How to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome? Treatment of the disease

How to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome? Treatment of the disease
How to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome? Treatment of the disease

Abdominal pain, rumbling, indigestion, change in stool can all indicate the presence of irritable bowel syndrome.

irritable bowel syndrome treatment
irritable bowel syndrome treatment

Treatment of the disease is associated not only with the appointment of drugs that relieve spasm and normalize the intestinal flora, but also with the restoration of the psycho-emotional background of the body.

Mostly women suffer from this disease. They are more vulnerable, suspicious, not as self-confident as men, emotional. People with a high pain threshold also did not experience such problems - flatulence does not cause them pain.

The signs of irritable bowel syndrome are no different from the development of other diseases in this organ, such as colitis of various origins or diverticulosis. But the above diseases, having passed the initial stage, give additional manifestations in the form of blood clots in the stool, nighttime periodic pains at the same time.same time. With IBS, such phenomena are not observed.

What is the cause of the disease has not yet been established. It is believed that the factors influencing its development are:

  • hormonal background;
  • overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pathological changes in the large intestine;
  • emotional background;
  • congenital predisposition to the disease.
how to cure irritable bowel syndrome
how to cure irritable bowel syndrome

When irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed, treatment should take into account all these possible factors.

Antibacterial drugs must be prescribed. The course is calculated depending on the severity of the course of the disease. These include drugs that include metronidazole. You can use the drugs "Furazolidone" or "Nitroxoline", although the latter is prescribed in rare cases.

Pain is relieved by antispasmodics, such as "No-shpa", "Platifillin", "Spazgan" and "Spazmazgol". Medicines can be given by injection.

If diarrhea is present, then it is removed with conventional antidiarrheal drugs, such as Smecta, Tanalbit medicines. For constipation and flatulence, Cerucal and Motilium are used.

Be sure to drink probiotics. At least symptomatically, if the course causes increased constipation or spasms. Those who choose Hilak Forte or food yoghurts may be limitedaccepting funds during breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner.

Very good to connect traditional medicine. In the presence of irritable bowel syndrome, they make the treatment the most benign. As astringents, oak bark, blueberry decoctions, bird cherry are used, as relaxing - decoctions of buckthorn, sorrel, plantain. Chamomile and calendula will have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Before you finally cure irritable bowel syndrome, you need not only to improve your emotional state, but also prepare for the fact that you will have to normalize nutrition,

signs of irritable bowel syndrome
signs of irritable bowel syndrome

follow a special diet.

If constipation occurs during an illness, then foods containing coarse fiber should be added to the diet. These are raw fruits and vegetables, cereal dishes.

With diarrhea, it is worth leaning on food that removes excess fluid from the body: lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese. Fruits and vegetables are best boiled or baked.

You will have to give up products made from rich and yeast dough, legumes - all products that increase fermentation in the stomach.

In relieving exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome, medication treatment plays an equally important role as nutrition. However, before deciding what you are going to treat yourself and prescribing medicines, it is advisable to visit a doctor so that he confirms the diagnosis. Especially the warning applies to people whose relatives had cancer.bowel disease. They simply need additional examinations.
