Rapeseed honey: features, useful properties, contraindications

Rapeseed honey: features, useful properties, contraindications
Rapeseed honey: features, useful properties, contraindications

Do you know the phrase "rapeseed honey"? It is not surprising if you have heard about it, but have never seen it on store shelves, because this type of product is quite rare. The name itself suggests that the delicacy contains the rapeseed plant, which is used to feed animals and is grown only for these purposes.

rapeseed honey
rapeseed honey

A few years ago, rapeseed honey was very common only in European countries, where this plant is used as a biofuel and grown in large quantities. A honey delicacy is an offal, from which everyone is delighted: from young to old. You can hear another name - May honey, and this suggests that the culture begins to bloom very early, so you can try the product of bee activity at the beginning of summer.

rapeseed honey useful properties
rapeseed honey useful properties

Rapeseed honey, whose beneficial properties have long been known, is very easy to distinguish from another subspecies - it has a very thick consistency,completely opaque, white-yellow color. It is difficult to call it fragrant - literally two weeks after pumping, it almost completely loses its smell. After the same period of time, it begins to crystallize, and if stored incorrectly, it turns sour very quickly. Due to its density, rapeseed honey is poorly soluble in water, which makes it difficult to use.

This species is valued, first of all, not because of its taste, but because of its exceptional medicinal properties. Very well helps rapeseed honey in diseases of the cardiovascular system. These are hypertension, and hypotension, cardiac ischemia, myocardial dystrophy. It helps lower cholesterol levels and strengthens all the muscles of the body. A positive effect has been observed from the use in the treatment of pulmonary diseases.

It is important that this type of honey does not cause allergic reactions. It is completely absorbed by the intestines, therefore, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is simply irreplaceable. It can also be used as a prophylactic against peptic ulcer, colitis, gastritis, constipation and enteritis.

rapeseed honey contraindications
rapeseed honey contraindications

Rapeseed honey is able to normalize the functioning of the liver and biliary tract, regulate metabolism, increase hemoglobin levels, and also remove heavy metals from the body. Needless to say, such diseases as a cold, when with the help of honey it is possible to cure even a severe sore throat.

Lovely women need to pay attention to the cosmetic properties of rapeseed honey. Its unique ability to rejuvenateskin has long been used by leading cosmetics manufacturers in the manufacture of creams, masks and hair shampoos. Moreover, it awakens regeneration cells in the layers of the epidermis, thanks to which even the most severe scars from burns and injuries can heal.

Rapeseed honey: contraindications

But he has practically none. The only case is a special reaction of the human body or hypersensitivity. In such people, the use of any honey can cause a runny nose, hives, headaches and itching. Patients with diabetes should also not particularly lean on such a delicacy, after all, honey is a sugar-containing product.
