In the instructions and reviews about "UroVaxom" from cystitis it is said that it is a drug belonging to the category of immunostimulants. It is produced in the form of gelatin capsules with a yellow body and an opaque orange cap. Inside contains a powder that can be dyed brown. There are ten of these capsules in one blister.
The presented drug is prescribed to patients suffering from infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, we are talking about cystitis, inflammation of the urethra, nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and so on. It can be used alone or in combination with other medicines. This greatly speeds up the healing process. In addition, the drug can be used to prevent recurrence of diseases of the urinary organs. It is better to read reviews about "UroVaxom" from cystitis in advance.

About the drug
Infectious and inflammatory diseases today occupy an importantplace among urological pathologies. Women are especially susceptible to diseases of the urinary system. So, ninety percent of all patients suffering from chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis are women. Twenty percent of them experienced an episode of urinary tract infection at least once during their adult lives. Unfortunately, despite the large number of good antibiotics, the problem of treating patients with such ailments is still far from being resolved.
First of all, the reason for this is the lack of an integrated approach. Is it possible to destroy the microbial agent with the help of antibiotic therapy in the development of uncomplicated exacerbation of nonspecific cystitis? In the vast majority of cases, this is quite likely. But is it worth counting on the patient's recovery? The answer will be negative. In such cases, there is a high probability of the presence in the urine, in addition to the microbial flora, also of fungi. The prolonged course of inflammatory processes can transform an uncomplicated infection into a complicated form, contributing to the selection of a resistant pathogen and disruption of the natural passage of urine.
Thus, the use of only antibacterial treatment is not enough, a complex effect is also required. It would be expedient to supplement therapy with a drug recently registered in Russia called UroVaxom, which actually acts as a means of etiopathogenetic elimination of urinary infections. This medication is 6 milligrams of bacterial lysates of eighteen different strains of E. coli, which are enclosed in gelatincapsules intended for daily use on an empty stomach once a day.

In this regard, such a medicine is rightfully considered homeopathic. This drug significantly reduces immunosuppression caused by antibiotics. And foreign experience, in turn, proves the reasonableness of using the drug in clinical practice.
Given that E. Coli pathogens are considered the main causative agent of complicated urinary infections, the purposefulness of UroVaxom can be regarded as achieving an etiotropic effect.
What ingredients are included in this medicine?
According to the instructions for UroVaxom, the active ingredient in the described agent is a lyophilized lysate of Escherichia coli bacteria, which is contained in a dosage of 6 milligrams.
Associated ingredients are anhydrous propyl gallate, along with monosodium glutamate, poloxamer, simethicone, emulsion, mannitol, pregelatinized starch and magnesium steart.
The composition of the capsule shell is represented by the combination of ingredients such as red and yellow iron oxide, titanium dioxide and gelatin.
The drug is sold in cardboard packs, each of which contains from 3 to 9 blisters of ten capsules each.
Pharmacological effects
As indicated in the instructions, UroVaxom acts as an immunobiological agent. The process of activation of immune responses after taking this drug, as a rule, begins in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Peyer's patches of thinintestines. Strengthening of immune functions in the genitourinary system occurs in the following two directions:
- Start activation of the immune humoral response (awakening of lymphocytes, along with the synthesis of various antibodies and immunoglobulin).
- Activation of immune non-specific effects (macrophages and cell phagocytosis).
Thanks to all these processes, the drug is effective not only against E. coli, but also copes with other uropathogens, including different serotypes and pathogens that belong to other families of bacteria. Studies show that the described drug can reliably stimulate the activity of neutrophils and macrophages, activating the maturation of dendritic elements, and increasing the expression of adhesive molecules by neutrophils.

