DPT refers to the adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine. It was created to prevent the appearance of 3 dangerous diseases in children at once.

Comprehensive Protection
According to the instructions for use, the indication for the DTP vaccine is the prevention of infection with whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. These diseases are severe and can be fatal. They pose a danger not only to children, but also to adults.
Diphtheria is a disease that usually affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems, kidneys and respiratory tract. Vaccination provides maximum protection against infection, but it does not exclude a small chance of developing the disease. However, people who have been vaccinated against diphtheria are much more likely to tolerate the disease than those who are not immune to it.
It is a mistake to believe that at present the disease is diagnosed extremely rarely, the danger of infection persists in the modern world. Vaccination is the only form of protection that adultsshould also not be forgotten, as the vaccine only provides protection for 10 years.
Tetanus is an infectious disease that significantly disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. The pathogen can enter the body even through small damage to the skin. In the process of his life, a poisonous toxin is released, provoking the occurrence of:
- spasms of chewing muscles, and then cramps throughout the body;
- Increased sensitivity to touch.
As a result, the patient cannot breathe and eat normally. In some cases, he falls into a coma, and death is also not uncommon.
An injection of the tetanus toxoid contained in the DTP vaccine is the only reliable protection against a dangerous disease. It can be done unscheduled with severe damage to the skin, if the person has not previously received it according to the vaccination schedule.
Whooping cough is also an infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract. Its symptoms are:
- paroxysmal cough;
- runny nose;
- sneeze.
The body temperature rises slightly. While coughing, the patient's face turns red, the tongue sticks out, and hemorrhage under the mucous membrane of the eye is possible.
The greatest danger of the disease is for children under the age of 2 years. This is due to the fact that they have no pronounced symptoms, except for a slight cough, after which respiratory arrest may occur. To protect yourchild, parents should take responsibility for vaccination.

All he althy children should be vaccinated. The attending physician examines them beforehand: measures body temperature, studies the results of clinical trials (if they were prescribed), determines the general condition of the child, in a word, finds out the readiness of the body to receive the drug.
In the modern instructions for the use of the DTP vaccine, the following contraindications for its administration are prescribed:
- any disease in the acute stage;
- pathologies of the nervous system;
- immunodeficiency;
- malignant neoplasms;
- chronic diseases in acute form;
- severe complications resulting from a previous similar injection (allergic shock, convulsions, impaired consciousness, Quincke's edema, periodic shrill scream for no apparent reason, erythema, body temperature over 39.5 °C);
- Birth weight below 2.5 kg (Such children are vaccinated for the first time at 6 months, provided that they are physically and mentally developing normally);
- long-term diseases (hepatitis, meningitis, tuberculosis, etc.);
- any severe allergic pathology.
In the instructions for use of the DTP vaccine, these contraindications are indicated for 3 years, previously the list was additionally included:
- birth trauma with and without residual effects;
- rickets II and IIIstage;
- blood diseases;
- hydrocephalus;
- pathology of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, heart;
- traumatic brain injury;
- diabetes mellitus;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- ulcerative colitis;
- postoperative period.
When examining a doctor, the doctor must take into account all contraindications to vaccination, both absolute and relative. However, some children who are not allowed to administer DTP can receive a tetanus and diphtheria vaccine (i.e. without the pertussis component).

Vaccination schedule
The following periods for receiving the drug are established by the national schedule:
- 3 months;
- 4, 5 months;
- 6 mo;
- revaccination at 1.5 years, then the second at 7 years, the third at 14.
This plan involves vaccinating he althy children. If a child has been medically disqualified, the child will receive the drug later on an individual basis (as determined by the doctor on a case-by-case basis).
From the 3rd booster at age 14, the injection should be given every 10 years. This information is also contained in the instructions for use for the DTP vaccine.

Introduction rules
Vaccination is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions by specially trained paramedical personnel.
According to the instructions for use of the DTP vaccine, the administration of the drug should be carried out according tofollowing algorithm:
- A nurse carefully examines an ampoule. The drug is not used if it is cracked, foreign inclusions are visualized in the contents, there is no label. In addition, she pays attention to compliance with storage conditions and expiration dates.
- The contents of the ampoule are shaken, it is wiped with an alcohol wipe and opened. After that, it is immediately used.
- The vaccine is drawn into a disposable syringe with a long needle with a wide lumen. Before the introduction of the drug, it changes to the standard.
- The injection is given intramuscularly either in the buttock or in the front of the thigh. Before and after the injection, the skin at the injection site is wiped with an alcohol wipe.
- Vaccination is being registered.
- For an hour, the child's condition is monitored by a doctor.

Side effects
Based on reviews and instructions for use, the DTP vaccine is not always well tolerated.
The following conditions are considered normal reactions:
- Redness of the skin in the injection area, swelling, induration, pain in the same area.
- Increased body temperature (over 37.5°C).
- Stool disorders.
- Drowsy.
- Decreased appetite.
- Vomiting.
- Tearfulness, irritability.
These conditions pass on their own in 2-3 days (no longer than 5 days).
The instructions for using the DTP vaccine also indicate complications, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor:
- anaphylactic shock;
- urticaria;
- convulsions;
- Quincke's edema;
- tightening or redness at the injection site greater than 8 cm in diameter;
- crying for more than 3 hours;
- high body temperature (above 39°C).
These complications are due to ignoring contraindications or improper administration of the drug, which can also be spoiled.
Issue form
The instructions for use of the DPT vaccine indicate that it is sold in ampoules of 0.5 ml in an amount of 10 pcs. They are placed in blister packs and cardboard packs.

On the same day as pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations, an injection of a polio drug is allowed. Also, DTP can be administered with other vaccines of the national vaccination schedule (except BCG).
In closing
A powerful comprehensive defense is DTP vaccination. Instructions for use states that it is a prophylactic against 3 dangerous diseases at once. However, in order to avoid the occurrence of severe complications, all possible contraindications to vaccination should be taken into account.