This article will look at heart drugs.
Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are leading among all diseases of the new century. This is the leading cause of death in many countries and states, and in this regard, the attitude towards such diseases should be appropriate. Timely treatment is a necessary condition for solving this problem, and drugs play a very important role in therapy.

But for their correct application, it is necessary to establish the causes of the pathology. The most common and contributing factors to the occurrence of such diseases are congenital diseases of the internal organs along with atherosclerosis, bacterial or viral infection, functional lesions provoked by depression, and, in addition, excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol. Next, we describe in detail the cardiac drugs that are widely used in medicine today.
Drugs,which are produced for the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, are divided into different groups depending on the specifics of their effects. Let's take a closer look at them.
Medications that regulate cerebral circulation
Drugs that allow you to regulate the blood circulation of the brain include drugs that dilate blood vessels. As part of this, vascular tone is controlled in order to optimize the blood supply to the brain. Under the influence of the drug, not only is the saturation of the brain tissue with oxygen, but the blood supply to the ischemic area also improves. Of this group, the most famous cardiac drugs are Picamilon, along with Cinnarizine, Eufilin, acetylsalicylic and aminocaproic acids, and Heparin.
Drugs that improve myocardial blood flow
This group of drugs can reduce myocardial oxygen demand. Thanks to these drugs, its blood supply improves. This is primarily "Nitroglycerin" and any of its derivatives.
There are also preparations for the heart muscle.

Medicines for myocardial infarction
There is a group of cardiac remedies that are used for myocardial infarction. They have a symptomatic, and, in addition, pathogenetic effect, eliminating pain and improving the patient's well-being. This group includes "Promedol" along with "Tramadol" and "Analgin". These medications should be combined with antihistamines as well as antipsychotics.
What other heartyAre there drugs?
Drugs to treat angina pectoris
If a patient has angina pectoris, antianginal drugs are used. Such medications should be kept in mind for those patients who suffer from ischemic heart disease. These medicines are divided into the following groups.
- Drugs that intensify blood supply to the myocardium with oxygen. These include Verapamil along with Amiodarone and Nitroglycerin.
- Preparations in the form of "Validol", "No-shpy" and "Ticlopidine" increase the supply of myocardial oxygen.
- The drug "Inderal" significantly reduces the total myocardial oxygen demand.
- Myocardial resistance to ischemia is promoted by drugs in the form of Nerobol, Lipin, Riboxin, Trimetazidine and Riboflavin.
- It should also be noted drugs that improve the delivery of oxygen to the myocardium. These are primarily inhibitors in the form of "Persantin" and "Euphyllin", as well as a number of other drugs. The names of cardiac glycoside preparations will be given below.
Means can also be used to increase the resistance of the myocardium to hypoxia. In this case, we will talk about anabolic drugs, and, in addition, about antioxidants. You should be aware that for such diseases, other drugs can also be used, which are generally not medicines for the heart, but have a positive effect on the dynamics of such diseases. They are prescribed by doctors taking into account the level of damage and the general condition of the heart.

Anti-sclerotic andlipid-lowering drugs
At present, anti-sclerotic and lipid-lowering cardiac drugs are very widespread. They do not affect the heart directly, but they reduce cholesterol with triglycerides, which, in the presence of an increased concentration, can have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the vessels. These drugs are famous for their good combination with angioprotectors. They can improve microcirculation, normalizing the permeability of the vascular walls and reducing swelling.
For heart failure, drugs can be very effective, especially if taken at the same time as calcium channel blockers. The fact is that calcium ions are able to accelerate cellular metabolism. But self-treatment of heart disease is very dangerous. In this case, you can not do without a doctor. Moreover, any drugs, as well as their doses, are prescribed exclusively individually. Therefore, in any case, consultation and knowledge of a doctor is required.
List of cardiac drugs
”, “Verapamil”, “Kapoten”, “Cardiomagnyl”, “Captopril”, “Corvalol” and so on.

What drugs to strengthen the heart muscle are there?
No less popular in the treatment of heart disease aremedicines in the form of Concor, Curantil, Metoprolol, Nitroglycerin, Nifedipine, Panangin, Riboxin and Egilok.
Consider drugs - cardiac glycosides.
Glycosides is a group of medicinal substances of vegetable or synthetic origin. This is a special group of cardiac drugs. Their action is aimed at improving the functioning of the heart. They are mainly used to treat severe heart failure caused by a decrease in the contractile functions of the myocardium. This disease is often manifested by symptoms of stagnation in the lungs in the form of shortness of breath and wheezing. Also, in people with heart failure, edema in the legs is not ruled out along with an enlarged liver, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity or chest.
It is very important to separate cardiac glycoside preparations according to the duration and speed of onset of cardiotonic effects. Next, consider them in terms of these criteria.