The maturation of dendritic cells serves as a central link in the cellular response to awaken appropriate immune responses in the intestine. Due to the launch of B-lymphocytes, the synthesis of immunoglobulin A is gaining momentum, including in the urine. In general, taking the described medical product contributes to the occurrence of such effects:
- Stimulation of lymphocytes.
- Increased activity of macrophages and dendritic cells.
- Triggering neutrophils and NK cells.
- The drug induces the formation of endogenous interferon and interleukin.
- Increase in the content of immunoglobulin "A" in the urine.
UroVaxom has immunostimulating effects and triggers B-lymphocytes (we are talking about the productionpolyclonal antibodies), macrophages (influence on the functions of phagocytosis) and dendritic elements (the process of activation of maturation markers).
When is this remedy necessary for taking?
According to numerous reviews, UroVaxom is quite effective for cystitis. The drug in question is suitable, first of all, for the combined treatment and prevention of recurrence of chronic urinary tract infections, regardless of the nature of the microscopic organism. This drug is prescribed by urologists in combination with antibiotics or other antimicrobials for adults and children 4 years of age and older.
Before you start using the medicine, you need to carefully study the instructions for use of UroVaxom. The remedy in question is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, exactly like children under four years of age, as well as to patients suffering from individual intolerance to the components that make up the medication.
Given that UroVaxom is very often prescribed by doctors in combination with antibacterial drugs, it is strongly not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment. It is not advisable to take the described immunostimulant two weeks before vaccination, as well as for a month after it.
Failure to follow this rule can lead to severe side effects from the immune system. Persons whose work requires a quick response and increased attention may well be treated. Notrecommend in the annotation the use of this drug in patients undergoing therapy with immunosuppressive agents.

How to use the drug correctly?
The dosage of the medicine is determined by the attending doctor, based on the type of disease the patient suffers from, and also depending on the form and severity of the pathological processes. At the same time, all the individual characteristics of the body must be taken into account. As a rule, doctors recommend drinking one capsule of the drug once a day. This is required in the morning and always on an empty stomach.
How often to drink UroVax, it is important to find out in advance. In the event that the medicine is used in the acute form of the disease, then it must be taken until the symptoms completely disappear, and then additionally for another ten days. In any case, the therapeutic course should not exceed three months.
Before re-treatment with the drug, the patient must maintain a mandatory interval of thirty days. For prevention, the medication is taken one capsule per day for no more than three months. Such treatment should be performed no more than once a year. The UroVaxom regimen must be strictly followed.
Side effects
Judging by the reviews, UroVaxom from cystitis is capable of provoking certain undesirable reactions from the work of various body systems, for example:
- The digestive tract can react with diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain.
- Nervous system,often responds to medication with a headache.
- Skin and subcutaneous fat may respond with itching and rashes.
- The immune system responds with a hypersensitivity response.
- Fever is a systemic manifestation.
Among other things, it is known that during therapy with this drug, patients may experience complaints of changes in stool, fever, migraine and allergies. In the event of severe side effects, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed, and it may be necessary to completely cancel this medication.

How much does the drug cost?
It should be noted that UroVaxom is a far from cheap medicine. At the moment, its approximate price in pharmacies is one and a half thousand rubles. You can buy a medicine only with a doctor's prescription.
Drug Interactions
When taking UroVaxom, it should be taken into account that immunosuppressive therapy reduces or completely blocks the therapeutic efficacy of this medication.
If a skin reaction, fever or swelling occurs, treatment with these capsules should be stopped immediately, as such manifestations may be symptoms of an allergy.
If there is a need for use during pregnancy, the doctor should carefully evaluate the expected benefits of treatment for the mother and the potential risks to the fetus. There are no specific studies on breastfeeding yet.conducted and there is no information on this issue.
Use in childhood
These capsules are allowed to be consumed by young patients only after they reach the age of four. If it is difficult for the baby to swallow whole capsules, then the contents of the medicine should be opened and poured into a drink (tea, water or juice will do).
Many are wondering what to replace with UroVax. Analogues of the presented remedy must be taken in consultation with the doctor.
UroVaxom is an expensive drug, and therefore not every patient can afford it. But, fortunately, in the modern pharmaceutical market there are many analogues that are sold at affordable prices, for example:
- Metiluracil medicine will cost customers only thirty rubles.
- Means "Galavit" is sold at a price of two hundred and seventy rubles.
- Pills "Anaferon" cost two hundred rubles.
- Medication "Polyoxidonium" is not the most profitable solution, but still competes in price with the analogue "UroVax" and costs patients six hundred rubles.

