There was a time when shamanism was practically forgotten. Now the era of its widespread revival has come. The media and social networks are full of notes about shamans. The laws adopted by the states contribute to the revival and formation of new religious associations, such as the shamans of Buryatia "Tengeri", or "Tengeri". In addition, 3 more organizations are currently working on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia:
- spiritual center of Baikal shamans "BӨӨ murgel";
- center of white shamanism "Lusad";
- organization "Barkhan".
Shamans of Buryatia are working to restore shamanic customs and traditions, which are based on a natural cult, ecological worldview, Tengrianism.

History of Tengrianism
Before coming to the territory of the widespread world, the Turks had their own, original and very ancient religion. They worshiped the heavenly deity Tengeri. The concept of it dates back to 5-4 millennium BC, it was spread throughout the Great Steppe. The term "tengeri" literally means "sky",that is, that part of the universe that we can see, and also means "ruler", "lord", "master spirit", "god". No less common is the version that the word "Tengeri" is formed from two words - "Tan-Ra": from the Turkic language "tan", which means "sunrise", and the well-known, ancient, religious name of the sun - "Ra". These are just versions. The real etymology of the word has not yet been solved.

How Tengrianism appeared
Tengrianism was formed naturally. This is its rather significant and superficial difference from the Abrahamic religions, which were created by the prophets. Tengrianism is based on the worldview of entire peoples, it is associated with the relationship between man, the surrounding nature and the elements. Man is defined as a conscious being belonging to nature, who lives in the natural environment, strongly depends on it, but nevertheless can both fight against it and adapt to it. Tengrianism speaks of a kinship between man and nature. This religion honors the spirits of ancestors and deifies nature. The Mongols and Turks worshiped natural forces not because her elements are formidable and not because of fear of her, but because they were grateful for her generous gifts. They felt the natural Spirit, realized themselves as an inseparable part of it and knew how to live with it in balance and harmony, obeying its rhythms, rejoicing in its beauty and enjoying its changeability. Through understandinginterconnectedness, the Turks lived very ecologically, taking care of nature as their home. Ruining it was considered an unforgivable insult to the Sky Spirit Tengeri and nature spirits.

Hierarchy of gods and spirits
In Tengrianism, deities live on three levels of the Universe. In the celestial zone live bright, human-friendly gods and spirits, although they occasionally punished people for disrespectful treatment. In the earthly zone live nature spirits, elementals or spirits of fire and wind, and various divine beings, as well as the spirits of dead shamans, who were closest to people. Communicated with them without the mediation of the Kama. The third, divine, zone was the underworld.
Who are shamans?
The word "sha-man" literally means "wise man" and comes from the Tungus language. A shaman is a person who was able to overcome the physical limitations of the body, expand the boundaries of his consciousness and experience deep spiritual experiences. For the first time this word appeared in the letters of Russian servicemen from Siberia in the 17th century. They, in turn, heard it from the Tungus, a tribe living on the Uda River. Idesa Idesa and Adam Brandt, who traveled to China through Siberia on the orders of Peter the Great, brought this word to Europe. Among the Siberian peoples, the word "shaman" in the sense of a clergyman (the only exception is the Tungus group) was not used and is not used. They called shamans in different ways: sorcerers, soothsayers, magicians, priests, etc. The Turks, speaking of a person who owns knowledge and magical powers,they called him Kam.

