Before you start treating AGA, you need to know exactly what alopecia is, why it occurs and what stages it has. This is a pathological hair loss that leads to their thinning or complete loss in certain parts of the head.
Luxury hair always symbolizes youth and attractiveness. Baldness gives a person a very strong discomfort. Many people do not turn to specialists, considering excessive hair loss as the norm. Some doubt that they can be restored. Let's see if this is the case.
Features of the disease
Androgens should be understood as male sex hormones. They promote muscle growth and negatively affect hair follicles. Androgenetic alopecia is considered quite common. In women, this type of baldness is much less common than in men.

With an increase in the level of androgens, there is a significant inhibition of hair follicles. At the same time, the skin of the head becomes thinner. They do not "produce" strong and dense hair. Instead, there are almostcolorless hairs that gradually fall off, and new ones do not grow.
Male pattern hair loss can be triggered by various pathologies. For example, a similar violation is observed when taking hormonal contraceptives. When the first signs of alopecia occur, you need to visit a doctor.
During the treatment of AGA, it is worth remembering that the disease is characterized by cyclicity. Sometimes the affected areas grow hair again. However, with each exacerbation of the disease, the area of baldness increases.
Androgenetic type of alopecia in men is characterized by the fact that the hair falls out in the parietal and frontal region. Bald areas have a rather characteristic triangular shape. Over time, the boundaries between these areas are increasingly blurred. The hairline is completely preserved only on the lateral areas of the head.
Women simply lose their hair density. The severity of this process is insignificant. That is why not everyone goes to the doctor.
How it happens in men
Dihydrotestosterone slows down the work of hair follicles, which provokes their dystrophy and chronic hair loss. Gradually, the curls become thinner, weaker, lose their color. Baldness in men is manifested by hair loss mainly in the parietal and frontal regions.
All these pathological changes occur with normal, and sometimes with a slightly reduced level of testosterone in the blood. According to studies conducted by trichologists, the susceptibility to dihydrotestosterone receptors located infollicles, much higher than those of people who do not have the problem of baldness.

Alopecia can be classified according to the degree of hair loss. To determine it, the Norwood-Hamilton scale is used. It is used by trichologists around the world to determine the exact stage of the disease.
How it happens in women
In the female body, as in the male, there is the hormone testosterone. In this case, the mechanism of development of alopecia is somewhat different in its clinical picture. Women rarely lose their hair completely, they do not develop bald patches in typical areas, but they have normal-thick hairs alternating with thin ones.

Visually, it looks like just a reduction in the previous volume of hair, and not a complete loss of it. In addition, there may be significant thinning at the temples. It is very difficult to recognize alopecia in women at the initial stage, since hair loss is not total. The severity of baldness is determined for women on the Ludwig scale.
Strong hormonal fluctuations, the abolition of contraceptives, endocrine diseases can become provoking factors. When the very first signs of baldness appear, you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Causes of occurrence
Treatment of AGA is carried out only after establishing the cause of such a violation. It should be noted that much depends on the hereditary factor. ATIn most cases, the predisposition to androgenetic alopecia passes from the mother. Among other provocateurs of alopecia, the following should be distinguished:
- Vitaminosis and a strict diet.
- Prolonged use of corticosteroids and antibiotics.
- Wrong hair care.
- Tendency to neuroses, mental disorders.
Among the main causes of female pattern baldness are long-term use of oral contraceptives, menopause and some gynecological diseases. Hormonal problems are often observed in diseases of the endocrine system, during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Provoke baldness can be strong antidepressants that women take quite often. The genetic factor in this case does not play a significant role. However, without a hereditary predisposition to baldness, the disease will not progress.
First signs
Men who develop androgenetic alopecia can begin to lose hair at any age after puberty. The main changes begin with a decrease in hairline in the temporal, frontal and parietal areas. Signs of illness are:
- Fast hair loss.
- Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
- Thinning curls, increased fragility and discoloration.
Women's thinning is often uniform. The main complaints at an early stage of alopecia are:
- Hair volume reduction.
- Distance frontgrowth lines.
- The appearance of thin and short hairs.
In the treatment of AGA, it is of great importance how timely the therapy was started. If it was carried out at the initial stages, then it will be possible to save most of the hair.
Main symptoms
As mentioned above, the process of alopecia is somewhat different in women and men. However, the disease has a common characteristic feature. Hair not only falls out very much, but changes its color and structure. This is especially noticeable in the parietal region.
Alopecia in men is mainly accompanied by the removal of the hairline in the forehead. This line moves slightly towards the crown. At the same time, the temporal regions are exposed. Hair loss occurs gradually, which makes it difficult to detect violations in a timely manner and prevent the rapid loss of curls.
In women, baldness is partial. If the hair on the head weakens and becomes thinner, then on other parts of the body they grow more actively. This is due to fluctuations in the hormonal background and an increase in the production of male sex hormones. Among the main symptoms, the following should be highlighted:
- Problems conceiving.
- Fragile nails.
- Irregular menstruation.
- The appearance of acne.
- Aggressiveness and nervousness.
Treatment of AGA in women and men is selected taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease. It is important to identify it in a timely manner. Then the return of the previous density of hair is not excluded. The main problem is that to detect the symptoms of alopecia onthe initial stage is almost impossible.
How the examination is done
The diagnosis and treatment of AGA is very important, as it increases the likelihood of a complete resolution of the problem. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the available history, tests, and some additional studies. Alopecia therapy is prescribed by a trichologist or dermatologist, as well as an endocrinologist.
When taking an anamnesis, the doctor must take into account the duration of hair loss and the presence of a genetic predisposition. At the appointment, the specialist conducts a visual examination with an assessment of the he alth of the curls, scalp and the presence of bald patches. Laboratory tests are required, such as:
- Blood test.
- Research on sex hormones.
- Determination of the level of thyroid and adrenal hormones.

