage at night. Due to the fact that the organ has a heavy structure, as a rule, the treatment of acne in the ears is difficult.

If a person has a boil deep in the canal, then use special tampons or turundas. They are treated with ointment and carefully placed in the hearing aid. Outside, you need to apply a warming bandage.

Symptoms can be relieved with saline solutions. One teaspoon should be used along with a few drops of iodine. Dissolve them in warm water. This lotion should be applied several times a day. A good method in folk medicine against boils should be called an aloe leaf. It is necessary to clean one side of the sheet and attach to the education.

Inflammation in the ear
Inflammation in the ear

Red and allergic education

In order to get rid of acne in the ear, which are of an incomprehensible nature, it is necessary to speed up the process of its maturation as soon as possible. The formation should be lubricated with special solutions, for example, salicylic acid, alcohol or iodine. You can also use chloramphenicol drops, which work well for acne in the ear canal. Such a drug must be instilled several times a day. After that, it is best to close the ear canal with cotton wool.

salicylic acid
salicylic acid

You can also prevent the formation of suchacne, if you avoid injury and hypothermia. If we are talking about a scratch, then it can also cause a similar reaction. In this case, it is better to use hydrogen peroxide.

To cure an allergic rash, you need to use drugs that have an antihistamine effect. They should be used either internally or externally. With the help of ointments, you can easily relieve itching, irritation. It is desirable to completely get rid of the source of the allergy. Swelling and other discomfort can be relieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The causes of acne near the ears of the acne type are quite diverse. To get rid of them, you can steam the skin and use various therapeutic solutions. It is imperative to prepare the skin with hot compresses. Next, you should use mixtures that are made on the basis of oils, for example, olive, tea tree, and so on. Such a solution should be applied to the inflammation and covered with a bandage. After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to treat the formation with alcohol, which will dry out the inflammation.

a pimple jumped up in the ear, it hurts what to do
a pimple jumped up in the ear, it hurts what to do


In order to get rid of such a problem, it is best to prevent it. To do this, you need to follow certain rules that will avoid unpleasant problems. It is necessary to constantly carry out hygiene procedures, every day to observe your diet, day, rest and sleep. It is desirable to strengthen the immune system in order to avoid colds. Accordingly, drafts, hypothermia, overheating should be avoided. Headphones and headsets should be cleaned with antibacterial wipes. This is a rather important aspect.

If acne appears constantly, then you need to be examined and take all laboratory tests. It is imperative that you consult a doctor. He will identify the main causes of such an ailment, prescribe medical remedies that will get rid of such a problem. It is forbidden to treat it on your own, as this can lead to various complications. Diagnosis and correct treatment will allow you to quickly deal with the problem, as well as get rid of any manifestations.

pimple in ear
pimple in ear


The article describes all the causes and possible treatments for formations in the ears. Having read the information, you can easily prevent this problem, which brings maximum discomfort. It is necessary to monitor this periodically in order to be aware of possible diseases from other organs. We should not forget that if such problems occur constantly, then the person has some kind of inflammation in the body.
