Why does the face of alcoholics swell? What happens to the body after drinking alcohol? How to remove swelling from the face

Why does the face of alcoholics swell? What happens to the body after drinking alcohol? How to remove swelling from the face
Why does the face of alcoholics swell? What happens to the body after drinking alcohol? How to remove swelling from the face

The human face betrays not only treacherous age. Periodically, puffiness is formed due to malfunctions occurring in the body, as well as due to the development of some kind of pathological process. Quite often, you can see these symptoms in the mirror after a sleepless night or simple overwork. However, it is not worth the risk if your face is swollen. First of all, it is necessary to find out for what reason puffiness appeared. This may indicate the development of allergies, as well as very dangerous diseases. If you have swelling on your face very often, then you must definitely visit a specialist who will prescribe the necessary examination, and then treatment. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the face can also swell due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. But why does the face of alcoholics swell? We will talk about this in this article.

swollen face after drinking
swollen face after drinking

Causes of puffiness

If you decide to start restoring your aesthetic appearance, then you should identify the true cause of the puffiness that provoked this syndrome. In most cases, swollen tissues on the face, bags under the eyes appear due to a large accumulation of fluid in the body, as well as due to a failure in the distribution of all nutrients and substances. Below we will consider why the face of alcoholics swells. However, this symptom can also occur in normal people.

If puffiness appears, then you should more carefully review your diet. An illiterate menu, which is dominated by a small amount of vitamins and he althy food, has a special effect on the body. However, most often the face swells in the following cases:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body.
  2. During pregnancy.
  3. Pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Cardiovascular disease.
  5. Mopa.
  6. Impaired thyroid function.
  7. Diseases of the urinary system.
  8. Excessive strain on the body.
  9. Regular insomnia, poor sleep.
  10. Pressure too high.
  11. Problems with metabolism, failure in the hormonal system.
  12. Varicose diseases with narrowing of the ducts of the veins and the development of blood clots.
  13. Manifestation of an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, household chemicals and pets.
  14. Wrong position of the body in a dream, when the brain itself is poorly supplied with blood.

Doctors say thatThe most common cause of swelling on the face is problems with the urinary system. In these situations, the human body experiences dehydration due to improper distribution of fluid in it.

swollen face in the morning after alcohol
swollen face in the morning after alcohol

Another common cause of chronic swelling is alcohol abuse. But why does the face of alcoholics swell? The fact is that alcohol can provoke very serious pathological changes in the human body. In particular, the kidneys and liver are heavily overloaded. If a person develops alcohol intoxication, global disturbances in the metabolic process are observed, which provokes a swelling of the face. Now you understand why the face of alcoholics swells up. However, it is worth discussing this case in more detail.

Alcohol is the main culprit of puffiness

Quite often people get swollen face after drinking. Even a child is able to understand by the face of a person that he is abusing alcohol. Addicts always develop swelling after drinking. Large bags form under the eyes. But what causes swelling of the face after alcohol? The main reason for this symptom lies in the unbearable load in the human body of the drinker on the urinary organs, which provokes a violation in the balance of electrolytes. At the same time, the water-alkaline balance begins to suffer very strongly, especially if a person eats alcohol with fried, s alty and hot food. But it is precisely such products that are served as an appetizer to the table.

Swollen face in the morning after alcohol has some peculiarities. In alcoholics, this puffiness is more developed and extensive. In addition to this symptom, what happens to the body after drinking alcohol yet? Also, in dependent people, the skin color changes to bluish-purple and the capillaries increase sharply.

drunk man
drunk man

If a person has only the initial stage of alcoholism, the symptoms of swelling disappear after a few hours, and the face becomes the same size. However, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages provokes constant swelling, which is already habitual for an alcoholic.

Causes of edema in alcoholics

If your face swells up after alcohol, the reasons will be as follows:

  1. Fluid retention. The human body, which is weakened by ethyl alcohol poisoning, is not able to cope with the processing and removal of carcinogens and toxins. In the case of frequent drinking of alcohol, the decay products of this poisonous liquid begin to accumulate in the body.
  2. Deficiency of valuable vitamins. Alcoholic drinks that regularly enter the human body do not allow the absorption of vital and useful elements. This provokes a permanent beriberi. Because of this, not only does a tumor begin to appear on the face, but the immune system as a whole suffers.
  3. Chronic infection. A weakened immune system is not able to fight various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Various harmful microorganisms begin to penetrate freelyinto the body of an alcoholic, provoking the development of various infectious diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. In such a situation, it becomes almost impossible to return the former face. This phenomenon is observed in more advanced cases of alcoholism.
why does the face of alcoholics swell
why does the face of alcoholics swell

Considering the causes that cause puffiness on the face after drinking alcoholic beverages, you should pay attention to a small nuance: when puffiness formed in the morning, this is a sign of a hangover, so it is not considered a pathologically dangerous situation. But if the face is swollen in the evening, then this syndrome is already a truly alarming symptom at the stage of alcoholism. Pathology indicates a serious malfunction in the work of some organs or a severe poisoning of the human body with a low-quality surrogate.

