Shrimp Allergy: Causes, Symptoms, Lab Testing, Diagnosis and Treatment

Shrimp Allergy: Causes, Symptoms, Lab Testing, Diagnosis and Treatment
Shrimp Allergy: Causes, Symptoms, Lab Testing, Diagnosis and Treatment

Can I be allergic to shrimp? Like any seafood, shrimp can cause allergic reactions. This is how the increased sensitivity of the immune system to the components contained in them is manifested. The occurrence of allergies is often associated with violations of the protective mechanisms of our body.

Why is this happening? The human body perceives the protein contained in shrimp as a foreign substance. As a result, the immune system begins to produce antibodies, but if a large amount of the allergen accumulates in the blood, the immune system cannot cope with it. This process triggers the production of histamine, which triggers an allergic reaction.

shrimp allergy photo
shrimp allergy photo

Impaired Proteins

Why does shrimp allergy occur? There may be several reasons. Most often, the reaction occurs due to a protein called tropomyosin. It is this substance that is found in large quantities in seafood. It can be found infish, oysters and mussels. For this reason, it is not uncommon for a shrimp allergy to be combined with immune system responses to eating other seafood. It is worth noting that tropomyosin is not destroyed when exposed to high temperatures, so neither cooking nor freezing affects the substance. In addition, shrimp allergy can occur due to an enzyme such as arginine kinase. A large amount of this substance is present in the composition of tiger prawns.

Other reasons

It is not uncommon for shrimp allergies in children and adults to be caused by food additives contained in the product. This happens when a cooked product is used for food: shrimp in brine, in marinade, in sea cocktails, etc. Some manufacturers add a huge amount of seasoning and all kinds of flavor enhancers to their products.

Another reason for the development of allergies is the accumulation of toxic compounds in the product itself. Due to environmental pollution, a large amount of heavy metals is deposited in shrimp. The quality of products is also affected by the method of transportation and storage. If shrimp are in a warm room for a long time, the protein begins to decompose. Such a product can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also severe poisoning.

Multiple studies have shown that repeated freezing of a product in its fibers produces additional allergens and dangerous compounds that even a normally functioning immune system cannot cope with.

shrimp allergy
shrimp allergy

Shrimp Allergy: Symptoms

Photo of a rash with an allergic reaction to shrimp can be seen in this article. But this is only one manifestation of pathology. There are other signs:

  • unbearable itchy feeling;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rash on chest, abdomen and arms, as well as patches of bright red;
  • shortness of breath;
  • frequent urge to have a bowel movement;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • nausea and in some cases vomiting;
  • sneezing and stuffy nose.

The clinical picture with such a violation may be different. For some, the use of such a product can cause damage to the respiratory system, for someone - a violation of the digestive processes, and for someone - skin rashes.

shrimp allergy symptoms
shrimp allergy symptoms

Manifestations of allergies in children

Shrimp allergy symptoms in children may be different. After using the product, the baby may appear red spots on the cheeks, which indicate the development of diathesis. If a strong inflammatory process begins, then the spots can spread to other parts of the child's body. At the same time, skin reactions are often accompanied by fever and gas formation, pain in the abdomen, dry cough.

If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to contact a specialist of a narrow profile - an allergist-immunologist or an allergist. You can also show the child to the pediatrician.

When does it manifest?

The first signs of shrimp allergy occur 3-7 hours after consumptionproduct. Sometimes symptoms may appear even after 24 hours. In severe cases, the reaction of the immune system to such a product can begin within a few minutes after its use. The rate of development of the disease, the nature of the symptoms and their severity depend on the amount of food eaten.

Of particular importance is the age of the patient and the state of the immune system. If a child's immunity is reduced, then an allergy to shrimp will manifest itself almost instantly. In adults, the pathology can manifest itself after a few hours.

shrimp allergy in children
shrimp allergy in children


Shrimp allergies can lead to serious complications if left untreated. The most dangerous is anaphylactic shock. This condition is characterized by:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • slow heart rate;
  • sweating;
  • loss of consciousness.

Among the complications of seafood allergy, angioedema should be mentioned. With such a violation, the skin on the body or on the face swells strongly. This often causes breathing difficulties. At the same time, the patient cannot talk and eat normally.

Diagnostic Methods

It is almost impossible to detect a violation at home, since the symptoms of an allergy are similar to those of a SARS or an intestinal infection. Therefore, it is worth contacting an allergist. The specialist asks the patient about the symptoms, carefully examines the skin, and then makes a preliminary diagnosis. After that, it can be assigned:

  • Performing skin tests. This is a classic method in which a drop of an irritant substance is applied to the elbow or wrist. With a positive reaction, an inflammatory process will appear on this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Handling a blood test from a vein. This method is more secure.

There is also a provocative method, in which the patient is injected subcutaneously with an irritant substance, and then a blood test is taken. However, this method of diagnosis is used extremely rarely, as it is considered dangerous for the patient.

shrimp allergy symptoms photo
shrimp allergy symptoms photo

Treatment of pathology

How is shrimp allergy treated? A photo of signs of such a pathology allows you to clearly present its manifestations. But how to cure the disease? An acute reaction requires immediate treatment. This will avoid complications:

  • In case of anaphylactic shock, the first aid is to inject adrenaline intramuscularly.
  • With angioedema, patients are injected subcutaneously with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs.
  • If the reaction is mild, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines: Aleron, Zyrtec, Claritin, etc.
  • Symptomatic allergies are usually treated with hydrocortisone ointments for skin redness and severe itching, as well as eye and nasal drops.
  • can i be allergic to shrimp
    can i be allergic to shrimp

In the future, patients are recommended to conduct a full course of therapy, which consists of several points:

  • conducting specific immunotherapy;
  • use of oral and topical drugs;
  • dieting.

Treatment can last from 2 months to 2 years. As for the diet, it does not contain strict restrictions. However, a complete rejection is required not only from the use of shrimp, but also from other seafood.

Drug therapy involves the intake of enzyme and antihistamines, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system. As for specific immunotherapy, it is prescribed for the chronic course of allergies. It is aimed at stimulating the development of resistance to allergens. To do this, an irritant is periodically injected under the skin so that the human immune system can independently neutralize the allergen. This treatment is often referred to as an allergy shot.