Differential diagnosis is required to differentiate AGA from other forms of alopecia. For this, the trichoscopy method is used, which consists in examining the structure of the hair, follicle, sebaceous glands, bulbs. The trichoscope is a small camera that helps to enlarge areas of the hairline several times. The resulting images are examined by a specialist.
When making a diagnosis at the initial stages of alopecia, the phototrichogram technique is used. This procedure is performed every 3 months to determine the degree of baldness and assess the overall condition of the hairline.
Features of treatment
Manyare interested in how AGA is treated in women and men. Is it possible to get rid of the problem completely? Only a specialist after a diagnosis can answer this question.

All applied procedures do not have a long-term effect, so treatment courses have to be taken periodically at intervals set by the doctor. If therapy is stopped earlier, then you can completely lose your hair. Among the main techniques, the following should be highlighted:
- Medical.
- Surgical intervention.
- Laser therapy.
If it is established that the cause of baldness is hidden in a hormonal disorder, then after a course of therapy, the hairline will fully recover. Treatment of AGA in men and women should be carried out continuously, as it requires the implementation of measures aimed at maintaining natural hair growth and stimulating the formation of new follicles.
Drug therapy
The principle of action of all used drugs prescribed for alopecia is aimed at reducing the production of testosterone and preventing the achievement of androgens by the main receptors sensitive to them. Drug treatment of AGA, aimed at reducing androgenic activity, should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment is possible only with cosmetic means.

Basically, the doctor prescribes these drugs for the treatment of AGA:
- Minoxidil.
- Finasteride.
- Rinfoltil.
- Esvitsin.
Minoxidil is prescribed at a concentration of 2% for women and 5% for men. The main action of the drug are:
- Increase the duration of hair growth.
- The transition of "sleeping" follicles to the active stage.
- Increasing the size of the follicle.
Proven active effect on hair growth in AGA, which has been verified by repeated clinical trials. Treatment with the drug "Minoxidil" brings only positive results. A significant disadvantage is that this drug must be used regularly. If the treatment is canceled, the hair will begin to thin again.
The drug "Finasteride" has proven itself well for the treatment of AGA. Basically, it is assigned only to men. The mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of the phase of conversion of testosterone to DHT, which provokes baldness. This remedy has shown very good results.
Treatment of AGA of the 1st degree is carried out with the help of the drug "Rinfoltil". It contains in its composition active plant components, the action of which is aimed at preventing hair loss. With its use, the susceptibility of follicles to male hormones decreases. This remedy for the treatment of baldness is allowed for patients of any gender.
When choosing a drug for the treatment of AGA, you need to pay attention to "Esvicin". This is a multi-component remedy that has a general strengthening effect on the body. It contains biostimulants, vitamins, trace elements and enzymes that help prevent the process of baldness. For successfultherapy requires oral administration of the drug in combination with its external application.
Physiotherapy technique
Treatment of AGA in pregnant women is mainly carried out with the help of physiotherapy. Only the attending physician should select the correct course. The deterioration or improvement of well-being depends on the number of prescribed procedures, their intensity and duration of therapy.

