"Polydex" (nasal spray). The drug "Polydex": instructions, reviews

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"Polydex" (nasal spray). The drug "Polydex": instructions, reviews
"Polydex" (nasal spray). The drug "Polydex": instructions, reviews

Video: "Polydex" (nasal spray). The drug "Polydex": instructions, reviews

Video: Pelvic inflammatory disease - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology 2025, January

Surely many people have heard of such a drug as "Polydex". This is an effective drug that simultaneously relieves inflammation, constricts blood vessels and eliminates pathogenic microbes. This is a local antibacterial drug, which is a rather serious medication that should be treated only with the consent of a doctor. Today we learn the basic facts about the Polydex medicine: instructions (nasal spray and drops have different indications for use), reviews, rules for taking and much more.

Issue form

The product is produced in two forms:

1. Spray.

2. Ear drops.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes either the first or second form of this drug.

polydex nasal spray
polydex nasal spray


Medication "Polydex" - a nasal spray that can overcome diseases of the nasal cavity, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial andvasoconstrictive action. Due to the presence of an antibiotic in the composition of the drug, it affects a large number of microorganisms that provoke infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of smell and hearing.

Indications for the use of aerosol

Polydex spray with phenylephrine is prescribed by a doctor for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, such as:

- Sinusitis (sinusitis).

- Rhinitis.

- Nasopharyngitis.

polydex spray with phenylephrine
polydex spray with phenylephrine

When to use drops?

The drug "Polydex" in liquid form is prescribed to get rid of such ailments as:

- Otitis externa with intact eardrum.

- Inflammation of the ear canal with infection.

polydex drops
polydex drops

Composition and release form

Polydex drops have the following composition:

- Polymyxin is an antibacterial agent that injects gram-negative microbes.

- Dexamethasone - relieves inflammation, reduces the manifestations of allergic reactions, strengthens the walls of cells and blood vessels.

- Neomycin is an antibiotic that inhibits the development of gram-positive microbes, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, etc.

The composition of the drug with a spray includes the same components, but one more is added - phenylephrine - it constricts blood vessels, enhances the action of adrenaline.

How to apply the spray

The bottle should be held evenly, vertically and, without turning it over, inject the medicine into eachnostril. Adults, as well as adolescents from 15 years old, should make 1 press 3 to 5 times a day.

Children from 3 to 15 years old should do 1 pressure 3 times a day and only under medical supervision. Therefore, the child is hospitalized for the duration of therapy.

Duration of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. After determining the drops in the ear, you should tilt your head to the other side so that the product does not leak out.

polydex spray for children
polydex spray for children

Polydex: instructions

Nasal spray suitable for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis. And to get rid of otitis media, a medicine with the same name should be used, only in a different form of release - in the form of drops.

Drug in liquid form is injected into the ear canal.

Adult patients are prescribed 1 or 5 drops in each ear in the morning and evening for 5-10 days.

Babies should take 1-2 drops twice a day for 6-10 days.

The medicine must first be warmed up a little in the palm of your hand.

Negative manifestations

"Polydex" - a nasal spray that has few side effects, is often well tolerated by patients. However, sometimes patients may experience negative manifestations after treatment with this drug. For example, in some cases, there may be a feeling of dryness in the nose, itching on the skin, urticaria. Systemic side effects occur only under the condition of long-term and uncontrolled treatment, without the necessary recommendations of the doctor. So, a person may experience a headache, tachycardia, pale skin, insomnia.

Pediatricians alwayswarn parents about Polydex spray for children: during therapy with this drug, it is necessary to change the vaccination schedule for your baby. The fact is that this medication can contribute to the spread of infection. From this it is easy to conclude that the schedule for vaccinating a baby at the time of treatment must be changed.

Contraindications for spray

The drug in this release form cannot be prescribed for the following features and problems of the body:

- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

- Viral infections.

- Kidney failure.

- Glaucoma.

- Under 3 years old.

- Pregnancy.

With extreme caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, you can use the drug for people with hypertension, heart disease and hyperthyroidism.

polydex nasal spray instruction
polydex nasal spray instruction

Restrictions on the use of drops

The drug in this form of release is prohibited from prescribing if the patient has the following he alth problems:

- Mycosis of the ears.

- Viral diseases of the organ of hearing.

- Perforation of the eardrum.

- Individual intolerance.