Possible Complications

If the face is swollen from alcohol, what should I do? If swelling on the face is observed for several days, then this is an occasion to visit a doctor. The appearance of this picture indicates global disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. In alcoholics, all this is caused by exposure to the body of ethyl alcohol. If you do not see a doctor in time, the following complications may occur:

  1. Kidney parenchyma.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Myocardial destruction.
  4. Alcoholic hepatitis.

And this is just a short list of what problems can arise if a person abuses alcohol. Puffiness of the face in drinking people can be eliminated only inin the event that the main culprit of the problem is defeated - dependence on alcohol. It will take a long time to fight for appearance. Under the supervision of specialists, swelling will disappear only after a few weeks of prescribed therapy.

swelling of the face after alcohol
swelling of the face after alcohol

How to remove swelling from the face?

There are several effective methods that allow you to eliminate puffiness from your face after drinking alcoholic beverages. First of all, you should completely stop drinking this product. With a hangover, you only need to drink water, and cucumber pickle is often used for this purpose.

Speaking of how to remove swelling from the face, you should pay attention that the next step will be intoxication. If the patient has been drinking alcohol for a long time, then it will be very difficult to restore the face after binge. Women who abuse alcoholic beverages, even if they completely refuse them, keep this puffiness on their face.


If you need to get rid of puffiness as soon as possible, you can use diuretics. At the same time, experts recommend using a decoction of celandine, chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort. In addition, regular green tea is effective in combating puffiness. If you add a small amount of natural honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice, you can get rid of a hangover, stabilize the general condition for several hours already.

bags under the eyes
bags under the eyes

Puffiness under the eyes can be eliminated withcompresses. To do this, prepare two containers with decoctions of herbs. It is necessary to pour warm liquid into one container, and cool liquid into the other. Then, first a warm compress is applied to the problem areas, and then a cold one.

For slight swelling

If you have a slight puffiness on your face, then you can get rid of it with the help of pharmacy chamomile, raw potatoes, fresh parsley or cucumber. Consider separately the use of these folk remedies in the fight against puffiness.

Raw potatoes

First of all, you need to grate medium-sized potatoes on a fine grater. After that, the juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry, it is wrapped in gauze or a bandage. The compress is applied to the resulting swelling on the face. The gauze should stay on the problem area for 20 minutes.


Mix half a spoonful of chamomile, horsetail, marigold and St. John's wort. All this raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for 50 minutes. When it cools down, gauze is wetted in the resulting solution, after which it is applied to the swelling. If you don't have these herbs in your medicine cabinet, you can use a simple black tea brew.

Fresh cucumber

You can get rid of puffiness on your face with a cucumber mask. To do this, a fresh cucumber is rubbed on a fine grater, only juice is squeezed out of it, in which gauze is moistened. Cucumber gruel is then wrapped in this gauze, applied to the problem area on the face. The compress should be on the face for about 20minutes.

Fresh parsley

This method can not only get rid of swelling, but also give the skin more freshness. To prepare a healing mask, you need to chop parsley, pour cold green tea, let it brew for 25 minutes. After this time, the resulting composition is applied to the problem area for 15 minutes. As a rule, puffiness disappears after 20 minutes.

swelling after drinking
swelling after drinking

A few tips

If you don't want puffiness on your face after drinking, then you need to follow a few simple tips. First of all, it is necessary to abandon low-quality alcoholic products. You should also avoid s alty snacks while drinking alcohol. In the event of the appearance of regular puffiness, it will be necessary to completely abandon strong drinks. The next day after the party, you need to take a contrast shower, and it will not be superfluous to drink a glass of alkaline mineral water. Also, experts recommend taking a sorbent.

Please note that you can not drink water in the evening before the hangover. This will only exacerbate the unpleasant symptoms. Soldering with water is necessary only the next day after the party. During the rehabilitation period, in no case should you eat heavy food. You need to follow a light diet. Soy sauce and s alt should also be limited.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is beer that gives the greatest puffiness. This drink is low-alcohol, due towhich is used in large quantities. However, a large amount of liquid penetrates into the human body along with alcohol. It is for this reason that severe puffiness forms on the face.
