Can a baby be allergic to goat milk

Can a baby be allergic to goat milk
Can a baby be allergic to goat milk

Goat milk is a valuable product that has many beneficial substances for the body, including for children. Its composition is similar to mother's milk. This product is able to strengthen the immune system, help to quickly recover from illness or surgery. But sometimes a child is allergic to goat's milk. The causes and treatment of this disease are described in the article.

Different from cow's milk

After milk, many children develop allergies. The reason lies in the intake of milk protein casein, which is found in both dairy products. True, goat's milk is considered less allergenic. But about 2-7% of babies have a reaction to protein, which appears for various reasons. This usually results in skin symptoms.

baby goat milk allergy
baby goat milk allergy

Milk protein allergy must be distinguished from lactose intolerance, in which the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the absorption of milk sugar, is not produced enough. With lactaseinsufficiency there are only failures in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

So can you be allergic to goat's milk? In cow and goat milk, there are several types of protein molecules that cause allergies. In the product of different animals, proteins of the same type have individual amino acid components. This suggests that a child who is allergic to cow's milk will not necessarily have the same problem when taking goat's. This is an individual reaction, only a doctor can identify the problem.

Are children allergic to goat milk? This problem occurs, but in cows it is 30% more common. Due to its unique composition, the product is considered valuable during pregnancy and lactation, during the growth and development of the child. With it, the body is saturated with useful substances.

Benefits and harms

This drink should be taken within reasonable limits, which will be useful for strengthening he alth and immunity. But some people have to refuse the product because they are allergic to goat milk protein.

baby goat milk allergy
baby goat milk allergy

The benefits of the product are as follows:

  1. It's easy to digest.
  2. Increases hemoglobin.
  3. Rich in vitamins.
  4. Present cob alt has a positive effect on metabolism, is involved in hematopoiesis.
  5. The product has a lot of phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, copper, magnesium.
  6. The drink is good for the thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels and nervous system.
  7. Increases efficiency, improves memory.
  8. Goat milk is effectivefor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, tuberculosis, bronchitis.
  9. This is an excellent remedy for increasing the acidity of the stomach and restoring bowel function after food poisoning.

But there are also negative points to consider. Goat milk has an increased fat content, there is no lipase enzyme, which breaks down fats, so it is not worth using only this product during feeding for children, as there is an allergy to goat milk in infants. They may also have colic and flatulence.

Many people have individual intolerance to this product. In addition, its biobacteria lead to fermentation, which should not be allowed in case of intestinal diseases, and is also not recommended for pancreatic ailments.


Animal protein can be supplied to a child by feeding from a mother who has consumed goat's milk. If the baby develops an allergy, it is important for the wet nurse to exclude this drink for the lactation period.

baby goat milk allergy symptoms
baby goat milk allergy symptoms

Allergy to goat's milk in a child appears when complementary foods are introduced or transferred to artificial feeding. Babies should be given formula milk carefully. If you are allergic to goat milk protein, it is better to choose mixtures based on protein hydrolysis, soy and amino acids. Care must be taken when doing this, as soy products also lead to the named reaction.

Types of reactions

A real allergy occurs when the body reacts when eating a small amount of the product. Pseudo-allergy is a condition in whichwhich there are enough enzymes in the baby’s body, but he drank so much milk that the body cannot cope with its absorption. In this case, the reaction is not related to the nature of the product, but to its quantity.

In a child, some parents confuse milk protein allergy with milk protein intolerance. Intolerance is associated with the difficulties of digesting dairy products, and the immune system does not take part in this process. An allergy is the response of the immune system to a foreign protein that has entered the body.

Allergy Elimination

Surprisingly, sometimes this product can be an allergy remedy. Already after a short course of taking goat milk, people will feel better:

  • feeling better;
  • digestive system normalizes;
  • reduces rashes;
  • immunity is strengthened.

But it's individual. You can use milk as a medicine only if you are allergic to other products. This is allowed after consultation with an allergist, since self-medication can harm he alth.


There are several reasons why a baby is allergic to goat milk:

  1. Heredity. If at least one of the parents has an allergy, then there is a high probability that the child will have the same problem.
  2. Early introduction of complementary foods with goat milk. It is advisable to do this from 6 months.
  3. Maternal consumption of high animal protein foods during pregnancy.
  4. The course of pregnancy inenvironmentally polluted areas, the mother's harmful work while carrying a baby.
  5. Stress, infectious diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases, antibiotic therapy during pregnancy.

Casein can accumulate in the body for a long time. Therefore, an allergy to goat's milk in a child does not appear immediately, but when there is a lot of it. Whatever the causes of an allergic reaction, timely diagnosis and therapy are necessary. Then it will be possible to avoid complications.


In some cases, breast milk is not enough for the full development and well-being of the baby. In these situations, additional feeding is required. Not all pediatrically prescribed cow's milk formulas are well tolerated. Then goat milk products are used. But first you need to consult a doctor.

Up to 9 months, the product is given only diluted with water, in porridge. For the first trial dose, 50 ml is enough. Then you should monitor the child, his behavior and stool. Symptoms of an allergy to goat's milk in infants can manifest as rashes, itching, and diarrhea. In this case, you need to complete the introduction of complementary foods.