Fast acting glycosides
Which heart drugs to choose, the doctor will tell.
As for fast-acting glycosides, in this case we are talking about such drugs as "Strophanthin" and "Korglikon". The effect of these drugs begins ten minutes after intravenous administration. The maximum effect is expressed after a couple of hours. The action is completed in twelve hours. This is because these drugs do not accumulate in tissues because they are water soluble. They quickly enter the myocardium and very easilyexcreted by the body in the urine. Consider them in more detail:
- Korglikon is a fast-acting cardiac glycoside that has a mild cardiotonic effect. This medicine is weaker than other drugs in this category, but it is quite effective for the treatment of mild cardiac dysfunction. Release "Korglikon" only in the form of a solution intended for intravenous administration. This drug rarely causes side effects or overdose.
- Medicine "Strophanthin". This is an ideal medicine for emergency care in the presence of diseases that are accompanied by decompensation or acute chronic heart failure. Like Korglikon, this drug is produced only in the form of a solution for intravenous administration, but it has a stronger, and at the same time, a lasting effect. The drug is well tolerated by patients, but in the case of rapid administration or prolonged use, some side effects are likely.
Prolonged glycosides
Such medicines act very slowly, but long enough. As a rule, the onset occurs after two hours or a maximum of four. The total duration is one day. Such features are primarily due to the fact that the active components of such drugs penetrate the myocardium very slowly and bind to blood proteins for a long time, moreover, they circulate for a long time and are eventually neutralized by the liver. Long-term glycosides include Digoxin and Celanide. List of heart drugsglycosides are very extensive.
In addition to the above, there are drugs that have a much longer duration of exposure - up to three days, for example, "Digitoxin" or "Methyldigitoxin". The plant base of these drugs is similar to Digoxin. But at the moment they are out of production due to a large number of cases of overdose and intoxication.
- Digoxin drug. This drug is the most suitable for the treatment of severe heart failure among fat-soluble glycosides. Its good solubility allows it to be produced in the form of tablets and injectable dosage forms. For the relief of an acute condition, injections are indicated. They are best administered by intravenous drip or slow stream. The chronic form of circulatory failure is treated with pills. With proper use of Digoxin, a tangible effect can be achieved without negative consequences. Incorrect use leads to overdose and intoxication.
- "Celanide" in comparison with "Digoxin" has a less pronounced potentiating effect. This drug acts gently and gradually. It is best used in moderate manifestations of heart failure. Toxic effects with an overdose occur much less frequently in this case. The medicine is released only in the form of tablets.

Indications for the use of glycosides
Cardiac glycosides help in the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in myocardial contractility. Alsoit is advisable to use them in congestive heart failure. In addition, this group of drugs is used in the following cases:
- In the presence of a chronic form of circulatory failure of the third degree, which manifests itself in the form of pronounced edema of the legs or the whole body, shortness of breath at rest or against the background of minimal exertion, wet rales in the lungs, which have a congestive character, and also with the accumulation of fluid in the chest cage or stomach.
- If you have heart failure that does not respond to any other drugs.
- Acute critical decompensation of heart failure.
- Presence of supraventricular arrhythmias in the form of atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia or extrasystoles with or without heart failure.
Contraindications to the use of glycosides
Even if a person has indications for treatment with glycosides, there may be reasons for which the use of these medicines will have to be abandoned, for example:
- Presence of third-degree atrioventricular block.
- The appearance of allergic reactions to the drug.
- Signs of glycoside intoxication or suspicion of it.
- Slow heart rate to less than fifty beats per minute, as occurs with or without atrial fibrillation.
- When myocardial infarction.
- Presence of hypokalemia and hypercalcemia, that is, conditions in which potassium is low in the blood or calcium is high.
- Development of severekidney failure.
When are glycosides ineffective?
Apart from contraindications, there are cases of heart failure, in which glycosides are not contraindicated at all, but are inappropriate for use, since they do not solve the current problem:
- For mitral stenosis.
- On the background of restrictive cardiomyopathy.
- In the presence of chronic pericarditis.
- In case of aortic valve insufficiency.
Glycoside treatment rules
For fast-acting glycosides, such as "Korglikon" or "Strophanthin", there are no schemes for treatment, because these drugs are very quickly excreted from the human body. Digoxin, unlike them, has a cumulative property and, with prolonged use, accumulates in excessive amounts, which can cause an overdose. In order to prevent this from happening, the following principles of treatment are required:
- Saturation of the body with glycosides. During this period, the dose of the drug is increased gradually until there are obvious signs of improvement in the patient's condition. It is imperative to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum and that there are no symptoms of an overdose.
- The period of maintenance treatment. Having reduced the manifestations of heart failure, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced to the level at which it can maintain all the achieved therapeutic effects. As soon as it is established, the patient must systematically take the drug in this dosage.
The selection of treatment regimens, and, in addition, the type of medication and its dosage is handled by a cardiologist, but a therapist or family doctor will also help. Self-medication with cardiovascular drugs is unacceptable.

Drugs for elderly patients
For older patients, not so much pills as vitamins are especially needed. For good heart function, vitamins C, A, E, B1 and B6 are required. The condition of the heart and blood vessels is also improved by trace elements in the form of magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chromium and selenium. Heart drugs for older patients are very common in pharmacies.
As for medicines, for patients in old age, doctors for the heart most often prescribe "Venoton" along with "Ascorutin", "Riboxin", "Cavinton", "Atoris" and "Hawthorn forte" and "Asparkam".
There are also cardiovascular drugs for young people.
Drugs for young patients
Young people with heart problems of one kind or another may be prescribed a variety of medications. In many ways, these are the same remedies that doctors prescribe to people of different ages. For example, "Cardio forte", "Cardiohe alth", "Doppelhertz", "Vitrum Cardio" and others may be prescribed. These names of cardiac drugs are well known. In fact, the choice of cardiac medicines today is huge. And only a qualified specialist can choose the most suitable one according to age and individual he alth indicators.
But at any age with problemswith a heart, people should focus primarily on taking vitamins and essential trace elements. It is best to scoop them from fresh and quality food. In addition, a he althy lifestyle should not be neglected and alcohol and other bad habits should be completely abandoned.
Unfortunately, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels today occupy a leading position in their prevalence. There are many different reasons for this. In this regard, the pharmaceutical market is currently producing many heart drugs that meet the highest requirements for effective treatment.