The most common treatment for alopecia is electrotherapy. After the course of treatment, the follicles are activated, the stage of hair growth begins faster, there are more of them. Under the influence of current, blood circulation of the scalp increases, and metabolic processes are activated. Electrotherapy can be carried out using the following techniques:
- Electrophoresis.
- Galvanization.
- Darsonvalization.
- Ultrasound on the collar zone.
- UHF field on the area of hair loss.
The most common technique is darsonvalization. It consists in treatment with pulsed currents with a high frequency. When the electrode is applied to the skin, the blood vessels expand, as a result of which the hair receives additional nutrition, and their growth is activated.
Folk remedies
In the treatment of AGA in pregnant women, drugs are not recommended, as they can have a negative effect on the fetus. In this case, it is best to use alternative therapy methods. It is worth remembering that such products do not stop hair loss, but help itdecrease. The most effective are such products that have an irritating effect on the scalp. As a result, blood microcirculation is normalized and new hair growth is stimulated. Traditional medicine is quite simple. It is very easy to buy them.
Onion-based medicine is suitable for normal to dry hair. With increased oily skin, alcohol or cognac should be added to it. Grate or grind 2 onions in a meat grinder. Add 50 ml brandy and mix until smooth. With the resulting mixture, rub the areas with signs of baldness every week for six months, taking a break for 5-6 days.
Pepper tincture has a warming effect, so it stimulates the growth of new hair. The result can be seen in about half a month. This is an inexpensive but effective remedy, especially in the early stages of baldness. A cotton pad should be moistened in tincture. Apply to the problem area before shampooing. Wash off the infusion after 30 minutes. If a strong burning sensation occurs, it is recommended to wash it off earlier and dilute it with water before the next use. Repeat the procedure every 2 weeks.
It is very important to follow all clinical recommendations for the treatment of AGA, as well as to focus on dietary nutrition. You need to give up fried and fatty foods, foods high in sugar and s alt.
The diet must be dominated by fruits and vegetables, protein foods. To stimulate hair growth, biologically active supplements with complexes of useful substances are allowed to be taken. Important,so that the body receives B vitamins and trace elements.
Shampoos and cosmetics
The AGA treatment standard includes the use of shampoos and other anti-baldness products. However, before purchasing them, you must definitely determine your hair type, carefully study the composition and instructions for use.
Shampoos should contain extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, protein molecules, trace elements and minerals. It is not recommended to purchase cosmetic products containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
Laser therapy
Low-intensity laser radiation contributes to the fight against baldness. It provides these actions:
- Improvement of microcirculation in tissues.
- Stimulation of cell metabolism.
- Recovery of lost hair.
- The appearance of the shine of curls.
- Volume.
This is a new modern protocol for the treatment of AGA. At home, the procedure can be carried out using a special laser comb, but the result of its use is not clearly visible. In medical centers, special laser devices are used. Their effect is more pronounced. The procedure should be carried out once a week. Annual therapy gives a very good result and does not cause a withdrawal syndrome. This means that the result does not disappear after treatment.
Hair transplant
A new reliable protocol for the treatment of AGA - mesotherapy. This procedure is carried out strictly in the conditions of a cosmetology clinic or in a specializedsalon. Treatment of AGA in the elderly is carried out using surgical techniques. This method is highly effective.
The principle of therapy is to transplant hair along with he althy bulbs on the area of baldness. With the normal course of the postoperative period, which largely depends on the characteristics of the patient's he alth, the curls take root and continue to grow normally. In some cases, engraftment does not occur.
It is important to transplant the follicles very quickly after they are removed, as they lose their viability very quickly. Not everyone can become a donor. In the case of severe oppression of the hair follicles, performing such a procedure does not make any sense at all. If the operation was successful, then the transplanted follicles are activated 2 weeks after the procedure. The disadvantage of the technique is its high cost. You can increase the effectiveness of the procedure if you eliminate the factors that provoke rejection.
If the problem is detected in time and all recommendations for the treatment of AGA are followed, the prognosis of therapy is quite favorable. A holistic approach ensures faster recovery.
With unfavorable heredity, it is very difficult to achieve a positive result, regardless of the methods of therapy used. Properly selected treatment of AGA of the 2nd degree helps not only to eliminate the existing problem, but also to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences. It should be noted that the 2nd degree is only the beginning of the disease. At the same time, the symptoms are just beginning to appear andare expressed in a slight shift of the edge line back, and the hair in the center of the forehead forms a trapezoid.
Possible Complications
If you do not follow the recommendations for the treatment of AGA or start therapy at a later stage, then often there are negative consequences. Possible complications can be with improper therapy. Also, some methods can cause he alth problems, for example, side effects when taking medications or inflammation after hair transplantation.
The most negative consequence of alopecia is very severe baldness, which is not only detrimental to he alth, but also causes significant discomfort even for many men.
If men in the family lose their hair very early, timely prevention will help prevent this phenomenon. This necessarily requires competent care for curls, scalp massage, vitamin therapy.
Female pattern baldness is also preventable. Timely therapy of hormonal and gynecological disorders will prevent hair loss. Women are advised to use homemade masks to strengthen follicles and increase blood circulation. You need to use gentle styling products, choose the right shampoos, wear hats in the winter, give up thermowaves and curling irons.
Alopecia can worsen with severe stress. People prone to frequent nervous experiences are shown to take sedatives.
Many people say that Minoxidil works well. Literally after a few months of its use, the bald patches become smaller, and the hair becomes thicker. However, this remedy has side effects in the form of itchy scalp and dandruff.
Garnier Botanic Shampoo and Balm deserves good reviews as it helps to strengthen curls and prevents hair loss.
Many people praise bow masks. They are really very good at helping to strengthen the hair. You can even use them for pregnant women. However, after such treatment, an unpleasant odor lasts for a long time.