Changes in urine while taking
Unfortunately, the high cost is not a guarantee of successful treatment. As is the case with other drugs, this drug is also not able to help everyone, as it is not suitable for every organism. In this regard, often in the reviews you can read that it does not help, and after "UroVaxom" bad urine.
Mostly people talk about what happens afterregular monthly intake of the drug fails to notice any therapeutic effect. At the same time, consumers emphasize that even from herbal medicines for three hundred to four hundred rubles, the result was more obvious.
Doctors explain such situations not only by the characteristics of the body, but also by the limited duration of treatment, for example, doctors insist on using this medicine for more than one month, but at least for two or three. But, given the high cost of the drug, not all patients follow doctor's recommendations, wanting to save money and counting on a faster recovery.
What are consumer opinions? What else do they think about the drug and the appropriateness of its use in the treatment of urinary organs?
Reviews about UroVaxom from cystitis
Comments on the Internet can be found very different. What are the advantages of the drug and its positive aspects people report:
- The only drug suitable for the prevention of chronic cystitis.
- In the process of treatment, it does not harm the stomach and intestines.
- Good for any form of cystitis.
- An immunomodulator that protects against diseases of the urinary system in the long term.
- Ease of use, good composition.
- Reliable helper of bladder immunity.
- Inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria.
- Many in their reviews report that this medication is easily tolerated.
- Help with recurrence of infections of the urinary system. Reviews about "UroVaxom" are not always onlyenthusiastic.
What consumers say about cons:
- There are a lot of complaints on the Internet that this medicine has a very high price.
- You need to drink for a long time.
- Does not always help (after taking some patients, the analysis still shows a poor urine condition). Often patients perceive this medicine as a waste of money.
- Has side effects.
- Not easy to find in a pharmacy.
What is the opinion of the doctors? What do professional experts write about this medicine on the Internet?
Reviews of doctors
Reviews about UroVaxom from specialists who prescribe this medicine, as part of their practice, are mostly positive on the Internet. So, they write that the drug is currently the only drug that has the effect of highly activating the immune system of the bladder. In this regard, there are no competitive analogues on the pharmaceutical market for this parameter yet.
Many doctors emphasize that for them personally this medicine is the first choice for the treatment of cystitis, so they regularly prescribe it to their patients.
In general, among the reviews about UroVaxom for cystitis in women, you can often read that it serves as a drug that makes the human immune system work more actively, so many urologists fight infectious and inflammatory diseases not only with antibiotics, and in combination with this remedy. Since by combiningantibacterial drugs with immunostimulants, it is possible to achieve a quick recovery of people, preventing their recurrence of the disease.

The disadvantages of the drug include the fact that it quite often provokes an increase in temperature (usually to subfebrile indicators). True, the benefits of UroVaxom, according to urologists, largely outweigh the harm from its use, so this drug is still recommended for prescription.
I must say that in the comments of physicians there is often information that, by combining this drug with antibacterial and antiseptic drugs, they manage to achieve the best results in the treatment of patients suffering from infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate the disease not only in the shortest possible time, but also to avoid its complications, preventing a relapse. Doctors advise taking the drug in question not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as part of prevention.
It is better to familiarize yourself with the reviews of urologists about UroVaxom in advance. Very often, doctors emphasize that at the moment it is one of the best immunostimulants that gently affects the body, the remedy does not violate the links of immunity, while showing a fairly high efficiency. Experts also refer to the advantages of the drug that it does not have a negative effect on the nervous system, so it can be prescribed to patients whose work requires fastreactions.
The human urinary system is very sensitive to various diseases. One has only to freeze a little, as cystitis immediately occurs. The situation can be significantly aggravated if immunity is reduced. At the same time, the treatment of ailments of the urinary system can take a lot of time and effort. In this regard, some doctors in their reviews recommend that people be more attentive to their own he alth and be sure to take UroVaxom once a year (preferably in autumn or spring), even if nothing bothers you at all. This will certainly help strengthen the body's defenses and thus prevent the development of the pathological process. In order to increase the overall effectiveness of the drug, doctors insist on a combination of its intake with the use of vitamin and mineral complexes.
We reviewed the instructions for use for cystitis "UroVaksoma" and reviews about it.