Analogue drops of "Polydex"

Very often, if the pharmacy does not have the drug to which the article is devoted, doctors prescribe another medication, referred to as the drug "Maxitrol". It, like the composition of Polydex ear drops, includes components such as polymyxin, dexamethasone and neomycin. It turns out that in its structure it is an analogue, but the identityonly in composition. But the purpose of the Maxitrol drops is a little different - these are diseases associated with ophthalmology: conjunctivitis, keratitis, scleritis. Therefore, you should be very careful and not self-medicate, and if the pharmacist tries to sell another medicine instead of the drops to which the article is devoted, you should refuse such an offer until the moment when the attending physician does not give the green light to this.

What can replace Polydex spray?

This medication has a similar effect on the body, and its name is the drug "Isofra". What are the similarities between both drugs? Despite the fact that their composition is different, however, both sprays are used as a therapy for sinusitis, rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis. But in no case should you run to the pharmacy and buy Isofra medicine if Polydex is not available. In terms of composition, these are two completely different medicines, therefore, in the absence of the drug to which the article is devoted, you should call or come to an appointment with the doctor and consult with him. A good specialist will recommend a good alternative to the Polydex medicine. Spray, analogues of which must also be purchased as prescribed by the doctor, should be used strictly according to the recommendations of the otolaryngologist, otherwise the situation can only worsen. Therefore, you do not need to take the initiative or follow the advice of relatives and friends, and only one will be the right option - going to the doctor and discussing further treatment with him.

polydex nasal spray price
polydex nasal spray price

Cost of the drug and its analogues

Polydex- nasal spray, the price of which differs depending on which pharmacy you buy it in, can be bought for an average of 300 rubles (15 ml bottle). For comparison: Isofra, which can be prescribed for the same diagnoses, costs an average of 250 rubles for the same amount of medication.

If you take drops of "Polydex", then their cost will fluctuate between 180-200 rubles (the volume of the bottle is 10.5 ml). And the analogue of this drug - the drug "Maxitrol" - can be purchased for an average of 300 rubles. The difference between these two funds is more than 100 rubles.

People's opinions

"Polydex" - a nasal spray, the price of which is quite reasonable, given the diseases that the drug can cure, the reviews deserve mostly positive. As the patients themselves note, the effect after using this remedy comes quite quickly: already after 3-4 days, the green discharge from the nose stops, the person begins to breathe well, headaches disappear.

Many positive responses are left by those people who have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. If earlier, in this case, specialists prescribed an operation - a puncture of the maxillary sinuses, but now the treatment technique has changed. Initially, the otolaryngologist may prescribe the medicine "Polydex" - a nasal spray that can overcome the disease. And even if this medication does not help, then the person lies down on the operating table. But judging by the numerous reviews of patients who were diagnosed with "chronic sinusitis", they did not go so far, and they were limited only to the means"Polydex". Therefore, if now we are interested in those people who were treated with this medication, then all of them will unanimously say that now there can be no talk of any puncture. Such patients are grateful to the manufacturers of this medicine for the fact that now you should not be afraid of sinusitis and the operation associated with it, because it can be avoided by buying Polydex in time.

But, despite the fact that this drug is so praised by many patients, you should not run headlong to the pharmacy for it. After all, this medication is an antibiotic, and besides, it is also a hormonal agent. First, you should go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist, go through all the examinations prescribed by him, and only after the doctor decides to prescribe this medicine, you can safely purchase it. And self-medication is unacceptable, especially when it comes to kids.

Ear drops "Polydex" also deserve a large number of positive reviews. Thanks to them, both adults and children quickly got rid of otitis media, and they did not experience any complications after taking this remedy.

polydex spray analogues
polydex spray analogues

Special recommendations for the treatment of sinusitis

Despite the positive reviews about the drug "Polydex", nasal spray should not be the only method of treating sinusitis and sinusitis, it is not necessary to be limited only to this medication. In any case, at the reception, the doctor, in addition to this remedy, will prescribe additional measures against these ailments. Usually, in parallel with the treatment with the Polydex spray, the specialist prescribes washing the nose with a special solution, either generally sea ortable s alt diluted in a glass of water.

This should be done so that the pus comes out of the nose faster, and thus the infection is eliminated from the body. The specialist also prescribes physiotherapy and diet - only if these points are observed, a person will have a real chance of success in the treatment of such a difficult disease as sinusitis.

In this article, such main points were considered that are worth paying attention to people who decide to be treated with Polydex: instructions, reviews, contraindications, composition and forms of release of the medication. Judging by the numerous reviews that people leave on various forums, this remedy is popular and effective in patients suffering from chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media. Therefore, if the doctor, after receiving the results of the patient's tests, prescribes this medication, then it is better to buy it and be treated so that there are no complications.