Next time you should try it in a month. If everything repeats, it is better not to give the product to the child for a while. In the absence of negative manifestations, it is allowed to gradually increase the dose and bring it up to 700 ml per day up to 2 years.


Signs in children and adults of allergy to goat's milk are different. It all depends on the state of immunity and physiological characteristics. That's howgoat milk allergy in adults:

  • skin redness;
  • appearance of urticaria;
  • itchy feeling;
  • rash and dry skin;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • swelling and inflammation of the eyelids;
  • joint pain;
  • feeling weak and tired;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • indigestion.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is required to stop drinking goat's milk. If necessary, take medication to relieve symptoms.

goat milk protein allergy
goat milk protein allergy

In babies, this problem is more painful. What are the symptoms of a goat milk allergy in a child? This problem manifests itself:

  • in the form of severe rashes on the skin with itching;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • diarrhea with colic;
  • wheezing;
  • nasal congestion and watery eyes;
  • restless sleep;
  • constant crying.

As you can see from the photo, goat milk allergy in a child has not very pleasant symptoms. In addition, the well-being of the baby worsens. Therefore, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialist.


Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of severe symptoms if you do not get rid of the problem in a timely manner. Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock occur. May swell the tongue, lips, face, airways, and this leads to suffocation.

Anaphylaxis involves swelling of the larynx, laryngo- and bronchospasm, which makes it more difficultbreathing, the pressure drops sharply and the patient loses consciousness. In these cases, the patient needs emergency care. Sometimes hospitalization is needed.

If an allergy is not treated, it can gradually become a big problem for an adult. Often for this reason, some people develop chronic rhinitis or bronchial asthma. Such a person will be hypersensitive to other allergens. Therefore, it is necessary to determine their cause with the onset of the first symptoms. This may relate to lactose intolerance, immune response or dysbacteriosis. Depending on the cause, effective therapy is prescribed.


When the first symptoms of an allergy to goat milk porridge or the drink itself appear, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician. Based on the history and examination, a specialist excludes ailments with similar symptoms. You will probably need to visit an allergist. The doctor will determine what led to the allergy.

When breastfeeding, you need to keep a food diary of a nursing mother, where all the foods consumed and the child's reaction to them are recorded. In the presence of complementary foods, a diary is also kept for the child. This will identify the allergen and eliminate it from the diet.

can i be allergic to goat milk
can i be allergic to goat milk

In addition to donating blood from a vein for immunoglobulins E, after the baby reaches 3 years old, skin tests will be performed. This test involves applying allergens to slightly damaged skin. The allergen is identified in the area where the skin is reddened or swollen. Only after the diagnosis has been made, the doctor can prescribetherapy.


Therapy involves following a hypoallergenic diet. This means that the allergenic product must be abandoned. Symptomatic pharmacotherapy is performed if the provocateur of the reaction has already entered the body. Then the following measures are required:

  1. Reception of enterosorbents - "Smecta", "Polysorb", which remove allergens in a short time.
  2. Taking antihistamines - "Cetrina", "Loratadina".
  3. Applying an ointment, gel or cream for allergies to painful places: Levomekol, Actovegin, Fluorocort.

But you can't prescribe medicines on your own. Only a doctor should do this. Even before taking any remedy, you need to read the instructions. For severe manifestations, an ambulance call is required.

Buying milk

The quality of the product is determined by the place of purchase. Buying a drink of dubious origin is always a risk. It is necessary that the milk does not contain bacteria and dangerous components. Products must be controlled. Therefore, a high-quality, safe and natural product can be bought:

  • in certified organic stores;
  • stores that work with livestock farms.

It is necessary to ask for a certificate and other documents that confirm the legal origin of milk. After all, it affects he alth.

baby goat milk allergy
baby goat milk allergy

When choosing goat milk you need:

  • check documentation confirminginfection control;
  • take into account the taste, color, smell;
  • identify animal welfare.

Only a quality product can be useful.

For breastfeeding mothers

After giving birth and while breastfeeding, women need an additional source of vitamins and minerals. In this case, artificially created complexes and natural products are needed - honey, nuts, whole milk. But there are allergies in nursing mothers and natural products.

Goat milk contains vitamins A, C, B, D, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iron, calcium. It is thanks to them that the nursing mother is restored. Lactation does not depend on the use of this product, but women need to control the well-being of the child and introduce it into the diet gradually.

Opponents of the use of goat's milk in lactating and pregnant women believe that it is not worth taking because it has an unpleasant odor and a specific taste. But it only depends on the care of the animal and the personal preferences of the woman.

Allergy to cow's milk appears more often. Therefore, if you need to choose between 2 products, then you should choose goat. If the drink is well tolerated, then you should not remove it from the diet. It can be consumed boiled, cooked from it porridge and other dishes.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid unpleasant manifestations, the use of raw milk should be excluded. With heat treatment, denaturation is performed - the destruction of casein. This means that this milk is allowed to be consumed, but it should be boiled for at least 20 minutes. And the foam should be removed, because it containsproteins.

Is there an allergy to goat milk?
Is there an allergy to goat milk?

Don't cut goat's milk from your diet. For example, fermented milk products neutralize the allergenic protein during fermentation.

Allergy is a transient phenomenon: if in infancy it is mild, then from the age of 3 it can go away altogether. But if the problem is severe, it's best to avoid goat's milk entirely.
