Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is one of the most delicate problems faced by women and men. Most of all, the beautiful half of humanity is worried about this. The causes of excessive sweating in women, as well as methods of getting rid of it, will be discussed in this article.
What is this, sweating?
To understand the causes of this condition, it is necessary to define its physiological concept. The secretion of a special secret by the sweat glands is an important function of the body. In this way, the products of metabolism come out. Therefore, a person sweats in a hot room or when playing sports.

Sweat glands work constantly, i.e. the secret is secreted regularly, but is not visible to the naked eye. But excessive production is noticeable, which can be a sign of serious violations. In the area of increased sweating, an unpleasant odor is felt, which appears as a result of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. Bacteria that grow in sweat not only cause unpleasantsmell, but also contribute to the inflammatory process.
Sometimes people have congenital excessive sweating, in which case it is a feature of the body. No special treatment is required. The situation is alarming when a woman's secretion production suddenly increased.
Common causes of excessive sweating
Factors that can cause such a condition must be divided into general, characteristic for men and women, as well as specific - only for the female. In this case, it is possible to establish the exact causes of the pathology.
Excessive body sweating is divided into:
- Idiopathic form. Occurs for no particular reason.
- Secondary form. Has to do with a disease.
Increased sweating can be caused by the following pathologies:
- Diseases of the endocrine system. Hormonal failure, causing an increase in the functions of the endocrine organs, enhances the activity of the sweat glands. As a result, hyperhidrosis develops. Such pathologies include diabetes mellitus, ovarian dysfunction.
- Infectious diseases, regardless of the pathogen (viruses, bacteria, fungi). Usually they occur with an elevated temperature and are accompanied by increased sweating.
- Heart disease also causes hyperhidrosis. These include heart attack, stroke.
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Disorders of metabolic processes in cartilage and articular tissues.
- Infectious or toxic poisoningaccompanied by increased sweating.
- Taking certain medications can cause hyperhidrosis, which is a side effect of it. These are the following drugs: insulin, morphine and others.
- Malignant tumors are also accompanied by increased sweating. It's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease.
All these diseases are characteristic of both females and males.
Factors causing the development of pathology in women
Why is there increased sweating? There are factors that cause hyperhidrosis only in women. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur in their body. These include:
- Pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when the hormonal changes in the female body are most active.
- Before the start of menstruation, due to changes in hormonal levels, not only fatigue, weakness, but also sweating attacks occur.
- During menopause, hormonal changes also occur in a woman's body, therefore, along with bouts of lethargy, irritability, there is also an increase in sweating.

This condition causes discomfort. In 15% of women, attacks of hyperhidrosis are especially pronounced and affect their usual lifestyle and performance.
Some causes of excessive sweating in women are classified as physiological. Any of them is accompanied by a restructuring of the hormonal background:
- During pregnancy, changes occur all the time. Weight gain alsoleads to increased sweating.
- Prolactin is high during the postpartum period, estrogen production decreases during menopause.
After a certain period of time, all processes normalize and pass without medical intervention.
Why does sweating get worse at night?
Hyperhidrosis at night is a common occurrence. A woman has excessive sweating at night as a result of:
- hormonal changes;
- stress situations;
- neurosis;
- vegetative dysfunction;
- sleep disorders.
The sweat glands are regulated by the autonomic nervous system. When its activity is disturbed, sweating increases along with other symptoms.
Change in the functioning of the nervous system can be caused by stressful situations and neurosis, so the symptoms of hyperhidrosis increase at night.
In addition to physiological causes, sweating can occur due to external factors - the quality of bed linen, diet.
In hot weather, excessive sweating in women is a normal phenomenon that disappears in a short time.
If synthetic underwear is used, sweating may increase due to lack of oxygen. The problem in this case is solved by replacing it with a natural one.
Separate episodes of increased sweating occur after a hearty dinner seasoned with hot spices (pepper, ginger, cinnamon). Such a state is consideredpathology, but only the body's response to food intake, causing an increase in temperature.
Diagnosis of pathology
Only a doctor can determine the cause of excessive sweating in a woman. To establish a diagnosis, it is best to visit a dermatologist.

You should also visit an endocrinologist, because some thyroid diseases also cause increased sweating. Women are required to check the hormonal levels.
Due to the fact that hyperhidrosis sometimes occurs with stress or neurosis, a consultation with a neurologist will be useful.
Methods of therapy
Once the causes of excessive sweating in women are identified, treatment will include the following methods:
- Pills that inhibit the activity of the sweat glands. They must be used with caution due to side effects (constipation, dry mouth) and contraindications (glaucoma, etc.).
- Antiperspirants that temporarily block the secretion of the sweat glands. The product is applied to clean and dry skin before going to bed. It is best if such funds are selected by a specialist.
- Ointments with drying effect. These include Teymurov's ointment, which is applied to pre-dried skin 2 times a day. She has no contraindications, so the remedy is used for any part of the body.
- Botox injections. 10-20 injections are given to the area of increased sweating to block brain signals that are sent to the sweat glands. The therapy is repeated after six months.
- Iontophoresis. During the procedurepalms and feet are dipped in water through which an electric current is passed. A wet pad is applied to the armpits. The process itself is completely painless, but can cause irritation of the skin. Several sessions are required during the week, lasting 20 minutes. Then the interval between them increases to 1-4 weeks.
- In case of hormonal failures, the doctor also prescribes special therapy.
- Surgical intervention removes part of the sweat glands through a small puncture. Performed under local anesthesia.