Shaman and Kam
Siberian shamans managed to keep the definition of "kam" in the meaning of the word "shaman", although they professed Islam over the past few centuries. Today we call Kams only shamans. In the literature, a term has been preserved that calls the shamanic ritual a ritual. It was believed that shamans are the chosen ones of spirits. They have their own philosophy and their own worldview, which makes up their inner world. But this is no longer tenegri, since it is the religion and worldview of the whole people. Being Mongols and Turks, the Kams in those distant times were Tengrians. The strongest shamans of Buryatia and nearby territories, possessing state thinking, could become, if they wanted, the priests of Tengri.
The shaman of Ulan-Ude talks about the tengrism commandments
Today, thanks to the Internet, there are too many imaginary commandments from supposedly mystical shamans: "Work for the good of the state", "Do not spend much time in front of the monitor", etc. But what are they, the true commandments kept by the shamans of Buryatia? Do they have them at all, like all other religions? Shaman Bair answered these questions. Buryatia was full of rumors about him. Today he is recognized as one of the strongest shamans. The dedication took place back in 1993. After graduating as a veterinarian, he embarked on a shamanic path and organized "Khaan Tengeri" in 2003.
In shamanism, God is spoken of in a broad sense, everything that exists, including people, is God. Studying various traditions, religions,man gains access to God in a much broader way. It is necessary to teach and respect the traditions of other nations - this is what one of the commandments says. The explanation to it says that there are many people, many traditions, but we all have one common land, and we have one God, even though we call him by various names. And by studying other people's traditions, we can study another hypostasis of God and Goddess. Among the commandments are familiar to Christians "Do not kill", "Do not steal", but there are also purely shamanistic "Pray to your kind", "Remember that you are a man", etc. Not all shamans of Buryatia follow the commandments of Tengeri. Sorry.

Shamans of Buryatia. Treatment
Shamans have in their arsenal a lot of useful things, both for the state as a whole and for each individual. At the heart of shamanism is a connection with nature, humanity, respect for the ancestors, the observance of harmony in all life. Kamas perform rituals to instill a child's soul in a woman who cannot become pregnant, to call rain during a drought, and in general to change the weather, to heal a patient. Usually, when people have tried all possible traditional methods of healing and lose hope of healing, they turn to shamans.
Shamans of Buryatia use a common method of wrapping the patient with the insides of an animal for treatment. This is a dangerous and difficult undertaking. For him, you need to buy, for example, a sheep. Be sure to be of the same gender as the sick person. The sheep is sacrificed to the spirits and, according to the Kams, it is, as it were,gives her life as a gift to a person, thanks to the energy of her organs, the patient is cured and gets on his feet. The liver is placed on the liver, heart on heart, etc. After death, energy remains on the internal organs of the sacrificial animal, and they are used as a kind of battery. Many chronic diseases are treated in this way.

Shaman's prediction
The Supreme Shaman of Buryatia told the world that serious cataclysms await Europe in 2017. They will cover mainly the western part of it. Also, the shaman, in whose family there are 50 generations of seers, pointed out that Europe is most likely to face a man-made disaster associated with natural disasters. Similar to what happened in Japan at a nuclear power plant after the tsunami.

Shamans of Buryatia. Reviews
Recently, there have been numerous angry posts on social media. They say that the shamans of Buryatia demand fabulous money and even sex services for their work. After the ceremony, they begin to tell the patient that there was a strong shaman in his family, and his gift can be transferred to the patient, so you need to urgently carry out the ritual, which will cost one hundred thousand rubles. And you also need to take a couple of people with you. And if suddenly the patient does not want to do this, then they tell him that he will get sick and may die. Naturally, a person is suggestible, he is hypnotized and rushes to collect money, takes a few relatives or friends and goes to perform the ceremony. And there it seems like they fall into a sect. permanent rituals,money. And new arrivals with a patient are also taken into circulation: it hurts you, you don’t succeed, etc. There are many stories that shamans drink, that students provide intimate services to teachers.
Many accusations come against the Tengeri organization. But the representative of the society, Lyudmila Dashitsyrenova, answers that the shamans of "Tengeri" do not require payment for rituals. When you embark on this path, you need to take an oath not to ask for payment for your services. Shamans should help people, not rob them. The only thing they ask is to bring the necessary products to the ritual. There are no donations. They are voluntary. Lyudmila also notes that recently the Tengeri organization, which is located on Barnaulskaya Street in Ulan-Ude, has received many reports that under the name of their organization there are people working alone or creating groups, and deceiving people, who trust the name "Tengeri". They give patients a price list, but the shamans of the real Tengeri organization never do that.