The use of enzymes in medicine

The use of enzymes in medicine
The use of enzymes in medicine

Enzyme preparations are widely used in medicine as diagnostic (enzymodiagnostics) and therapeutic (enzyme therapy) agents. Enzymes are also used as specific reagents that determine a number of substances. For example, using glucose oxidase determine the quantitative composition of glucose in the blood and urine. Urease enzyme - to detect urea. By means of various kinds of dehydrogenases, appropriate substrates are found, such as ethyl alcohol, pyruvate, etc.

Let's consider the use of enzymes in more detail.

the use of poly enzymes and denol at the same time
the use of poly enzymes and denol at the same time

Diagnostic enzymes

The essence of enzyme diagnostics is to establish the diagnosis of a disease or syndrome by detecting enzyme activity in the biological fluids of the body.

Enzymodiagnostics is based on the following principles:

  • if cells in the blood or other biological fluids are damaged, the concentration of intracellular enzymes in the damaged cells increases;
  • the amount of enzyme that is released is sufficient for detection;
  • whencell damage is detected, the activity of enzymes in the composition of biological fluids is stable for a long time and differs from the norm;
  • some enzymes are predominantly or completely localized in certain organs, that is, they are organ-specific;
  • there are differences in the localization of a number of enzymes inside cells.

The use of enzymes is now increasingly common.

nsp digestive enzymes instructions for use
nsp digestive enzymes instructions for use

Reasons for increased levels of enzymes in the blood

Enzymes contained in blood plasma are divided into two groups:

  • actively secreted into plasma by certain organs (quite a small group);
  • enzymes that are released from cells during their normal functioning (a large group of enzymes that function directly in the cell and do not matter in plasma from the point of view of physiology; in a he althy person, their activity is low and permanent, since the ratio of rates releases from cells and destruction are constant).

So what is the point of using enzymes?

During the course of most diseases, cells are damaged, and everything contained in them, including enzymes, is released directly into the blood. This is due to a defect in the permeability of the cell membrane during inflammatory processes or a violation of the integrity of the cells themselves during necrosis. In biochemical laboratories, the activity of many enzymes in the blood is very accurately determined, and thiswell helps in the diagnosis of diseases of the skeletal muscles, liver, heart and other tissues. There is a correlation between the level of enzyme activity in the plasma composition and the degree of cellular damage.

the use of enzymes in medicine
the use of enzymes in medicine

Value for enzyme diagnostics

Knowledge of the subcellular localization of enzymes is also of high importance for enzymodiagnostics. For example, if enzymes appear in the plasma that have exclusively cytosolic localization, then we can talk about an inflammatory process; if nuclear or mitochondrial enzymes are found, then this indicates already deeper cellular damage, for example, necrosis.

But it is worth considering that the concentration of enzymes (we will consider the application below) is not always increased due to tissue damage.

In the event that cell proliferation is excessive (for example, with an increased rate of a number of enzymes in cells, during oncoproliferative processes or with impaired clearance), then an increase in the concentration of any enzymes is found in the blood. Therefore, doctors should always remember that the normal values of enzyme activity in the blood of pregnant women and children differ from those observed in he althy adults.

Use of enzymes and coenzymes in pharmacy

Because of their high immunogenicity, enzymes are used as therapeutic agents to a limited extent. Despite this, enzyme therapy is progressing quite actively in such directions as:

  • part of complex therapy when enzymes are usedalong with other therapy;
  • replacement therapy, in which enzymes are used if they are not enough.
  • the use of enzymes and coenzymes in pharmacy
    the use of enzymes and coenzymes in pharmacy

Replacement enzyme therapy has a high effect in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, which are caused by insufficient secretion of digestive juices. So, pepsin is used for hypoacid and anacid gastritis, akhiliya. The lack of pancreatic enzymes can be made up for by taking drugs that include the main enzymes contained in the pancreas (Mezim-forte, Enzistal, Festal and others). What is the basis for the use of enzymes in medicine?

In medicine

As an additional therapy, enzymes are used in the presence of certain diseases. For example, proteolytic (chymotrypsin, trypsin) are used in the treatment of purulent wounds through local action in order to break down the proteins of dead cells and remove viscous secrets or blood clots in various inflammations of the respiratory tract. In addition, enzyme-based preparations have become quite widely used for thromboembolism and thrombosis. For this, streptodecases, streptolyases, urokinases, as well as fibrinolysin preparations are used. This confirms the instructions for use for enzymes.

Hyaluronidase (or lidase), which catalyzes the breakdown of hyaluronic acid, is used both intramuscularly and subcutaneously to help scars resolve after operations or burns, since hyaluronic acid crosslinks the connectivecloth.

super maya enzyme instructions for use
super maya enzyme instructions for use

Also, preparations based on enzymes are actively used in oncological diseases. For example, asparaginase, which catalyzes the catabolism of an amino acid such as asparagine, is used to treat leukemia.

The anti-leukemic effect of asparaginase was preceded by the detection of a defective enzyme asparagine synthetase in leukemia cells, which catalyzes the reaction of asparagine synthesis. Leukemic cells cannot participate in it, receiving asparagine from blood plasma. If the asparagine contained in it is destroyed by introducing asparaginase, then a lack of asparagine is formed in leukemic cells, as a result of which cellular metabolism will be disturbed and the progression of the disease will stop.

Immobilized enzymes include those enzymes that are located in a polymer capsule or associated with a solid carrier.

Often, for greater efficiency, the use of poly-enzymes and De-Nol is prescribed at the same time.

enzymes instructions for use
enzymes instructions for use

Basic approaches to enzyme immobilization

In order to immobilize enzymes, two main methods are used:

  • their chemical modification;
  • physical isolation in an inert material.

Another way is the use of lipid capsules, that is, liposomes that freely pass through membranes and produce the desired effects in the cell.

Positive properties of immobilized enzymesthe following:

  • easy separation from the reaction medium, as a result of which the enzyme can be reused (the product is not contaminated with it);
  • there is the possibility of continuous implementation of the enzymatic process;
  • enzyme stability increases.

Other purposes

In addition, these enzymes can be used for the following purposes:

  • Preparative - processing of milk, production of syrups with a high fructose content using glucose isomerase, obtaining L-amino acids through aminoacylase).
  • Analytical. There are a number of devices - automatic analyzers, enzyme electrodes, test systems, etc.).

So, the Super Maya enzyme is popular. The instructions for use indicate that it is used for making cheese and cheese at home.

It is based on water, s alt 15%, microbial protease (M.miehei 1%).

enzymes application
enzymes application

Dietary supplement Food Enzymes from NSP with digestive enzymes (instructions for use is attached to it) - the optimal combination of highly active enzymes of animal and vegetable origin, is a source of hydrochloric acid in the form of betaine hydrochloride, promotes the absorption and breakdown of all nutrients.