When establishing the causes of excessive sweating, treatment consists of:
- Drug therapy.
- Physiotherapy.
- Use special antiperspirants.
When a disease that causes increased sweating is established, hyperhidrosis completely disappears.
Physiotherapy Methods
Excellent effect in the treatment of excessive sweating in women give physiotherapy. These include methods such as contrast showers and pine-s alt baths. They have a general strengthening effect and reduce the excitability of the nervous system.
Electric sleep is especially effective - a method based on the effect of low-frequency impulses on the brain. The procedure calms the nervous system and has a sedative effect.

One of the most famous methods is therapeutic electrophoresis, withduring which the problem areas are affected by electric current together with drugs. As a result, the area with increased sweating is dehydrated, and the active ingredients penetrate the skin and reduce sweat production for up to 20 days.
Folk remedies
Excessive sweating of the body is treated at home with decoctions of medicinal herbs. There are two popular therapies:
- the first is sent to normalize the work of the nervous system by taking decoctions inside;
- the second in the form of compresses that are applied to the area of increased sweating.
For internal use, herbs with a sedative effect:
- 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon balm pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist and drink 1/4 cup three times a day. Acceptance period - 2 weeks.
- 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of herbs (mint, sage, chamomile, lemon balm) pour 500 ml of hot water. Infuse and drink 1/2 cup before bed for 2 weeks.
Oak bark has a positive effect for treating areas with increased perspiration. You can buy it at a pharmacy or assemble it yourself. When sweating, oak bark can be used as compresses or lotions.

To prepare a decoction, boil for a quarter of an hour 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and 500 ml of water. After cooling, moisten gauze and apply to the area of increased sweating for half an hour. Processing should be done in the morning and evening.
When the whole body sweats, baths with a decoction of the bark are usedoak. To prepare a decoction, take 100 g of raw materials and a liter of boiling water, insist. The bath is taken every day for a month.
Oak bark powder is used as a means to reduce sweating. It is pre-crushed in a blender. The powder is effective in the treatment of feet and palms. To do this, it is poured into gloves or socks worn at night.
Soda is considered an effective remedy for combating increased sweating. It has such special properties as the ability to absorb odors and moisture from the surrounding air. Before use, mix soda, water and a few drops of essential oil. The mixture is applied at bedtime for 15 minutes daily. After the procedure, rinse with water.
Main ways to reduce sweating
With hyperhidrosis, you need to devote a lot of time to body hygiene:
- swim daily, at least 2 times;
- take a contrast shower;
- shave hair around the armpits;
- apply antiperspirants, deodorants and special powders;
- use vitamin complexes;
- eat a limited amount of spicy, fried and s alty foods, as well as coffee and alcohol.
It is necessary to carefully select clothes and shoes:
- underwear should only be worn from natural fabrics, especially in the summer season;
- acquire only cotton socks with a minimum content of artificial additives;
- shoes are best worn with leather, because it allows air to pass through and allows skin to breathecover.
Women need to dress for the weather to prevent overheating.
Prevention of excessive sweating in a woman is associated with the degree and form of hyperhidrosis. In all cases, a thorough examination and clarification of the exact diagnosis of concomitant diseases is necessary.
Separate prevention methods will help with this:
- Physical activity should be used only if there is a lack of physical activity. This is especially necessary for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
- Compliance with proper nutrition. A special diet is not needed, you should reduce the amount of sweet and spicy foods consumed. Harmful foods are also not recommended to be included in the diet.
- Personal hygiene. These include daily showering, constant use of antiperspirants and toilet water, daily change of socks and underwear, wearing clean clothes and shoes, including outfits made from natural fabrics in the wardrobe, especially in summer.

Whatever the cause of excessive sweating, it is necessary to determine exactly what caused it and begin the correct treatment.
Excessive sweating in a woman is an unpleasant condition that gives her a lot of various inconveniences. Be sure to pay attention to this pathology, especially if it appeared unexpectedly. Establishing the exact cause of hyperhidrosis will allow a woman to get rid of it forever. For this, it is possible to use medicinal and physiotherapeutic agents,compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, proper nutrition and the use of traditional medicine recipes.