Chest pain and retention: probable causes, treatment, consultation and observation of a doctor

Chest pain and retention: probable causes, treatment, consultation and observation of a doctor
Chest pain and retention: probable causes, treatment, consultation and observation of a doctor

Almost all women before menstruation feel pain in the area of the mammary glands. This phenomenon is not a pathology, since hormonal changes occur in the body. However, if changes occur in the menstrual cycle, and all this is accompanied by soreness and swelling of the mammary glands, then this may indicate the presence of a pathology. Of course, most often such phenomena both arise and pass by themselves. However, they can still indicate the presence of very dangerous diseases. In this article, we will talk about what are the reasons that the delay has begun and the chest hurts, and we will also learn how to control this condition and how to treat it. Carefully read the information provided in order to protect and arm yourself as much as possible.

What are female hormones

This condition, in which there was a delay in menstruation and sore breasts, can occur for many reasons, and usually all of themassociated with hormonal changes in the body of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity. As you know, the entire menstrual cycle is accompanied by the production of certain hormones that are produced in the pituitary gland. And the work of the reproductive hormonal system of a woman will depend on the presence of these hormones.

calendar numbers
calendar numbers

As you know, female hormones such as prolactin, estrogen and progesterone are considered. If they are in the right ratio, then the woman feels great and does not notice strong changes during the PMS period, as well as during the menstruation itself. However, if these hormones are out of balance, then the appearance of the girl and her he alth deteriorate significantly.

For what physiological reasons can delay and hurt the chest

Such a phenomenon can occur both in the presence of physiological causes and pathological ones. Most often, this can be observed provided that the woman has a pregnancy. In this case, the hormonal balance is disturbed, as the fairer sex is preparing to become a mother. However, pregnancy is not the only reason why breasts may be delayed and sore.

sore chest
sore chest

There are a large number of physiological reasons for the imbalance of female sex hormones, namely:

  • During acclimatization. When the climate changes, the whole body needs to rebuild, including the hormonal system.
  • The cycle may be disrupted after stopping the use of oral contraceptives or duringuse of other medicines.
  • Also, hormonal disruptions can occur due to sudden weight gain or too rapid weight loss.
  • Many women are frightened when there is a delay in menstruation and sore breasts. This phenomenon can occur when the body is under stress or has experienced serious physical exertion.

Pathological causes

However, please note that there may be a delay in menstruation and chest pain and in the presence of more serious and dangerous reasons. There are quite serious pathologies that are the cause of hormonal imbalance in the female body. Consider these reasons:

  • presence of various oncological diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • also the cause may be hiding in the presence of polycystic ovaries.
beautiful girl
beautiful girl

Please note, if there is a delay in menstruation, chest and stomach pains, and such symptoms are repeated every month, then this suggests that you need to seriously think about your he alth and consult a gynecologist. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can expect to recover.


Most often, when the chest, lower abdomen and delay hurt, this indicates that the woman is pregnant. Usually, such symptoms indicate that the fertilization of the egg has occurred. In the body of the expectant mother, a serious hormonalperestroika. Significantly increases the amount of hormones responsible for the construction of the placenta, inhibition of ovulation, and other processes. Since the level of hormones is subject to changes, a delay occurs, the stomach pulls and the chest hurts.

Determination of pregnancy

Today, determining the presence or absence of pregnancy is very simple. This can be done using a special test, which in most cases shows correct results from the very first days after conception. Sometimes such a test can be wrong, so if you notice a delay, it is best to contact your gynecologist for a comprehensive examination.

And if, nevertheless, the test showed a negative result

If the stomach pulls, the chest hurts and the delay, then the onset of pregnancy is not always the reason for this. There are also many other factors. Let's take a closer look at each of them, and also find out how to eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon in a particular case.

hormonal pills
hormonal pills

The presence of a stress factor, as well as the influence of excessive physical exertion.

If a woman is under stress, then her body produces a large amount of stress hormones, but the endorphins responsible for a good mood are much less. In this case, there is a hormonal imbalance, which leads to the fact that there is a delay in menstruation, the chest and stomach hurt. In order to restore it, you will have to pay attention to your psychological he alth. Get treatment if neededantidepressants and be sure to seek help from a specialist.

