The appearance of the first syllables in the speech practice of the baby is the most long-awaited stage for any parent. As a rule, this is followed by the stage of formation of the ability to communicate with others using words. However, what to do if the child is silent and does not show independent activity in mastering the ways of communication? In this case, specially organized work is required to diagnose the causes of the disorder and corrective assistance from specialists. Today, there are a lot of methods, techniques and various programs for launching speech in non-speaking children in the everyday life of specialists. It remains only to figure out whether there are universal (suitable for everyone) methods and programs and how to choose ways to develop speech for a particular child.

Symptoms of the appearance of the disorder
Is it possible to determine the appearance of speechviolations? Of course, yes, if you know what to pay close attention to.
At the stage of the birth of a child, this is the APGAR scale, which measures the general condition of the newborn. A score below 5 points indicates that the baby needs the help of specialists up to a certain age, and the sooner correctional work and adaptation begin, the better.
Cooing, the behavior of the child during feeding, the reaction to external stimuli (or lack of it), motor activity can tell observant parents a lot. Particular attention is paid to the formation of sensory systems: hearing, vision, tactile sensations, smell - since their timely development will avoid such a problem as starting speech in non-speaking children. Simply put, all of the above is the foundation on which the "temple" of speech is being built. If there are gaps in the foundation, it will not be possible to build a beautiful building.

Reasons for the "silent" development of the child
Oddly enough, many factors influence the formation of a child's speech: poor environmental conditions, risky behavior of future parents, social factors, and hereditary diseases. The silence of a child is often a symptom of serious organic disorders or pathogenic processes in the body (deafness, blindness, hydrocephalus, etc.). Any pedagogical techniques will not give any result if the recommendations of doctors are ignored.
Starting speech in non-speaking children in modern methods is recommendedstart at the age of two. However, this does not mean that work on the formation of cognitive, thought processes, memory, motor activity is not carried out. The successful application of methods, techniques and methods of pedagogical influence largely depends on how well the listed characteristics are developed.

When to start corrective work with the baby
The start of speech in non-speaking children begins with the development and interaction of sensory systems (taste, touch, smell, etc.). The age of the child in this case does not play a big role, since it is impossible to bypass the first stage of development without consequences. Therefore, both a one-year-old and a two-year-old baby must go through the stage of sensory integration, after which work begins on the formation of speech skills. Naturally, the early development of sensory standards gives the child an advantage in the further development of the surrounding space.
Why development is only possible through play
A child is a mirror of the family, largely because nature has provided him with imitation. And the method of development that makes full use of this innate feature is the game. The start of speech in non-speaking children occurs based on the actions and events observed daily, which are transferred to the game (imitation of the sound of a flying bee, the operation of household appliances, transport, etc.). Over time, the thinking and perception of the world by the baby will change, and after them the leading (developing) activity. But under 5 is a game.

Programs and methods often offered to parents
The modern market of educational services is not deprived of speech launch courses for non-speaking children. The only thing that should alert the parent is the use of any programs, techniques and methods in relation to the child without a preliminary study (diagnosis) of his actual needs and physiological status. After all, the methods of working with children with hearing impairments differ from the methods of interaction with visually impaired children. Just as there are no identical developmental disorders, so there cannot be an equally positive result from the application of the same technique to different categories of speech pathologists. Therefore, the parent's awareness of the nature and degree of the developmental disorder of the child allows you to choose from the whole variety of programs and courses exactly what is suitable for the baby at the current stage of his development.

The most popular among speech therapists is the method of launching speech in non-speaking children by the author Novikova-Ivantsova T. N. (abbreviated MFYAS). This is a system of pedagogical influence on a speech pathologist, which should be combined for greater efficiency with medical supervision (with medication, physiotherapy, if required, etc.).
Neurologopedic programs for speech triggering in non-speaking children usually include the use of sensory integration methods, stimulation using Tomatis equipment, the use of modern (IT) software, art therapy (rhythm, light,music therapy).

Timely access to specialists is the key to success
Ideally, it would be nice if the development of a child from birth was observed by diversified specialists. But if this is not possible, then it is not worth delaying a visit to a speech therapist, a neurologist and a pediatrician, if at 2, 5 - 3 years only a few slurred words appeared in the everyday speech of the baby, or he communicates using gestures and sounds.
The sooner the comprehensive assistance of doctors and teachers in the development and adaptation of the child to the outside world begins, the faster and more successfully correctional work will be carried out. Do not forget that the sensitive period of speech development ends by the age of 7-8, and further attempts to correct the violation will be more labor-intensive and painful.

List of mandatory activities for the development of a child's speech
- Complete medical examination of all sensory systems of the child.
- Mandatory consultations (and supervision) of highly specialized specialists (ENT, dentist, neurologist, endocrinologist, etc.).
- If required, massage and physiotherapy.
- Consultations with a speech therapist, psychologist to determine further interaction.
- Daily classes to correct speech and psychological status (this mode is desirable, since in this case it is possible to achieve certain results quite quickly; if there is no possibility, at least three times aweek).
- The use by parents in the daily life of the child of games to start speech in non-speaking children, recommended by a speech therapist and psychologist.
- Filling the space around the child with sensory diversity (for the formation of standards, extremes such as “girls prefer pink, and boys prefer blue or blue) should be avoided.
- Caring for a variety of baby's motor activity (this will allow such an important organ as the inner ear and the vestibular apparatus to form faster).
Patience and work will grind everything.