Sweating is one of the body's natural methods of cooling. This is a completely normal process that regulates the state of the body. At the same time, the body gets rid of metabolic products, and a liquid secret appears on the skin.

The problem is only when the sweat is released profusely and for no obvious reason. Such a factor can cause discomfort. In addition, this may be the first sign of any disease. This medical condition is known as hyperhidrosis.
People who sweat a lot are not uncommon. Some people have constantly wet palms. Others have sweat running down their faces or down their backs. Constantly damp clothes can sometimes cause irritation.
Causes of profuse sweating can be not only pathological. For example, hyperhidrosis can occur as a result of serious experiences. In addition, often the causes of profuse sweating lie in the characteristics of heredity.
If hyperhidrosis has come after a series of doses of any drug, consult a doctor. He must determine the reasonsprofuse sweating. He will have to find out what caused it, your medications or some complication of the disease.

Causes of profuse sweating in women may be hiding in the onset of menopause. In this case, they should consult a gynecologist who will recommend remedies to alleviate this symptom.
Cold and clammy sweat released during a heart attack. Such a symptom may be accompanied by discomfort in the chest, pain in the jaw or left arm, difficulty breathing. If you suffer from all of these, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Causes of profuse sweating can be associated with a wide variety of diseases. Among these are leukemia, thyroid hyperactivity, infectious diseases, low blood sugar. You yourself are unlikely to be able to diagnose anything, unless, of course, you are a qualified physician. Therefore, you need to see a doctor to find out exactly what happened to your he alth.

Hyperhidrosis sometimes occurs due to overwork or heat. Walking on a summer day, team sports, hard physical labor can all lead to increased sweating. In such cases, follow the advice to drink more fluids to avoid dehydration. Also, listen to your body's signals of fatigue. If possible, take a break. Thus, there will be a chance to avoid hyperhidrosis.
Women are less likely to have copioussweating. The reasons for men can be as follows: overweight, too warm clothes, the use of a number of products (alcohol, spicy foods, seasonings), smoking. In addition, this phenomenon may be pathological.
If you sweat profusely at night, the reasons can be very serious. For example, such a phenomenon can be caused by dangerous diseases, in particular tuberculosis or AIDS. Women during menopause often complain of nocturnal hyperhidrosis, in this case this is normal. Other possible causes are some kind of hormonal imbalance, taking certain medications.
If an unpleasant smell appears in places of increased sweating, this indicates the vital activity of bacteria.
If you have hyperhidrosis, baths may help: four-chamber or sea baths.