Of course, every woman should exercise to maintain beauty and good he alth. However, excessive exercise can be detrimental to he alth and disrupt hormonal balance. In order to establish a cycle, you will have to reduce the level of physical activity, and after a couple of months you will notice positive changes.

Sudden changes in readings on the scales

Please note that sudden fluctuations in weight in any direction are very dangerous for the body. Both a sharp weight loss and a significant weight gain lead to significant changes in metabolic processes, and this directly affects the state of the hormonal system. In addition, a sharp change in weight is often accompanied by stress, depression and other disorders of the nervous system, which makes the situation even worse.

bad feeling
bad feeling

If the chest hurts a lot and the delay is observed due to the fact that the woman has experienced significant weight jumps, then in this case it is very important to normalize the diet. Only in this case, we can hope for positive changes, however, the treatment process will not be as fast as we would like. If necessary, the doctor may also advise the use of hormonal medications.

Using hormonal birth control pills

It is quite common to experience delay, sore breasts and discharge in women using hormonal methods of contraception. This is especially true when cancelinghormonal tablets. As you know, during their use, the natural work of the ovaries is suspended, and after their cancellation, it gradually improves. Therefore, hormonal changes may occur that affect the delay.


Do not forget that chest pain and a delay in menstruation may also be due to the occurrence of mastopathy. This disease is characterized by a rapid increase in connective tissue in the mammary glands.

meditation practice
meditation practice

If there is a delay and prolonged pain in the chest area, be sure to consult a doctor. In order to alleviate your condition, in the presence of this disease, doctors recommend taking medications containing iodine, as well as diuretics. In addition, the doctor will individually select medications for you that will significantly improve your he alth. However, any medication can only be taken after you have passed all the necessary tests and an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Diseases of the reproductive system

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, as well as procedures such as cauterization of erosion and insertion of a spiral, can lead to delay and pain. You can determine the presence of inflammatory processes by measuring body temperature (it becomes high), as well as by pain in the lower abdomen.

Polycystic ovaries is another reason for delayed periods and pain in the lower abdomen. This disease is accompanied by a deterioration in appearancewomen, as well as rapid weight gain. Despite the fact that the pathology is very serious and dangerous, it can be cured. To do this, it is very important to undergo the necessary examinations and choose the right medications. The recovery process is quite long. However, every month the woman's condition begins to improve. She becomes attractive again and her cycle is restored.

Presence of cancer

When a woman has tumors in the genital area or thyroid gland, there is often a delay in menstruation and other hormonal disruptions. At the same time, the nature of menstrual flow and their volume may also change. Keep in mind that the sooner you seek medical help, the more likely you are to be able to continue living a full, normal life.

How to overcome pain

If you are still experiencing a delay, and the chest has stopped hurting, then most likely this indicates the onset of pregnancy. However, do not forget that most often painful sensations signal the presence of rather dangerous pathologies.

Of course, if you have pain in your chest, be sure to consult a gynecologist. To relieve pain at home, you can take painkillers, as well as drugs that can improve blood circulation (No-Shpa, Ketorol, Analgin). However, such procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women.

If the pain occurs occasionally, then there is no serious cause for concern. However, if still painfulsensations in the chest area and a delay in menstruation occur regularly, urgently go to the hospital. After all, eliminating the pain does not mean curing the disease.


Delayed periods and pain in the lower abdomen and chest are clear signs of pregnancy. But this is not always the case. These symptoms can also occur for a number of other reasons. In order to get rid of such an unpleasant condition, it is not enough just to take painkillers, it is very important to eliminate the cause of the phenomenon.


If the delay arose due to the presence of physiological reasons, then in this case it is very important to adjust the diet, correctly alternate the mode of rest and work and understand your psychological state.

But if the causes are pathological, then you cannot do without medical help. In this case, you need to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible and find the best solution.

Don't forget that he alth should always come first for you. Keep track of your cycle, record any changes, and if necessary, do not delay going to the gynecologist.
