When the nasal mucosa becomes very inflamed, swelling of the sinuses begins, doctors diagnose the appearance of sinusitis. A person has a fever, a severe headache, he feels general weakness.
When the sinuses are not clogged with pus, air circulation is very easy, the mucus quickly leaves the passages. In case of inflammation, the release of mucus is inhibited. At the same time, the nasal passages are blocked, breathing becomes heavy and very difficult. In such an environment, the rapid multiplication of bacteria begins.
Sinusitis most often suffer:
- Allergics.
- Patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma.
- If you have polyps.
- People with cancer.
- Cleft palate sufferers.
In some cases, the onset of the disease may be associated with stressful situations, diving or flying.
The article will focus on what to do if you have a severe headache with sinusitis.

Symptoms of disease
A visit to the doctor is necessary when characteristic symptoms appearfor sinusitis symptoms:
- Severe chills.
- Permanent nasal congestion.
- Feeling of intense pressure in the sinuses.
- Pharyngitis.
- Chronic tonsillitis.
- High body temperature.
- Severe headache.
One of the classic signs of sinusitis is the appearance of severe pain when you press on the area of the face above the eyebrow. The disease is divided into two types:
- Chronic.
- Spicy.
In most cases, the development of acute sinusitis becomes a complication of acute rhinitis. In addition, one of the additional factors affecting the occurrence of the disease is considered to be a strong hypothermia of the body.
The disease takes a chronic form if acute sinusitis has not received proper treatment in the initial stage. The nasal mucosa undergoes serious changes in the chronic stage. Over time, it begins to noticeably thicken.
Chronic sinusitis and its symptoms
I must say that the symptoms of such a disease are erased. However, there are also very pronounced signs of illness:
- Severe headache in chronic sinusitis is localized in the eye area.
- Nasal congestion.
- Prolonged runny nose.

What is the reason for the appearance of such a disease
According to doctors, the occurrence of sinusitis is associated with the presence of sinusitis. When treatment was not carried out at all or was haphazard, mucusbegan to stagnate and block the sinuses. At this time, the formed pus begins to press forcefully on the paranasal cavity, severe headaches appear.
Any pathology in the head area associated with the sinuses always leads to discomfort and severe pain. Headache with this disease occurs even when a person leans heavily.
The reason for this is a strong pressure in the area of the inflamed sinuses, in which there is a large amount of pus. The pain will decrease if you sit on a chair or lie down on a bed. When severe headaches begin with sinusitis, we can talk about an exacerbation of the disease.
Pain is usually concentrated in the bridge of the nose. Gradually, it captures the frontal region and intensifies when the head leans forward. Sometimes this syndrome can cause toothache.
All the symptoms described above indicate the initial stage of the disease. If you ignore them and simply drown out the pain with pills, the existing inflammation can become the main cause of the appearance of more serious diseases. For example, meningitis may begin. Headaches with such a disease do not disappear even at night, painkillers have practically no effect.

What should be done to prevent sinusitis
Only timely treatment of infectious and colds will prevent the appearance of sinusitis. These diseases include:
- Flu.
- ORZ.
- Rhinitis.
- Scarlet fever.
- Inflammation of the lungs.
- Stomatitis.
Differences between migraine and sinusitis
When pain is associated with inflammation of the maxillary cavities, it means that there is a large amount of mucus in the sinuses. The mucous membrane of the nasal passages begins to swell severely.
When sinusitis stagnation of pus causes severe headaches. Localization occurs in the frontal region, the person feels complete discomfort. The temperature rises, weakness and loss of strength are felt.
The inflammatory process prevents the discharge of mucus. Bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. The accumulated pus presses on the sinuses, a severe headache appears.
Migraine pains have characteristic differences. They can become stronger from any external stimuli. The amount of pain is affected by a bright light or a large noise.
Increased pain in sinusitis occurs only when the head is tilted. Basically, sinusitis is diagnosed in people with allergies. In addition, tumors and nasal polyps can cause the disease to become chronic.

How the disease is diagnosed
To understand the cause of headaches, an ENT doctor examines the nasal cavity with a special rhinoscope. The following pathological changes will indicate the presence of sinusitis:
- Puffiness.
- Hyperemia.
- Inflammation of the mucosa.
Additional diagnostic procedures include x-rays or CT scans. After the final diagnosis is made, appropriate medications are prescribed.
Treatment directions
To relieve inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, several types of treatment are performed:
- Etiological, eliminating the causes of the disease.
- Pathogenetic, affecting the development of the disease.
- Symptomatic, relieves the symptoms of the disease.
The development mechanisms and causes of sinusitis are very diverse. In this regard, the treatment is carried out comprehensively, taking into account the individual he alth status of the patient.
Therapeutic treatment is prescribed taking into account all the characteristics of the organism. It is very difficult to cure chronic sinusitis, especially when self-treatment was previously carried out. Improper medication only aggravated the development of the disease.
Of course, a headache in a patient with sinusitis becomes a dangerous and alarming signal that requires immediate treatment. It is advisable to carry out treatment from the very beginning of the onset of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to use only analgesics to relieve pain. They will only reduce pain, but will not stop the inflammatory process, which will cause serious complications leading to death.

Headache with sinusitis: treatment
To eliminate the inflammatory process, local treatment with some types of antibiotics is prescribed:
- Kameton.
- Bioparox.
- Polydex.
- Isofra.
If the disease is in a very advanced form, the doctor prescribes treatment with antibiotics of the penicillin group:
- Augmentin.
- "Amicacin".
- Rovamycin.
- Vercef.
- Rovamycin.
Antihistamines in the form of sprays are prescribed to reduce mucosal edema, ease breathing and reduce inflammation:
- Beclomethasone.
- Fluticasone.
- Mometasone.
Special non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also help well:
- Nimide.
- Diclofenac.
- Nimessil.
- Ibuprofen.
In the case of using homeopathic medicines, medicines are selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism. According to doctors, the most effective drugs are:
- "Tsinabsin".
- Corizalia.
- Sinuforte.
For a better functioning of the immune system, the patient is also prescribed vitamins:
- Esberitkos.
- Umckalor.

Physiotherapy treatment
Worried about a severe headache with sinusitis? What to treat? Is it possible to do without additional medicines? Special treatments have always had a positive effect on the course of therapy. These include:
- UHF.
- Solux.
- Electrophoresis.
- Inhalations.
- Saline solution.
If conservative treatment failed to achievea positive result, a puncture of the maxillary sinuses is done. This creates a fistula that promotes the outflow of pus from the sinuses. After the procedure, there is a decrease in headache.
If the infection has begun to spread to the area of the brain, a surgical operation is performed. With its help, accumulated mucus is removed from the sinuses.
Traditional medicine for sinusitis
Do you have a severe headache with sinusitis? How to take it off? To reduce headaches and increase immunity, you can use herbal decoctions:
- Horse sorrel.
- Spring primrose.
- Oregano.
- Black elderberry.
Charges of these medicinal plants are freely sold in pharmacies. They are affordable for everyone.

Types of complications
Sinusitis, like other diseases, can be the main cause of other pathologies. For example, headaches can greatly affect a person's diction. It is also possible and the appearance of diseases of the brain. If headaches after sinusitis do not leave you, then it is urgent to see a doctor, as this is fraught with consequences.
Complications of sinusitis include some very serious conditions:
- Meningoencephalitis.
- Meningitis.
The presence of pus in the nasal sinuses is dangerous for a person by its possible ingress into tissues nearby. Possible damage to the teeth, eye sockets may become inflamed and brain damage may begin.
What harmcan inflict self-healing
Many people think that headaches often occur for completely different reasons, and ignore visiting a doctor. They begin to self-medicate and take drugs to reduce pain.
Unfortunately, this only accelerates the development of the disease. You can, of course, get rid of a headache with sinusitis, but you should always remember that the disease can cause very serious side effects.
To get rid of this disease, you must immediately consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear. With timely treatment, you can achieve a positive result within a short period of time.